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Messages - FireRonin

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Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Ideas, ideas and Some more ideas
« on: February 01, 2012, 10:31:50 pm »
Ok so I got negative Karma for posting that up there.... O.e... why?

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Ideas, ideas and Some more ideas
« on: January 31, 2012, 02:42:52 pm »
These are awesome Ideas Red! Only there are a couple i wouldnt want in game XD. I dont like the idea of chat bubbles LOL They annoyed me sooooo bad in IT. Also I hated the Alt option for making your head snap to the front. THOUGH i do understand how that could help with movie making. BUt I like the way we are able to look around and Make our heads freeze while looking at someone.

I would love to see more official maps in game. with more creativity. :)

OK im seeing alot of rudeness when people are responding to each other O.e. Anywho-
Quit whining about the game having issues right now. So many people are/were trying to get on all at once, it more than likely overwhelmed the servers. Its pretty obvious and some of us FH users should grow up just a bit eh?

I truly do appreciate all of the hard work that the Mods put in.  I hope everyone in this community acts mature when they return to the game. remember, this could happen again, and possibly longer if people dont listen!

Wow. 116 pages. there is only 2 more days until the server is back online.  Do you guys really need to post like ONE word, or post a whole sentence of Whoohoo or hahahaha?

On another note: Im waiting patiently for the servers to be back up, cant wait to get my pack back together. This break from FH has caused some of my pack members to become inactive on our site. :/ not to thrilled about it. BUT at least some of the trolls will hopefully be taken out of the equation. :)

Yes, well.. Thats over with and Hopefully She has matured beyond that. O.o not sure why she hated us so much XD anyways.  I appreciate the thought!

Im sure he means In game- since that is where the problem is occurring most? Im assuming anyways. But nice job Raz. The update makes perfect sense. I totally agree with people not using the block button.

Like the above says, just go to our site, go to the New members page and enter your info at the bottom of the page in the discussion box.

I agree. I mean, that IS why the block button is there. We have all been guilty of not blocking someone when they annoy us. Why that is, Ill never know, BUT It should be used. If someone is trying to buttswing on top of you. WOW block em.. Easy enough. No need for parents to write in saying anything. FH has covered that...with a magical button.

Wonderful! You can always fill out a thread on our site so that we know that you are seriously interested!

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