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News Archives / Re: September News - 2/9
« on: September 11, 2011, 06:46:03 pm »
Thy a ton for the updates, and a big thanks to kov for giving us wings and hunting, I'm not sure he was struck on the idea though so even bigger thank you :D

Screenshots / Re: Our Tributes To 9/11
« on: September 11, 2011, 06:42:25 pm »
Awww it's such a nice thought -gives karma-

Screenshots / Password's Screenies
« on: September 11, 2011, 01:38:01 pm »
Hai everybody, so I finally got round to posting some screen shots, I hope to post more in the future too.  Please enjoy xx

I was in a butt swing line but, I was the only one raving   ;D

Proof that we look great from all angels.  :-*

Me and my friend stopped to watch two brothers argueing lol  :)

Awesome screenie of my brother Unorthodox  :D

Biggest to smallest  :-\

Jump jump jump  ::)

When Password was fat  :-X

When Password lost weight  ;D

My friend Jag

Me and my friend Lux.... Holding paws  ::)

Cos you had a bad day  :'(

Everybody holding paws  :D

Private party, no fools allowed joke  ;D

Apparently two paws and a name tag make a face  :)

Sorry wut you say?...  :P

The best side of Feral Heart  ;D

Feral Heart dentist now has a sculpture  ;)

Holding paws AGAIN  ::)

Someones butt in the backround, trolling my dramatic slow motion head turn towards the camera  :P

Thnx for clicking and reading guys, hope you laughed xx love Password

Species / Re: Night Crawlers
« on: September 08, 2011, 05:51:21 pm »
Woah these sound awesome, I was gonna ask if I could make one but u already said in you post so thank you -huggle- -gives karma- :D

Stories / Re: Stranger Pass (Coming Soon)
« on: September 04, 2011, 09:13:26 pm »
Hope you enjoy the advertisment guys, hopefully you will want to read the story when I get round to posting it. xx

Stories / Stranger Pass (Chapter 5 : the sixth spirit)
« on: September 04, 2011, 09:12:27 pm »
There is an old legend about three brothers, day by day they would travel into the weeping forest but, they would NEVER cross Gold Bodies Stream.  One day the brothers where feeling daring and decided to cross the stream, they ventured deep into the forest, there was a strange wailing noise then a gleaming light.

They were greeted by a spirit, it trotted on all fours and stood majestic and proud.  It was the spirit of a wolf.  It spoke to the brothers in a smooth silky voice, it warned that if they went on further into the forest, they would be coaxed to follow a path by 9 other spirits, but no matter what the spirits promised they must not follow.....

I am the story teller, I send the warnings..... I am the first spirit..... This is not a fairy tale......

Coming Soon....

Update 1.

Chapter 1 : The first spirit

There is an old legend about three brothers, day by day they would travel into the weeping forest but, they would NEVER cross Gold Bodies Stream.  One day the brothers where feeling daring and decided to cross the stream, they ventured deep into the forest, there was a strange wailing noise then a gleaming light.

They were greeted by a spirit, it trotted on all fours and stood majestic and proud.  It was the spirit of a wolf.  It spoke to the brothers in a smooth silky voice, it warned that if they went on further into the forest, they would be coaxed to follow a path by 9 other spirits, but no matter what the spirits promised they must not follow.....

The first brother was the bravest and the strongest, he just laughed and went on his way, waving his hand through the spirit leaving nothing but a magical spread of golden particles. The second brother was adventurous but not as brave as his bigger brother, yet his curiosity drove him on further into the darkness with nothing but his brothers to guide him. The last brother was cunning and calm, he showed no expression as he wondered through the forest.

Chapter two : The second and third spirits

Just as the brothers passed a large oak tree they reached an old dusty broken down cottage, there was a beautiful noise coming from behind one of the brick walls, a singing sound. The brothers were drove closer by the exquisite, unique sound. Just as predicted by the first spirit there was more spirits, this time there was two majestic ghosts. They were beautiful spirits this time they appeared to be the form of a human, two naked women in the flesh. The spirits tossed and flicked their silky hair revealing two pointed wolf ears, they then swished a fluffy material behind them, it trailed along the floor and then attached to the womens hind end..... A wolf tail.

The brothers enchanted by the two beautiful girls, they approached the two slowly. That is when the spirits spoke in a voice only heaven could make,

"we are assuming you have been warned of us" one of the spirits giggled, the first brother stood tall bring his whitening smile, he spoke to the spirits.

"We have been warned, but what harm could a beautiful fair maiden such as your self bring to us?" The spirits lowered their heads slightly and slowly flicked their ears. One of the stunning orbs spoke to the first brother.

"If you carry on through the forest to the next spirit, I promise you my hand in marrige." Without a second thought the first brother sprinted on through the forest leaving his two brothers hanging behind. The two younger brothers were slightly weary, they looked at each other. This time the look on the third brothers face was filled with fear....

Chapter 3 : The fourth and fith spirits

The brothers stopped at a small stream, the water was calm and still until a small glowing orb gently rippled the surface. The brothers glared at the strange glow orb and it hovered just over the top of the water then split into two, one glow orb now became two. The orbs began to take form, they were two strange pups, both identical.

The spirits had a strange playful nature as they pounced around leaving a small luminous mist behind them. Their tiny paws didn't make a sound as they gently padded down onto the soft leaves. The spirits mimiked each other, copying every exact move, every heart beat and every breath.... Cute little giggles escaped the mouthes of the twins as they began to circle the three brothers. They then sat down on the opposite side of the stream still allowing quiet giggles to escape their mouths.

"Hello" both spirits said in the same tone of voice as they usually did.

"We are the twin spirits.... guardians of the mystical forest." The first brother laughed deep and hard

"Hah you two, guardians, unlikely. Your enemies could surely crush you within a second." The spirits just carried on with their taunting giggle as their voices passed the third brothers ear. It was a clear whisper that slurd off with a deep sigh at the end of the sentence.

"Carry on through the forest and you shall have all the riches you have only ever dreampt of...." The third brother widened his eyes and grabbed the arms of his two brothers and began sprinting towards the twin spirits. He ran right through them causing them to evaporate into nothing but a thick fog. The first brother laughed, he found it humerous to finally see his brother so eager and so brave. However the second brother was still very worried and was close to wanting to allow himself to have a panic attack....

Chapter 4 : The Sixth Spirit
As the brothers ventured through the deep forest the atmosphere changed, as though everyone in the area had suddenly become depressed. All three brothers stopped in their tracks and looked around out to the never ending darkness, they were lost. A bright light loomed through the labrinth of trees, twisting and curving the large orb formed into a more familiar shape. It was no strange figure, it was the spirit of the brothers passed father....

The spirit took long, painful strides towards the brother, the spirits head was limp and lolling to one side. The spirit appeard to be dragging himself along the floor taking agonizing screeches. With a piercing voice the spirit spoke to the third brother.

"Son.... I-if you go on through the forest I have been promised freedom...."

"Freedom from who?" the brother replied voice cold and shakey.

"from the devil....." The father spirit pleaded before sinking into the ground leaving nothing behind but a disturbing moan. The third brother found tears pouring down his cheeks as all three brothers trudged on through the nightmare.

Chapter 5 : The seventh spirit

 [Adding Soon]

Site/Forum Help / Re: Help Changing Name (Password)
« on: September 04, 2011, 08:54:26 pm »
aha thank you ppl ^-^ I think I have fixed the problem now :D -huggle- I owe you one

Site/Forum Help / Help Changing Name (Password)
« on: September 03, 2011, 11:03:19 pm »
Okay so nobody is perfect...  ::)

So I need a little help with changing my name, not my user name like my name name.  I go to user details and change my name there but when I go to post something my name hasn't changed  :'( thnx everyone xx love Password

Member Bio & Journals / Re: Bonannos epicaly uber awesomeistic bio 8D
« on: September 02, 2011, 09:00:41 pm »
Lol Bonannos you forgot about me D:

Art Gallery / Re: Some of mah artz~
« on: August 19, 2011, 04:50:52 pm »
This art work is amazing.. Wish I could draw like that X3 great job wolffox -gives karma-

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