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Messages - Nyla

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In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement /
« on: January 17, 2011, 02:27:36 pm »
You guys let it fall into the second page! Poor thread. Iss okay, I still love you. <3

News Archives / Re: Stolen Art (IMPORTANT)
« on: January 16, 2011, 08:18:49 pm »
@Aroxy; As an artist myself, I feel it is my duty to correct you. It is not 'so rediculous'. It's justice. In real life, it is literally ILLEIGAL to take someone's work and claim it as your own. You can be sued, fined, and/or put in prison. It's called plagiarism, and it's a real issue, especially on the internet. So if you find this over the top, I would say you need to step back and just be glad that no one is stealing YOUR artwork. Yet.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement /
« on: January 15, 2011, 08:14:41 pm »
*Flarghs obsessively* Naaaajuuuuu 8D


It's weird. It'll LET me take a screenshot... It just comes out black. I think it has something to do with fullscreen. It's annoying.

-PrintScreen Fail-
Name; Lianna
Username; Nyla
Rank; Nanny
Gender; Female
Personality; Quiet, reserved, and friendly. She has more or less gotten over her shyness, and is happy to talk with anyone. Too old to be useful with hunting or fighting, she's happy to spend her time taking care of the pride's cubs.
Activity; I'm on nearly every day :3

-PrintScreen Fail-
Name; Danakei
Username; Nyla
Rank; Warrior
Gender; Male
Personality; Gentle, laid back, and friendly, he seems to have trouble taking things seriously. His rank however, tells another story. He will defend his pride at all costs, and will never leave an injured comrade.
Activity; I'm on nearly every day :3

Hmm? I thought you said you'd move Voodoo to Arokai, Roxy.

But this is cool too. XD

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