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Messages - ShimmerMoonStar

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Name(*): Shade
Gender(*): Female
Breed(*): Merosakkan
Pack(*): Pack of Dark
Rank(*): Scout
History: Her mom, being in labor slipped into the night to give birth to her tainted pups. She had a litter of four, though two of them were grey and one was an odd color of black and white. However, one of them was black with no trace of white at all. Shade's mom knew she would never be excepted back into the pack, or if she would, it would be a low rank of omega. She didn't want that future for her pups. She sighed, and to save at least one of them, took the black pup and abandoned the rest on the border of the territory where no one would find them... Well at least where she thought no one would. She came back to the camp with her one pup which she named Shade, for the tainted shadow of guilt that lay in her heart. Shade was raised properly in the pack, never being suspected as anything but a Gelap, though the day she began to use her powers, she knew she was different. She had light powers and her mom finally told her the truth. Shade was devastated, her whole life a lie. Though she knew the truth, she continued to stay in the pack, abandoning her ties with her mom and hiding her powers. One day, while investigating, she found her dad who simply loves using her to spy on the Gelaps, though she doesn't know it. She continues to tell him information that could end up potentially hurting the Pack of Dark.
Personality: She's an extremely outgoing wolf, though most of the time she's sitting in thought, feeling lost about her origins. Though, she tries to forget that and leave it all in the past.
Powers if any(*):
Description(Picture may be included)(*): She's a completely black wolf with amber eyes. Her fur is sleek and her body small. She made an excellent scout due to her swiftness and size.

Her eyes conveyed shocked surprise which only lasted for a second before suspicion hit her. She knew he was familiar and now she remembered after he reminded her. So the omega lived... She was surprised by that but at the same time was also not. "Of course I remember you... it's just been awhile... What exactly are you doing here anyway?" Again her eyes narrowed. Unlike the others, she didn't blame Scutt for her fathers death, though she was never exactly friendly either.

OOC: x3 don't worry about it. It happens lol.

She scoffed, still holding in her calmness and turned a more curious gaze towards him, "Former pack? Who exactly are you anyway? You do seem a bit familiar..." She flicked her ears and her tail twitched as she gazed at him.

(OOC: NP! ^3^)

She continued to walk, her head in the clouds. Stupid... Why does he keep coming back? I kicked him out and he should respect that... Her ears suddenly perked and shoved forward at the site of the brute padding and talking from a large boulder and she simply narrowed her eyes and stopped, standing still. Surprisingly, she let him continue to talk without stopping him, though she was looking at him as if some great nuisance. There was something oddly familiar about this wolf, and she was trying to picture where she last saw him, but the thought never occurred that he used to be the omega of her pack before her dad had been killed. She stood more tense as she replied, "Are you some sort of spy or something? You have no right to question what I do because my motives are unclear to you." She flicked her tail, "Since you're only stating stuff that I already know, you can leave. This is the territory of the Pack of Darkness, and it's clear you have no right to be here." Her eyes narrowed icily at him, and her tail raised stiffly. 

OOC: She's such a meaner lol. Ebony take a chill pill, even if you are leader!
Her: Never!!

(Accepted! And you're form was entertaining and funny x3 Especially with the quotes by Scutt. You can jump in by the way! :D)

Ebony followed, ears shoved forward dominantly as she continued to walk onward through the forest, the dark male a paw step in front of her. As they continued, the scent began to seem familiar and with a sick feeling in her stomach, she realized who it was. That stupid mutt is back... great... She narrowed her eyes as the grey wolf came in contact and she growled, "What do you want? You're not allowed here anymore so get out!" She was furious, and her voice was no better as she addressed him. The grey wolf simply smirked, "Ebony my dear, I just came to say hi since I was in the neighborhood..." That twisted smirk on his face made the tips of Ebony's ears hot and she was about to snap at him but the wolf she accompanied there stared at her, head tilting. She sighed, trying to regain her cool and glared at the grey wolf, "Ash... you're not welcomed. Go now before I send out wolves to make sure you leave. We have nothing to discuss." Her voice had grew cold and she turned around, walking back. She gazed at her black follower and flicked her tail, "Make sure he leaves, howl if you need anything." The black male nodded and turned back as she continued to go forward.

(Accepted! Sorry, I thought no one was replying to this thread and I ignored it. Glad I checked it today lol and also, I forgot to add a part to the forum, which was which pack if any.)
Also, my pic was deleted and won't show for some odd reason:

The sun was still below in the sky, still in the afternoon. It was a nice day outside, a gentle breeze brushing through the trees. The black leaders head rested against her paws and her tail swayed against the ground. Her ears perked suddenly, her eyes narrowed on a wolf approaching her. She got into a sitting position, lifting herself up and sat straight. The wolf walked closer and bowed his head in respect, "Alpha Ebony... We have a bit of a problem... you see, we have an intruder that refuses to leave without speaking to you..." Ebony bared her teeth in annoyance, not liking this one bit. She hated these stubborn rogues who kept persisting to speak with her but she simply got up and stared at the wolf, "Lead me to this loner." The wolf nodded and turned, walking off back the way he had came. Ebony followed after closely, keeping stride with him.

Forum Discussion / Re: Ignoring other Forum Posts/Threads?
« on: September 18, 2013, 10:11:00 pm »
I was just thinking about this too Dun. I'm glad it was brought to attention, because the same with roleplays have happened to me. It took me 2 hours to come up with one idea because I thought it would be a nice rp to bring to fh, and many viewed but didn't replied. The next one I did was about wolves since many like wolves, and the same thing happened. I'll probably end up deleting them, but it was still very disappointing. I understand the whole preference thing or the time, but I'm pretty sure its also laziness.

Maybe lots of people are just becoming lazy... to lazy to respond. Or possibly saving up their creativity for a different thread. I don't know and I probably never will.

Form(* means it has to be filled out. Mandatory):
Name(*): Ebony
Gender(*): Female
Breed(*): Gelap
Rank(*): Leader. Alpha female
History: Ever since her dad has died in battle by a Cahaya wolf, she sought to be the best she could be and seek vengeance on her enemy pack. She loved her dad dearly, and after he had died she took his place since she was beta. Her mom was always a mystery to her and she never knew her. Many suspect her to be half breed, but they know better then to say aloud because Ebony does not take insults about her origins nicely. Her origins are even more strange due to the fact that her father brought her back one day, alone. She was the only pup, when usually there were about four in a litter.
Personality: She's grown quiet over the years, but is a very determined and fierce leader in battle. She isn't exactly a social butterfly, but will interact with the pack when necessary and needed, though it isn't one of her strong points.
Description(Picture may be included)(*):

For centuries, there had been wolves that lived in the ancient forest of Kehidupan. Most of wolves were incredibly special and had unique talents, although there were those who were normal wolves. The wolves with these talents either had a light or a dark spirit. The light spirit wolves were known as Cahaya's and usually had white colored fur. They were known for their peacefulness and laid back and calm moods. The dark spirit wolves were known as Gelap's and usually had darker fur. They were known for their fierceness in battle and their great determination. The Gelap's and Cahaya's always used their powers to help one another, and they became one, like Yin and Yang. They would always help each other out and remain in sync. Those were the peaceful days... Soon after their many years of friendship and peace, mysterious fights between the two breeds broke out. No one knew why they started, but they did and it couldn't be helped. Finally, after much prey lost because of their disputes and injuries gained, the leader of the Cahaya's and leader of the Gelap's decided that they had had enough. They each took their wolves and split the giant clan apart, each going a different direction. Neither clan left Kehidupan, and instead, established a territory that would hopefully suit each wolf and their needs. The Gelap's always found it unfair that their territory was less prey laden then the Cahaya clan. Because of this, territory disputes were breaking out and more battles as well. Even the clan leaders were beginning to hate the other, barely remembering the good times each used to have.

Many generations have passed since then and all of this had become nothing more then ancient myths and rumors because most believe that their clans had hated the other to begin with. The Cahaya clan had set their name as the Pack of Light, while the Gelap clan became the Pack of Dark.

High Ranks(Must be earned, but you can start out as one if asked.):

Other Ranks:

Pack of Light(Cahaya's):
These wolves have the power to run at the speed of light and cast blinding attacks.(Using specific powers are allowed, such as energy balls, light rays, etc.) Their fur may glow white when fighting. But be warned, their powers die down along with the setting sun. These wolves fear the dark and what lurks in the shadows, but they're not afraid to back down. They would rather solve issues with words and not violence but they will fight if needed.

Pack of Dark(Gelap's):
These wolves have the power to disappear in the night, and hide themselves in shadows. (Using specific powers are allowed, like shadow balls, dark rays, etc.)They like to surprise their enemy by using this tactic and are often night hunters. They try not to fear the light and its harsh rays, but they lose power when the sun rises and some of their techniques are incredibly weak during this time. They believe that fighting is the best solution to anything and won't hesitate to jump into battle.

Pack of Light:

These wolves have open skies where sunshine breaks through the trees. They have the northern part of Kehidupan where it's plentiful in prey.

Pack of Dark:

These wolves prefer the protection of trees where there are plenty of shadows to lurk in. They take up the southern part of Kehidupan where it is more boggy and less prey, although there has always been enough to go around.

Other info:
There are pack laws that some decide to break, especially when it comes to friendship and mates. Sometimes a Gelap and Cahaya will fall in love and have pups. These pups(If none of them came out like their parents) are known as Merosakkan's, which meant tainted. These pups would sometimes(which was rare) have both their mom and dads power and feared neither light nor dark. They usually had a grey pelt or sometimes it would give them the pelt of both colors. Sometimes because of this mixed breeding, rare wolves were created where the wolf would resemble a Cahaya wolf, but have dark powers or resemble a Gelap wolf but have light powers. Many combos were made and depending on the leader of the pack, were sometimes accepted but treated as omegas, along with their parents.
Many would become loners or rogues and would be banished from the territories, so this law breaking was done in secret most of the time.

There are also normal wolves that are accepted into pack life because they would be a great asset since they don't share the normal weaknesses of the Gelap and Cahaya wolves.

If a Cahaya or Gelap were to have pups with a normal wolf, then they're pups may turn out either normal or sometimes the special breed with powers, although they're powers would be more dim. This was more commonly accepted and wasn't much a great deal as a Cahaya and Gelap being mates.

One liners are accepted, but try to be descriptive if you can.
Don't get lovey dovey in the rp, although some extent of romance can be allowed, just nothing graphic.
No one can have extraordinary powers that are "oh so great" Everyone has flaws.
No powerplaying.
Remember to have fun.


Form(* means it has to be filled out. Mandatory):
Powers if any(*):
Description(Picture may be included)(*):

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