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Messages - BlueKinTsukiko

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15] 16
Game Help / Re: FH Not logging on):
« on: January 08, 2012, 05:57:43 am »
Dont worry Megan, It'll restart :D Plus go to the plains in general and Red will prolly answer any questions you got about this

Game Help / Re: FH Not logging on):
« on: January 08, 2012, 05:56:16 am »
Unless it says # of players online, it isnt online, cause some people havent left so the server can restart, hope that answers your question

Game Help / Re: FH Not logging on):
« on: January 08, 2012, 05:54:11 am »
Well guys it is a free game, and it takes thousands just to have a server. Im just happy we have it, and the problems are being worked on. It'll take a while cause there isnt donations going to fh, except maybe through devinart but It will be fixed one day. Hopefully Red isnt pulling out his hair right now trying to get the server restarted x-x alot of stress with that job lol

Game Help / Re: FH Not logging on):
« on: January 08, 2012, 05:50:03 am »
Its most likely a server restart guys, not a crash, its to get rid of the bugs cause their updating, there has been a dozen more bugs that were added recently and their just working hard on trying to get the server up. If its a crash red will restart it shortly So no worries :] Btw, the website in the top right corner says game server is online, unless it shows members playing, it isnt on, Hope this helps

Game Help / Re: FeralHeart is PMSing X.x
« on: January 08, 2012, 05:46:10 am »
Well, Part of it is the fact that fh is free, so we don't give money for server updates, so it has to be done by the person who is putting the money into the server, who most likely might work at a coffee house or something(We don't know), and it takes THOUSANDS of dollars just to have a server. I wish we could donate money to help but no donations page is made for fh. Also its because these people are working on updates, so whenever this happens, they have to restart the server. So it gets rid of the bugs. Red is working hard, So is Kovu and everyone else. I hope this clears up any questions, if not, I can explain further.

Game Help / Re: Feral Heart is having mood swings for me right now -.-"
« on: January 08, 2012, 05:40:56 am »
Part of the reason, is cause it takes up so much money for the server just to be up, and its a free game, no money to help or nothing. I wish fh had a donations section, so people can donate money to help get the server fixed x.x For the whole meshes part and the meshes package not working, and crashing your game, is it a different type of file name like .rar or something instead of mesh or material, What did you download it with exactly?

Game Help / Re: FH For Mac Not Logging In
« on: January 08, 2012, 05:34:46 am »
It means you go to the Official downloads part on the feral hearts website, and download a patch for the Mac FH ONLY! After that, you run it, its fairly simple, if you need instructions on it, then after you download it a little box pops up, double click the patch that was downloaded and it should download to your game, dont have Fh open as you do this btw. Then you should be able to play, hope this helps.

Maybe you should try editing your password then, It may fix the problem, If not, I recommend deleting the files, Copy and paste any maps or presents or meshes of objects if you have any in a folder, Then re download the installer, and use that one. It may help alot, then you can copy and paste the stuff back :] Hope this helps

Game Help / Re: I Tried exporting my Map, then crashed and cant get on
« on: January 05, 2012, 06:44:08 am »
Its okay, I figured I'll just wait till the exporting maps stop crashing the games, cause this is the third time  i uninstalled then reinstalled. So i'm just gonna wait till maybe they improve it. And I tried what red said, sadly I didnt add any particles or have those names in the particle file

« on: January 04, 2012, 04:43:22 am »
Hey, I looked through 5 pages of the exporting map problem, and so far, I have the same thing except it wont let me back on. The solutions dont seem to work etheir. Idk if its cause when I put in the meshes from files I downloaded into the object maker and put them in files like Default or Miscellaneous or whatever, but after I tried exporting(After I saved) I exited out. And looked for the file, it wasn't there. Then When I tried getting back in, FH crashes at the black screen, after it loads the first one. Idk whats going on but I seriously need help, and I also dont wanna download and reinstall again, its a pain in the butt.

If you help or have any advice or questions I will be thankful to answer and take it, Thanks!

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