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Messages - duna the killer

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Introduction / Re: Greetings!
« on: March 31, 2013, 11:26:43 am »
Welcome to the Forums,Zareem.I am Duna and I hope you have fun in the game! :)

Best Wishes,

Game Discussion / Re: Jenna The PupKiller
« on: March 31, 2013, 11:19:27 am »
So one day I was being a pup, minding my own business when this little pup comes up and says "Wen we grow up do u wnna be mi mate?" I didn't respond and moved away a little and she repeated the same thing to me. I finally said "Sorry, No and I'm not currently looking for a mate right now" She raged quit and a few minutes later a wolf name "JENNA F PUPKILLER" comes up to me and says "kills pup and eats" And I was like "Cannibal"                                                                          So, I blocked her. 
She was just desperate xD,and this might be the ultimate reason people make pup or cub killers,because they rejected to be someones future mate/become somebody's pup. ::) I mean there is much more to just having a mate in Feralheart.She should have just accepted it and moved on >_>

Finally a topic like this
<Fossilpaw (me)M> He tackles Wolfstar and attempts to bite his upper leg.
<Wolfstar M> He throws off Blossompaw (nn) and whacks Fossilpaw up the head.
<Lifeblood (my clanmate)> She hisses at Wolfstar and rams him onto his side,then bites his throat.
<Wolfstar M> PP!
<Fossilpaw> Thats not powerplaying she is big enough to ram you over ya know))
<Wolfstar> He bites Life's throat and tears windpipe nn
<Blossompaw (my friend)> dude stop powerplaying))
<Deathstar F> She rushes in and bites Wolfstar's neck,clamping down has hard as she could
<Wolfstar M> He turns and claws Deathstar's eyes out!!
So Blossom,Fossil,Life,and Deathy kept fighting wolfstar,but he ignored our attacks and when we told him he was ignoring our attacks listen to his exuse
<Wolfstar M> Chat goes by too fast
I guess it went by a little fast,since we were in a battle.But he could have made his chat box bigger and at least respond to our attacks.Also he was a map claimer,he kept telling us to get out of his camp when we were attacking him.AND he kept posting this 'Yowls in victory' when we were fighting him.He didn't even win,but everyone claimed he was doing it for attention....and we all sort of agreed that he wasn't even 13 yet.Plus I am just asking this but do you think a venomous wolf is powerplaying?Just asking,thanks.   :)

Game Discussion / Re: Evil Clans? What?
« on: March 31, 2013, 10:53:49 am »
I sort of like evil clans,I know they will attack clans and stuff,but I don't think it's fair to actually take kits.One of my characters used to be in the Shatteredclan but we left when APPRENTICES were going to steal kits.Yesterday there was a huge battle (I forgot how it started,something between deathstar and blazestar),it lasted at least 30 minutes in real life.And everyone kept calling allies,but in the end Deathstar and Shatteredclan won :|.

Game Help / Re: Bannnnned
« on: March 29, 2013, 12:09:46 pm »
I was also the ban glitch's target,banned for four months.At first I thought I did something wrong XD,Well can one of you mods or admins unban us (if you can) so we can at least get back into the game?


Member Bio & Journals /
« on: March 29, 2013, 10:44:59 am »
I am guessing duna the killer. If it's a wrong guess I apparently still know you so... Hai! :D
Ye right XD I like your bio,and I am glad to be your BFF in game X3

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Moar islands in bonfire?
« on: March 29, 2013, 10:14:31 am »
I like the idea of having more islands,And I have an idea for one,The Family Island!It can have the mate center and adoption center.That way people don't have to worry about a mate center just barging in and flooding the chat with caps.Also there should be a lion king island,which has a cliff and some caves.So now everyone can enjoy hanging in the caves or on the cliff.And I bet by just adding those two maps to Bonfire,the chat would slow and we would expeirence less lag.But I do understand that it would take modifying and some work to get it done.But these were just my ideas and I hope you enjoy them and agree with them!

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: A More Survival based game
« on: March 29, 2013, 09:54:51 am »
I'd like to have prey,but not just running wild around FH,I would like to have them more into the middle of the map.Plus with prey comes hunger,and if it decreases as quickly as it did in Minecraft rps would have to stop about every 15 minutes just so everyone can go eat.But I would like prey to be added

Game Discussion / Re: Feral Hearts in other languages
« on: March 29, 2013, 09:48:20 am »
Like said,I would like to see some more Spain,German or Portugese people here to have the same fun,but until a FH is realised in that language it really can't but I can speak some Spanish :3

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Greater Flourite Plains population
« on: March 27, 2013, 08:45:06 pm »
I really would like it tp have it that way,but like bouncy and Tigg said it would be laggy and the other maps would have only about 1 or 2 people in them :(.And about 3 months ago a test was run that allowed all public (I don't know about private) maps to hold 300 people.But it proved that it was extremely laggy and barely any typing could be done due to the lag.So the 'test' failed and we brought it down to 160.Though I do like your ideas,we just can't have it due to the lag.:(

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