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Messages - LaughingWolf

Pages: 1 ... 14 15 [16] 17 18 ... 21
Least favorite, in general, is insta-love. There's attraction, okay, but insta-love is BS. lol. You just don't see someone on the street and go "omg I love you, and will never hurt you and will worship you for the rest of my life, no questions asked".  I know it's sort of a thing, with shifter-series', and I can sort of understand that with them not being entirely human; but even then, the better writers will have conflict there, where it's not insta-love, but a war between their shifter and human parts.

Another would likely be mystery-guy-is-the-one type relationships. Especially those stories told from females' perspective. Just.. so predictable. Ever since seeing that [bleep] in Twilight, every author seems to do that now with highschool age drama stories.

The "arch-nemesis" that isn't much more than a loudmouth or generally a brat, or a mean-girls type trope, is another one I tire of. lol
As for favorites..
I like stories that are well plotted, where you'd have to read the entire series more than once just to catch all the little breadcrumbs and hints that are in the next bit of the story. A good example, IMO, if you're a reader, is Throne of Glass. (Warning though, the later books (i think 5th or 6th) in the series have more adult scenes). It's fun to read back and see what you missed that the author teased but you didn't catch the first time. It also makes you double-think what may happen in the next book, or what that one thing meant back in book 2, or whatever.

For relationships, I prefer the more head-butting or strangers learning eachothers' personalities, weaknesses, and learn to be friends, then more; but not a change of heart over one incident or within the same chapter of writing. lol  [what can I say, I'm picky, and I read a lot]

Forum Discussion / Re: *squints at staff* =v=
« on: March 06, 2018, 04:40:01 am »
Grass is Greener on the Other Side, has been added.

.. e.O   hmmm

Forum Discussion / Re: *squints at staff* =v=
« on: March 05, 2018, 04:37:47 am »
Maybe it was a mistake in the map that wasn't caught until prep began? lol

Forum Discussion / Re: *squints at staff* =v=
« on: March 02, 2018, 11:15:11 pm »
uhhh.. that's a new one.  xDD   and there's only one thing I can think of for it, and even then, it doesn't quite work. e.O  lol

Forum Discussion / Re: *squints at staff* =v=
« on: March 01, 2018, 05:30:02 pm »
There is a hole.. and it's .. somewhere :O  .. i guess. xD

Forum Discussion / Re: *squints at staff* =v=
« on: March 01, 2018, 05:17:45 pm »
Like you guys said: highly unlikely that the source code has been 'found'. lol

Forum Discussion / Re: *squints at staff* =v=
« on: February 28, 2018, 01:44:33 pm »
OR y'all are gonna 'trip' when you see them. xD

Forum Discussion / Re: *squints at staff* =v=
« on: February 27, 2018, 03:17:38 am »
I've only lurked the forums up to this point, so hi (even though I've technically posted on the forums before, but that was my old account). I thought I'd try and speculate about what's to come in this update using the hints they've given us! I put some hints in multiple different contexts, because what can I say, anything could mean anything.

.. wow, you really thought a lot of these through. I wish I could answer what is or isn't; a lot of what you said is at least headed the right way. Not all of it, mind you, but at least a bit of it is. lol (And some of them, I have no bloody clue what they reference. xD )

I can't wait for you guys to see what I do know about, that's all I can say.. and it sucks having to wait! lol

Your post made me go back thru this whole thread though. lol

"Sit For a While: has been added"

Game Help / Re: can't log in ('Play Game" is open!)
« on: February 23, 2018, 07:18:18 pm »
You may want to double check that your browser isn't signing you in as a different username than the game. Sometimes the cache will override your inputs, especially if you save password/username. I had this happen twice for me when trying to sign in with a different username. Ended up that I had to clear my browser cache & sign in again.

Forum Discussion / Re: *squints at staff* =v=
« on: February 23, 2018, 04:40:57 am »
I'm torn between feeling like "this is all jokes trust no one" and "ITS TIME FOR CONSPIRACY THEORIES ABOUT THE NEXT UPDATE"
Same. lol -- and I'm part of the update thing as a map maker, so this crytpicism is making me wonder too. lol

"Make Me Pretty: Has been added"  seems to be the latest one. I can guess, but only with myself because I'm not allowed to share if my guess has to do with the update or not.. but like I said in other posts, some of them are like .. //headtilt// ??  lol

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