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Messages - OnionKnight

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Thanks a ton for the comment! ;o; Appreciate it! Your grammar isn't -that- bad btw. c: I appreciate the good wishes, though!


BC has their medic! HC needs a dep now only. c:

Lolimori has become an ingame moderator! Congratulations!

Ahhh I'm super happy to hear it ;O; <3


Galeclan and Hickoryclan have grown a LOT. Brookclan needs the most members right now. Hickoryclan still needs a deputy. Super happy to see how we've grown so far!

Love this! Another good one is:

Be accepting and courteous to new recruits! It's difficult to join a roleplay and have everyone ignore you, or RP with their already established RP partners. Try to include them, or at least talk to them! New members keep your roleplay running. c:

Member Bio & Journals / Re: That Strange Lurker OnionKnight [Small Bio]
« on: November 11, 2016, 09:45:18 pm »
Ahh thanks all! and yes same! I'd like to specialize in dogs but lowkey want to specialize in reptiles as well. There don't seem to be enough reptile vets around. Gotta show our scaled friends some love too!

Super happy to hear it!

You can:

[1] - Wait to catch a recruiter online. The account is DawnMoretm.
[2] - Join the site and PM an administrator or leader a rps. Admins are purple, leaders are red!

Member Bio & Journals / That Strange Lurker OnionKnight [Small Bio]
« on: November 11, 2016, 09:56:53 am »
Hey everyone! I figure I've been on FH ever since 2012 and I'm only JUST getting started on the forums portion of the game, might as well introduce myself with a small little biography of general information! I'm always willing to make new friends on FH so feel free to comment ;) I don't bite!


Name: Kayleigh
Age: 19
Birthday: July 18
Location: Oregon
Religion: Atheist
Sexuality: Biromantic Asexual
FH Account: CuPcAkEiSyUmMy and OnionKnight are my mains. My other account [long abandoned] is the horribly embarrassing one I created back in 2012; puppy-girl
Pets: oml don't even get me started I could fawn over this fuzzy child all day <3 She's my emotional support animal.

.:Facts and Likes:.

>> I aspire to be either a web designer, interior designer, dog trainer, or veterinary assistant.
>> I'm an anime fan. One Piece, and Magi are two of my absolute all time favorites.
>> I'm currently running a WC roleplay by the name of Revelations *shameless advertiser*
>> My DA is Taco-Cat-Cupcake, feel free to stalk but its not that impressive, I promise ;o;
>> Favorite DA artist -- give em some love <3
>> Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead and Once Upon A Time are the name of my game!
>> Percy Jackson Series, The Mortal Instruments, and Tigers Quest are a few of my favorite book series!
>> Favorite youtubers include PewDiePie, GenerationHollow, Philip DeFranco, and VanossGaming [and all his crew]
>> Most notable FH characters are Aslyna [from New Dawn], Blackstar [OCoTNA], Bumblestar [LoANA], and now Sootstar [Revelations]
>> I'm a memelord, bathed in the waters of our lord and savior Harambe and blessed by Shia LaBeouf's wisdom. //dabs

and much more! ;o; Anyways thanks for listening to me ramble, and I'm happy to be here on the forums now after 5-ish years of playing this game!

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!

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