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Messages - DarkLustyHumor

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I completely agree with you. I'm always trying to tell people to really think about what's important when it comes to arguments. Everyone is different and everyone has different brain waves and experiences in life which effects how they feel and act. It's important to realize this, and when it comes to arguing about things and such, it's important to think if it's really worth it. How does this specific thing effect you? If someone wants to have a character be a certain way, then let them as long as it's not hurting anybody. There's too many issues already in the world to be adding to the drama over stupid things.

Game Discussion / Re: How would you describe FH in one word?
« on: June 21, 2016, 09:22:24 pm »
I would describe Feral Heart as Theatrical. A lot of creativity is used on Feral Heart involving role plays and just hanging out and joking around. A lot of the time you can just have fun watching other people rp or become an actor yourself (join in the rp) and keep the movie/play(Rp) going. It just seems to be very similar to a world of movies and is filled with an interesting cast (members)

Game Help / Re: IPs aren't the same?
« on: June 21, 2016, 08:29:15 pm »
As Hakumi said, it seems the only way to fix this issue is to contact your Internet Service Provider.

Forum Discussion / Re: Chance to change FeralHeart
« on: June 21, 2016, 08:03:11 pm »
Man this is a tough one...hmm..I feel like it would be cool to add player collisions that could be turned off and on. Similar to what I've seen in some impressive title servers. Just for the fun of it, because I think it would be funny to be able to sit on your friend's character without phasing through them. xD

Game Discussion / Re: Some things I noticed
« on: June 21, 2016, 07:57:55 pm »
It might be that they just come on at different times now. (The warrior cat rps) And as far as the recruiters, that has been going on for a while now, I've seen a lot more of them the past two years and it seems to work better than the original way of recruiting.

Game Discussion / Re: Crude, Rude, Or just mean? Or a angel
« on: June 21, 2016, 07:52:53 pm »
Even in a game that's very inappropriate. People call these things offensive humor and that's exactly what it is, offensive, some people might find it funny, however others who have had connections with the types of bad things will be very offended by it. I find it to be a very immature thing to do and humor like that is best left to you and personal family members, not anyone else. I'm sorry you had to witness something of that nature, some people are just inconsiderate and haven't been raised right.

Game Discussion / Re: Dens?
« on: June 19, 2016, 08:47:57 pm »
There are a few dens around that I've found, just do what I do to find things, run around aimlessly until you accidentally run into one xD

Introduction / Re: Hey everyone!
« on: June 17, 2016, 11:19:07 pm »
- Sits On -
Hello there, I may still know you but....HI ^^

I don't remember putting my occupation as now I might have to edit xD but hey x3

Introduction / Hey everyone!
« on: June 17, 2016, 11:04:56 pm »
I have yet to really introduce myself on this site even though I've become more active on the forums. I think it's only fair for me to let you know who I really am because it might clear up some confusion about my actions as well.

Gender: Female

My personality:

My personality is hard to really explain other than I can see things from many points of views and understand why people act the way they act. I'm what I can only say as a rainbow of personality and emotions, one day I can act more like a tomboy while on other days I can act more girly. Or it can change throughout the day, I like to think that I'm something with a bunch of different flavors because of how I act. When I need to be serious, I'm completely serious. Otherwise I enjoy goofing around and having fun, although some of my humor might be considered immature. (Who am I kidding, I can be really immature xD) I can still see things seriously and try to solve problems with a way that's good for everyone. I believe that it's impossible for everyone to be happy with one thing, but if a common ground is found and compromises are made, then I believe that life can be comfortable and fun.

Occupation: I currently am a college student working towards a general studies degree, I've gained knowledge in psychology, biology, history, and I'm able to diagnose an issue with a computer quite often. I'm getting this degree for the experience of being around other people more often and being less of an introvert. I do have a lot of health issues and eventually I plan on going back to college once I find out what I truly want to do with my life and when I'm able to more properly succeed in other skills. (Not that I'm failing in this, I've managed to get A's in most of my courses, really hoping I can keep it up -crosses fingers-)

Hobbies: Reading, drawing, role playing, painting, swimming, video games, making male and female nightcore music

Things I like: (Other than what's in my hobbies) Pokemon, Yugioh (First series), Animals, Anime, some tv shows of different genres, music of a huge variety of genres, hanging with my best friend/sister and the rest of my family

I believe that as long as you're not hurting anyone, including yourself, you can be yourself, no matter how weird it may seem to others. We're all different, we all have different brain waves and we all have our own memories and experiences that make us who we are. Just be yourself! And don't feel threatened if other people don't like what you don't like, it just means that we are all individuals, it's only natural.

Welp, that's everything I can think of to put for now.

-virtually shakes everyone's hands- It's a pleasure to more "officially" meet all of you floofs!


News Archives / Re: Site Oo
« on: June 17, 2016, 10:42:08 pm »
Welp FH is really starting over, a nice refresh. Once everyone gets used to everything I can't wait to see how everything goes down. First the game, then the forums, some people might not like it but personally it makes me feel excited.

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