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Messages - peete

Pages: 1 ... 14 15 [16]
Game Discussion / Re: Favorite Typos?
« on: April 14, 2013, 03:04:08 am »
I misspelled "disk" once and it came out REALLY wrong... (Why does the S have to be so close to the C...)

There are also those moments when you misspell words while typing jokes, and it's instantly not funny. XD

Game Discussion / Mate Centers scare me!!
« on: March 12, 2013, 01:42:26 am »
Okay it's not that I have a problem with Mate Centers, but they can be a total pain if you do something that interrupts them.
About a month ago I was on Bonfire Island when I see this PARTY CENTER wolf dancing around and stuff. Well I joined in and eventually there was a huge group , but the wolves at the Mate Center were upset because we were too close to them and causing lag (Like there wasn't enough already). So then everyone at the PARTY CENTER got into the middle of MC and that's when chaos broke out. Everyone was cussing at us and telling us to move. I left because MATE CENTER started dancing with us and everyone was raging so much... After that I went to South Pole and there was a Yo Mama battle going on. -_-'

So yeah XD Any other weird Mate Center stories?

Game Discussion / Re: The Strangest Clan Names :O
« on: March 12, 2013, 01:25:31 am »
O-o Wow that's a weird Clan name lol

I haven't seen a weird Clan name but I saw someone's cat named Katnisspaw XD

Game Discussion / Re: Your Craziest Character
« on: March 12, 2013, 01:20:49 am »
I'm too lazy to post picture X3 I've made:
-Pointless Button: Everyone was fighting over me and pushing me lol

-RoboCat 3000: Robot that thinks everyone is a reptile

-Foofy: This small blue lion thing that derps everyone....Everyone who has seem my Foofy has said he was cute and tasted like cotton candy XD

Game Discussion / Re: Bizarre Species/Things You See
« on: March 05, 2013, 12:23:30 pm »
Yesterday I was a Pointless Button XD Everyone started fighting over who got to push me first and whatnot XD

Game Discussion / Re: Bizarre Species/Things You See
« on: March 03, 2013, 11:01:57 pm »
I've seen elk meat and"lion food" lying around on Bonfire...they were like red with a skeleton and a bunch of hyenas were hovering over them XD

Introduction / Hellur
« on: January 18, 2013, 08:19:22 pm »
Okay so I've been playing FH ever since it came out...I just never paid much attention to the forums XD
So yeah, Hi. there any way to change my username? Lol I kind of screwed up and put my last name by mistake :/

Okay I'm not getting I apparently can't fix the problem, so I'm gonna have to deal with it ._. great...

You and me white blobs, till death to us part XD

(But really there's no way to fix the problem??)

Okay this happens to me everyday, especially if I'm trying to find a warrior cats role play. I look at a character, and they are this...smooth...super white color. And sometimes all I can see is the manes or eyes. Do they have presets or something? If so, how do I fix the problem?

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