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Messages - Raxoremys

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Finished Maps / My first map network! PUBLIC, please download :D
« on: August 24, 2012, 07:17:12 am »
Just a 5-map network I've been working on for a week or so :3
If you see anything you've made, thanks for making it :D I used a whole lot of stuff, so I can't really remember where it all came from XD but yeah, you're awesome!

Just basic stuff. No claiming as your own, no den or space claiming on any of the maps, and just generally be nice to one another :D Have fun!


(It's in two parts because the whole thing was too big for MediaFire.)

NOTE: The first versions of the download had some maaajor problems, as I soon discovered when half of the music files and water textures were missing when other people downloaded it -_- the links up here now should have everything you need, and the instructions are very clear. So fingers crossed, I hope it actually works this time!

Oh geez, I forgot one of the water textures apparently -_- so here's the link just for that! Follow the readme instructions and everything should finally be fine XD

This network consists of:

World Map - Just the home base with all the portals (Inspired by Kingdom Hearts, which will become pretty obvious from the music :P)

Starsong Wood - A relatively simple forest map, which took way longer than it should have(Hey, cloning 1000 fir trees is pretty hard on the fingers!)

Sharkmaw - A small town situated inside the mouth of a massive shark. Heck yes.

Treacherous Waterway - A map made almost entirely of water, watch out for the ill-tempered sea bass!

Floating Paradise - A map made mostly of floating water-textured platforms with random stuff in/on them. I seriously whipped this one up in like 20 minutes because I needed a 5th map. Sorry for the awfulness >.< (NOTE: I have recently...VERY recently...discovered that the gate to this map has come out in the wrong place -_- you'll need wings to get to any of the platforms anyway, but yeah. Bugger.)

Screenies! :D

World Map:

Starsong Wood:


Treacherous Waterway:

Floating Paradise:

Game Discussion / Re: The most AMUSING powerplayers in all of FH.
« on: August 24, 2012, 05:29:33 am »
This happened in Fluorite today between a random pup and a guy called "your dead meat"(Yes, I commented on the incorrect "your", but he didn't listen.):

your dead meat: walks up to pup and crunches down on her
Pup: O_O
ydm: bites down harder and kills
Pup: D: -runs away-
Me: You can't just walk up to a pup and powerplay kill them yaknow....that's pretty rude...
ydm: hey i killed u, u cant walk away
Me: -_- she didn't agree to rp with you...
ydm: get back here bich(yes, he can't even spell his insults right)

This went on for quite some time, with me and another wolf trying to protect the pup and tell Mr. Meat how much of a jerk he was, while he threw verbal abuse at the pup and kept trying to rp carry her away.

Game Discussion / Re: The most AMUSING powerplayers in all of FH.
« on: August 22, 2012, 07:47:08 am »
I once came across a rather nasty group trying to claim the whole stepping stone thing in Fluorite(not just the cave, the whole thing!). They even went to the extreme lengths of trying to kill a lioness and her cub by pushing them off D: after the lioness tried to protest, one of the wolves said "we killed u and ur poor cub UR DEAD NOW SO U HAVE TO LEAVE". Ugh, they couldn't even spell it right...

Game Discussion / Re: Have you met any strange people lately?
« on: August 21, 2012, 08:26:16 am »
Just found a zombie character, he was going around eating people's brains XD good fun, good fun. Quality time for the whole family!

Game Discussion / Re: *sigh* Really, guys?
« on: August 21, 2012, 07:41:47 am »
Yet more, my loves :D a particularly vicious lot, this time. They were in the stepping stones cave, and immediately reacted to anyone who came in. After a while, they even tried to kick off everyone sitting on the roof :/ it was...depressing. At one point one of them said(and this is the exact quote): "we killed u and ur poor cub" to one of the lionesses sitting there minding her own business D: I even asked them if they had read the rules and they said "Yes, but we're making up our own." Good job. Totally disregarding the official FH rules, getting frustrated over a pointless cause and generally being a big ol' meanie pants? *slow clap*

UPDATE: Ok, I wouldn't normally do this, but this guy has been on the same character all day, still viciously den claiming O_O look out for "smythe". He seems to be an insistently rude person, it's like a hobby to him.

Game Discussion / Re: *sigh* Really, guys?
« on: August 18, 2012, 09:25:32 pm »
GAH! This one really pissed me off. You know the ones. You're just sitting there doing nothing, maybe whispering your friends or F3ing around the map, and then suddenly the whole pack is surrounding you and acting like you're killing their pups or something! And then, like the arrogant bastards they are, they say
"Well you can stay as long as you don't cause trouble, but if you do we'll attack you."
Yeah, like I need YOUR permission to stay in a PUBLIC den.

Oh, this was good XD one of the pack members told the most aggressive claimer to calm down, then the claimer went into a big angsty line of rp, calling the wolf who backed me up a "No good backstabber" XD how cute. And now she's being all sadface.

Please mind the language in your posts, even if they aren't spelled correctly.

Game Discussion / Re: Thoughts On Wolfspeak?
« on: August 16, 2012, 08:35:30 pm »
When I'm in a literate roleplay, I often find myself getting a little flowery with my language(gotta love them adjectives!), but wolfspeak has never entered into my vocabulary. It confuses me to no end! Only yesterday, I got into a spontaneous RP with two wolves in a cave, and when one of them described my character as a "brute", the first thing I thought was that they were implying my character was violent and stupid. I had no idea that they simply meant "male wolf".
It would almost be nice if we just divided 'literate' and 'wolfspeak' into two categories and advertised accordingly, same as we do with literate/non-literate. Since some people like to use it, and it tends to read like an entirely different dialect of English, it seems like a logical solution.
I like this suggestion actually, because then everyone could easily enter into/avoid whichever dialect they want.

Game Discussion / Re: *sigh* Really, guys?
« on: August 14, 2012, 07:36:05 pm »
Oh, and again :P this time, the claimer said they would report us XD for what? NOT claiming the den?

Game Discussion / Re: *sigh* Really, guys?
« on: August 14, 2012, 04:57:54 am »
Yet again, everyone XD
This time my pack and I were peacefully chatting in one corner of the den, when this tiny lil' feline comes up and starts raging at us to leave because it's "His den". I said what I always say, the whole "Public map, nobody owns it" thing, but it didn't help that my packmates played along with him :/ ah well, I tried.

Game Discussion / Re: *sigh* Really, guys?
« on: August 11, 2012, 08:20:48 pm »
Just happened again, but this time it was the "Oh, I'm just trying to protect my pack." This was after I had walked in, not said anything, and lay down in the back of the cave not threatening or attacking anyone XD then after abusing me for a while, that alpha was like "Well, I guess you could join..." Yeah, I reeeeally want to join after that. Dumb fool.

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