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Messages - unnbrellas

Pages: 1 ... 152 153 [154] 155 156
Art Gallery / Re: FeralHeart Memes (Eleven Memes)
« on: June 18, 2013, 03:24:52 am »
Lol these are really funny and so true

Art Gallery / Re: WhiteLightHeart's Art Sturf [Update 5/16/13]
« on: June 18, 2013, 01:42:09 am »
Amazing art! Ive seen alot of these signatures - I hadnt realized they had all been by you! Keep up the great work!

Art Gallery / Re: lilly's look changed a bunch
« on: June 18, 2013, 01:36:59 am »
Its super cute!! I love how in the second one her hairs pulled back like that, and In the 3rd one how it has the heart.

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Signature Request
« on: June 18, 2013, 01:02:06 am »
Hey peeps! :) I need someone to make me a signature. It would be my four characters all together on whatever backround you think looks nice (It can be transparent or anything as long as it looks good). If you think adding something would make it look nice, feel free to - I really have no standards or expectations for this so you have a good deal of choice for this.

My characters:
Winter: Winter is an adult she-wolf. She is very shy and nervous. She is very kind and loving to everyone - especially pups!
Ash: Ash is a loyal and protective she-wolf. She has old scars from when someone tried to kill her pups - sadly they were successful in killing her pups, so nowadays she is depressed and solitary.

Tasha: Tasha is a brave lioness. She is confident and eager to prove herself to her pride. Barely an adult, she isnt the cleverest, relying more on strength than wits.

Nikki: Nikki is a fun-loving and energetic winged lioness. She is eager to explore and have fun. She loves to fly around!

 I put some discriptions of them so hopefully their poses/facial expressions will match. I was thinking along the lines of tasha's head up high, nikki hovering and smiling, Ash sulking or snarling, and winter like blushing or something along the lines of that...

If you think other poses are better suited for the character, do it instead! I dont care, just make it look nice! I only require that their expressions match their personality (ex: no ash being super happy or nikki being depressed) I unstand this will probably take a bit and your busy, so take your time (I will remind you now and then though!)

I can be a little more specific if you'd like, but I really dont care how you do it. I can wait a month or two if necessary.

LOL cool and funny screenies lord!

News Archives / Re: RIP General
« on: June 17, 2013, 11:11:16 pm »
I can see why its gone, but I will miss it. It will be harder to find rps now.

Im a tween (pre-teen). I just asumed all the older people have other things to do...

Forum Discussion / Re: What IS a Floof-O-Meter???
« on: June 17, 2013, 10:38:07 pm »
I have been wondering what it was forever! I can nuzzle people soon if you have to have 25 posts...Floof is fun to say. FLOOF.

Forum Discussion / Re: What Do You Post With?
« on: June 17, 2013, 10:28:30 pm »
I use my kindle cause when im on my laptop im ingame not on the forms

Forum Discussion / Re: Favorite Art Program?
« on: June 17, 2013, 10:13:13 pm »
I use gimp. Its free and easy enough to use. It took a bit to figure out how to use layers though... their are plenty of tutorials on using it on youtube. I only do presets though.

Gimp is on tablets??

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