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Messages - Raxoremys

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 [17] 18
Game Discussion / Re: *sigh* Really, guys?
« on: August 09, 2012, 06:36:14 am »
omg If I can put a number on all the times I've been attacked and harassed by den/territory claimers. It has come to a point that I actually purposely search for them to annoy them and just sit around in "their den/territory" to amuse myself at their futile attempts to flush me out. It's very immature. Worst is when they start god mod attacking and killing you or butt dancing in your face. I remember this one lion pride's leader ran up to me and god mod killed me with the worst rp skills ever. It was like "grabbed wolf by head snaps neck tears off head. Blood spills all over. Takes body and splits it apart rips guts out and throws every where. Pride eats the pieces." Talk about violent... I have died so many times on Feral Heart its a miracle I'm still alive lol. Like Noa said its only enjoyable when its for RP sake and both sides agree to it since I have been in some really exciting territory battles with my pack.

I love doing this too XD and I think the more violent their attempts, the more hilarious it is :P also, it's extra good for when you screenshot them to report them :3

Finished Maps / Re: Quiet Meadow - PUBLIC MAP, please download :D
« on: August 06, 2012, 08:29:35 am »
Thanks :D

Finished Maps / Re: Quiet Meadow - PUBLIC MAP, please download :D
« on: August 05, 2012, 08:40:49 pm »
Should be right, I always copy the material file into the materials folder too, just in case :P

Finished Maps / Re: Quiet Meadow - PUBLIC MAP, please download :D
« on: August 04, 2012, 11:11:57 pm »
I put in the water textures to the zip file, but this website is being a ham, so it won't let me modify the original post to put it in -_- so here it is:

Finished Maps / Quiet Meadow - PUBLIC MAP, please download :D
« on: August 04, 2012, 10:04:29 am »
Just a little thing I made today, thought some people might be interested :) if you see a mesh/texture/terrain/particle/anything that you made, then you're awesome :P I've really lost track of where everything came from...

Before you read any further, this is just gonna be a big long rant. So if you're not bored enough to read it, turn back now.

I frequently encounter insistent den claimers on public maps, and it's really beginning to bother me. Moments ago, two immature fools decided they should block me rather than just ignore me, simply because I told them that nobody could own space on a public map. Normally, I revel in this. I hunt out den claimers, so I can try to change their attitude and make the game a little better for everyone. But seriously? When you're raging at someone who's doing nothing other than just sitting there, and trying desperately trying to turn THEM into the bad guy, then it begins to get irritating. It's particularly hilarious when they try to rp you out of the den. "-runs into the wolf, shoving them out of the cave-" lol. Good job. I haven't moved at all. Literally not at all. Or when they come at you with the "rage" emotion setting, like it's actually threatening in the slightest. Brilliant. I love it when I find someone with grammar and spelling so awful, they can't actually understand me. "wut r u sayin gtfo ths is mi paks terrtori!!!!" Ugh. -shudders- It's so annoying when they start with the whole "Umm, can I help you?" like you're some creep in a shop who's doing something odd like talking to the tomatoes on display.

I'm just sick of it. Entirely.

So, dear everyone who tries to claim territory on public maps, and violently attacks anyone who sets foot near you, grow up. For the love of Feralheart, please just grow up.

EDIT: Oh look, it happened again. That's me lying there. Not attacking anyone. And they're screaming at me to leave...within moments of my arrival. :I

Then one of them butt danced in my face. Charming.

Game Help / Re: Game crashes any time I go in Cape?
« on: July 12, 2012, 12:01:06 am »
I had this exact problem, and as it turned out is was a corrupted file. When I found the file, it was a map I had downloaded, but apparently your own maps can also do this. You just have to arduously search through and test until you find the right one.

Game Help / Re: prey
« on: July 08, 2012, 09:58:39 pm »
For now, here's the Wombat Animal Pack:
And if you scroll down most of this page, there are some links to individual animal mesh downloads:

Game Help / Re: Item packs???
« on: July 08, 2012, 09:49:57 pm »
Here's a couple of item packs in the same zip: (I didn't make them, but I wanted more people to have them)
BTW the larger pack will kinda screw up the original items(for example, someone wearing a checkered bracelet normally would now look as if they have awesome Ifrit horns) but it doesn't seriously affect anything important. Hopefully we can eventually get this item pack to be in common usage so everyone can see the awesomeness XD

Game Help / Re: FeralHeart Start-Up Failing
« on: July 08, 2012, 09:46:20 pm »
I know this is already solved, but just in case this happens again, this is what caused a similar problem for me:

If you look in Feralheart > media and check all the subfolders(especially Sky, My_Objects, and Particles), look out for files ending in _0,_1,_2, or something like that. These are called double particles, and they can royally screw up your game, so if you delete them FH usually starts working again :3

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