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Messages - DancingWithDeath

Pages: 1 ... 160 161 [162] 163 164 165
Forum Games / Re: The Powerplaying Game
« on: October 02, 2013, 09:46:24 pm »
Sasha: Dodges and goes to ficho to be alone

Forum Games / Re: The Powerplaying Game
« on: October 01, 2013, 07:48:44 pm »
Sasha: hay ppl can do whatevr the want.

Forum Games / Re: The Powerplaying Game
« on: September 30, 2013, 07:52:06 pm »

Forum Games / Re: The Powerplaying Game
« on: September 29, 2013, 10:51:20 pm »
Sasha F Wolf: but he wazz herting yu

Game Discussion / Re: Dreamed about FH turning into IT!
« on: September 28, 2013, 09:38:40 pm »
If FH was an IT server it would be fun!

Game Discussion / Re: The most AMUSING powerplayers in all of FH.
« on: September 28, 2013, 09:36:55 pm »

Forum Games / Re: The Powerplaying Game
« on: September 28, 2013, 09:34:38 pm »
Sasha F Wolf: omg what dd i evr do to yu i kelled moo.

I would rather not discuss it since we cant discuss bans here.

Stories / FH Creepypasta - YOU CANT RUN
« on: September 28, 2013, 09:31:53 pm »
I was bored, after Sasha's death incident, I got on feralheart, but the text color was red and the usual wolf and lion on the screen were dying. The map where the login screen was Default from IT. I said "Rah, lets just login." But all of my characters no longer had the normal emote. Instead they looked if they were about to cry. I went to edit one, and the emote was called "Suicidal" I decided to make a new one, but the only emote that was on the emote menu was "Suicidal" I realized something cause my sister would kill me if I got hacked. So I chose the canine model, and named her "Nyra F" so I gave her pointed ears and ear rim markings, and colored her gray. So I went to bonfire, but I was trapped in Ficho Tunnel, and when I walked in the portal, it said "YOU CANT RUN". I did not know what the heck was happening. Just then dead feline and canine meshes were everywhere. Then a lion named "ERRORYUHHRTUSA" came up to me. I quickly reached for my info button, but the home text said "Map File not Found" I heard my mom say "Honey are you ok?" I said "Yes!' But my mother came to me. She said "Oh my gosh..." I said "Some maniac hacked me!" Just then ERRORYUHHRTUSA came to me and pinned me.  Just then the music sounded disorted, like a broken radio. The screen went black with a high pitched scream, then the Kefka laugh.  FeralHeart crashed and the computer made a loud buzzing noise and shut down. I woke up in the hospital with lots of scratch marks on my body.

Forum Games / Re: The Powerplaying Game
« on: September 28, 2013, 01:42:11 pm »
Sasha F Wolf: Yayz new i cn kell evewybsy

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