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Messages - TwistedSorrowzz

Pages: 1 ... 166 167 [168] 169 170 171
I might join.
That'd be great, We're always welcoming new members.

Hello! The Rangers Range is recruiting for new active, literate felines!

TRR -Short for The Rangers Range- Is a feline based RP, We do accept canines, But only a few ranks are available. PM me if you would like to join!

How to join: Send in a RPS, And a bit of info about your character.

If you have any questions, Don't be afraid to ask!

Game Help / Re: Need help with presets
« on: November 02, 2016, 08:10:31 pm »
Yes, People have to download the preset to see it, An example.
Say you made a lion preset. People have to download it to see it, otherwise they either see a normal un-edited lion, Or just a marshmellow. Hope this helps.

Game Help / Podium Mods (EDIT: FOUND OUT HOW)
« on: November 02, 2016, 05:20:57 pm »
Hello, Does anyone know where you put the podium mod files? Because the file didn't come with instructions. Thanks.

Media / Re: Ref Creator
« on: November 02, 2016, 04:08:00 pm »
Not 100% certain if this is what you're looking for but there are a couple FLASH games floating around DA [and other sites] that I've seen people use while creating character references:

Wolf Creator:
Horse Creator:
Cat Creator:

I personally have used the feline and wolf creators for character references before.
Okay, Thank you ^~^

Media / Ref Creator
« on: November 01, 2016, 04:29:11 pm »
Ello, I was wondering if anyone could make refs, Or link me to a ref maker sort of thing? Thanks

Art Gallery / Re: My Crappy Artwork.? (1 SLOT LEFT)
« on: November 01, 2016, 04:20:41 pm »

twisted, your request is done!

It's bootiful! Thank you so much!

Forum Games / Re: Slap Your Keyboard :D
« on: October 31, 2016, 10:51:58 pm »

(Oh god)

Forks Try Running Yaks. Giraffes Unicycle Calmly, Very Fast.

Watch out for the Giraffes

Discussion Board / Ugh. (Ignore if you get butthurt easily)
« on: October 31, 2016, 08:27:53 pm »
OKAY BEFORE EVERYONE GOES BALLISTIC. DONT GET MAD AT ME, THIS IS MY OPINION -Also, Uh, You can move this to the right place, I put it here so people wouldn't get so butthurt-

Okay. Where do I start. Jeez.
So, I was just playing Feral Heart, Doing my daily duties of sitting at grounds. And I come across Buffy aka Bawfle.
(And I don't know if this was a joke or not, But they seemed pretty serious)
So. I just went to sit with them, Because Buffy started singing Jingle Bells.
I walked over and sat with them for around, 5 minutes? They seemed fine with it. And FYI I'm not the type of person to get mad at someone cause they asked me to move.
But the way they asked me to move was just. Plain rude.
Now I know Buffy, She can be pretty nice, But once Red isn't here, Oh god.
Buffys friend said 'Can you move' Without saying please, And so I didn't cause trouble I did. (Buffy was a bit late to typing, But she said something anyway)
'Uh, Can you not sit with me and my friends.'
And being the nice person I was. I said 'Sure, I'll just sit over here'
I'm gonna stop it there, Because I know someone will be like 'Wow. Buffy is just trying to talk to her friends.' And I know she was. But she could have been more nice about it.

Sorry about that rant. And Admins if you want to lock this. You can. I don't care. You seem to lock everything I do. So go ahead.
NOW. Onto a more nice subject.
Happy Halloween!
I've not planned anything -Since I'm so fricken lazy- But. I sorted out a costume, and I'm wearing it so I don't feel left out

That's the end of the rant. Cya. c:

Ello, I have a preset request c:

      (Ask me if you need anymore, The horns are not needed -Since I can put them on myself-)

Any fur texture is cool, But I would rather have a real type one
And I would like red eyes, And her paw pads to be a maroon colour
i want it to be in preset_5

Character Name:Lord Apache
Deadline: (If you give me a deadline, your chance of acceptance will decrease dramatically.)No deadline
Contact Information:You can contact me through skype or pm me, I will be more active on skype though
Thank you!

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