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Messages - SingleLady

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Miscellaneous Tutorials / How to Use Controls that are not in Menu
« on: August 13, 2012, 06:23:30 pm »
How to Use controls and not look like a Newbie!
How to Turn: Press right ctrl and use A and D to turn
How to take pics: Press PrtScn
How to Dance with out opening the Actions: first open ur Actions click ur favourite dance and do this; Click N Click N click N. Until it adds some thing to the Side
How to Do emotes that are not on the hot key thing: Open Emotes and click and number while clicking the Emote over and over After a while it will add some thing to the side.
There are some baisic controls I will Update later!

Member Bio & Journals / Tillie's Real Life Biography
« on: August 13, 2012, 06:03:05 pm »
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Rank Home: Maid
Rank School: Do Face
First Story: When Tillie was three her mother couldn't stay at home to take care of her, she had to go to Her Grandma's. Tillie never knew her Grandma because she had never left the house. She was Excited and scared at the same time, They both walked over early in the morning to drop off Tillie. They got to the door and Tillie Hid behind her mothers legs, when her grandma walked around to see her, Tillie covered her eyes. After that she was never scared of her, She loved her cat Missy. When Tillie was 6 in school she had one friend and one friend only, Her name was Marie Chantal Chamberland. They did every thing together Played wih each other and ate with each other, They were like sisters. until Alex C came to grade 1, and Nathanel. They torchered her called her names at Recess and Lunch, She was scared to go back to school, she had to transfer to a new school called, Pierre Janie. It was a french school but it was her favourite school, it had a Pool they went bike riding on Mondays and Thursdays. Fridays were Movie nights and wendays and tuesdays were pool days.  she got to see her Grandma and Aunt Kim more often. It was the Time of her life Until she had to transfer again to Eardly. She made the Whole school her friend she loved it there. But after three years at Eardly she had to transfer again, back to Greater Gatinue. Alex C was still there meaner as ever, Marie had moved to Ottawa, she was the laughing stock. She had no Friends until Chealey her Bffl Came to realise she was in pain. She still has this problem in grade 8. She only has four friends that do every thing together. One of them is Chealey another is Amanda, the other is Zoe and the Last.... Marie, She was having the best life. The reason why is... She tried... No BODY told her to Try, a Great game did, and that game is.... Feral Heart, she has so many nice friends over 100 and they are the nicest people ever. Thank you For making this game Possible.

Other Games / Re: Warrior cats: untold tales (also known as WCUT)
« on: August 13, 2012, 05:40:59 pm »
Thank you for showing me this! Now I can Edit my SpottedTail Bio! Thx! I have been playing that game for hours!

Other Games / Fly like a Bird 1-3
« on: August 13, 2012, 05:37:53 pm »
Any one play an online Bird game? You have a choice between a Barn Owl, Eagle, Crow, Starling, Robin, Pigeon and Seagull.
You can make Nests and Lay Eggs..... Eat Poop on other birds (Thats an attack) And also give a name to ur bird! You can poop on Ppl, choose Island City SnowArea or Forest! Its really fun,

Member Bio & Journals / Re: ~SpottedTail's Autobiography~
« on: August 13, 2012, 05:28:54 pm »
Yes... They are still trying to figure out the reason..... It probabley was a mistake.... Not saying im upset about it im just bumed

Other Games / Re: Are there any pony games like Feral heart?
« on: August 13, 2012, 01:21:23 am »
Is it 3D like FH or 2D?

1. They might think they look alike
2. They are Desperate
3. They think She/He looks cute/Hot
4. They want more pups then they can handle
5. They want action....
6. They just want to make a pride/pack/herd with a mate and pups
Those are all true it could be either, I would be safe and Get to know them for a bit... Like be friends then be BFF, and then have SOME dates and then be asked.. That takes time... Not just some freak ask you, Mating Centers? Pathetic! It should at least be called Dating Center any thing but Mating... It brings sicko's and Mate beggers.... And for ppl who go to Mate centers.... Leave Bonfire and Make some friends! Its just wrong! Plus you can't be getting a mate that fast... It takes time....

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: BonFire needs more?
« on: August 13, 2012, 12:27:00 am »
Yes beacuse I never hang out there any more... Its getting old...

Member Bio & Journals / Re: ~SpottedTail's Autobiography~
« on: August 13, 2012, 12:25:12 am »
Thx but I can't update soon because I was banned for ten months for no reason...

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Markings 2 different colours at same time?
« on: August 12, 2012, 05:57:40 pm »
Or Four! So you can be cool and rainbow like! or dark and scary! If you are newbies and dont know how to make presets? Forget about downloading and making one! Agree with me that you should have an option of making your markings have multy colours!

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