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Messages - OnionKnight

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Game Discussion / Re: How did you stumble across Feral Heart?
« on: November 02, 2016, 11:56:36 pm »
I was originally playing a game called Wolf Quest, and I heard about Feral Heart from a few friends on Wolfquest so we all decided to give it a shot. c: We never went back to WQ after realizing what an improvement from that this game was. It was confusing, my characters were ugly asf but jumping into Roleplay was super fun! I'm glad I found FH.

Presets & Markings / Re: First Preset since my return to FH.
« on: November 02, 2016, 09:39:14 pm »
Ahhhh! It looks amazing! *^*

Tbh I'd probably have to swap you for Lord Suragaha for a day as well. xD Such an attractive character aaaa

Media / Re: Ref Creator
« on: November 02, 2016, 08:58:54 pm »
No problem! Sorry I couldn't help out a bit more. ;; I suck at anything artsy so I can't do linearts but, hope you find at least a little use out of those!

Characters / Re: OnionKnight's Plethora of OC's
« on: November 02, 2016, 08:53:27 pm »
Thankee ;; Everyone loves my naked smol kitten <3 xD There is just so much to love!

And yeah, he was a pretty interesting guy.

There were three more characters I was gonna add [I may still add if I ever feel like it] but it was around 3:30 AM when I finished up and I was like "dang I gotta sleep" xD

Characters / Re: OnionKnight's Plethora of OC's
« on: November 02, 2016, 07:41:51 pm »
Thanks both!  ;; and ye Tinypaw is and always will be an adorable smol bean. XD

Characters / OnionKnight's Plethora of OC's
« on: November 02, 2016, 10:30:31 am »

The new! The old! The wild and shy, it's no lie that I've had a gazillion OC's. A majority of them come with fairly unique and interesting backstories [well to me at least]. Disregarding my young-ish Feral-Heart days, here are a couple of OC's that have stuck with me through the years, and newer OC's who have snuck their way into my heart. <3


lineart [c]

A black tom with icy blue eyes. My absolute first Warrior Cats OC, which could be why he holds such a special place in my memory. <3 Also, he was the OC which I founded my very first Warriors roleplay as well. c: OCoTNA [if any even remember it] -- Blackstar was a kindhearted tom to those within his clan, however he did not tolerate rulebreakers and even went so far as to exile his own niece for breaking the code on multiple occasions. Some viewed his beliefs as harsh, yet he remained firm. As moons passed, his leadership was challenged by a rival clan, and their leader Skystar. This lead to moons of conflict between the two clans, and Blackstar found himself losing faith in Starclan, himself, and his beliefs changing. Regardless, he carried on for the sake of his clan. After many battles, Windclan began to realize just how insane their leader Skystar was becoming and a revolt began, half of the clan splitting off to follow the deputy's leadership and the other half remaining loyal to Skystar regardless of his insanity. Blackstar took the rebel faction into his own camp with open paws, and worked closely with Windclan's deputy [who soon became his best friend] to overthrow Skystar. Plus more... This character was incredibly interesting, and that is just scraping the tip of the iceburg, not even diving into his history or some more important events and stuffs.


art [c]

A more recent warriorcats leader. c: Bumble was a tawny she-cat with a striped tail and spots on her hind legs. She and her family were born into Breezeclan, where she grew up peacefully and eventually became leader. Under her leadership her clan thrived, until conflict with the neighboring clan, Streamclan began. Water is an invaluable resource, especially during a drought and this particular dry season was nasty. Prey was scarce, a majority of what was left were small skeletal rodents. Water was drying up, and Streamclan thinking of their own survival locked down their borders, cutting off Breezeclan from their only water supply. The typically chipper and cheery she-cat would fall into a depression at the state of her clan, and only through the encouragement of her kin and closest friends was she able to pull herself back up and move forward. This lead to border battles between Stream and Breezeclan as they fought over what little water was left. Starclan looked down upon the four clans with disappointment, they knew what was coming, and knew that if the clans didn't cease their bickering it'd spell disaster. Relations between Breeze and Streamclan became worse and worse until one gathering, Wolfstar broke the peace treaty by allowing her temper to get the better of her and blatantly attacking Bumblestar during the night of the full moon. The fight raged on until a crack of lightning struck the earth, shaking each cat to their core and putting an end to the fighting, without another word the four clans departed. .....aaannnddd again that is scraping the tip of the iceburg. xD There is just so much to write when it comes to my characters so I share snippets.


art [c]

Oh man, this character. She'll always hold a precious place in my heart. <3 Caveclan was a clan that valued strength and size over everything. They loathed weakness, and loathed outsiders. Sadly for my little sphynx kitten, she was born into this clan. In fact, she nearly didn't survive the birth. Not due to complications, but because the clan's Medicine Cat [who happened to be her father] was taught by his mentor to snap the neck of any newborn runt. For the good of the clan, only the strong may survive. Luckily, Tinykit's mother refused to allow that to happen. Over the moons as Tinykit grew, she remained distant and fearful of the world around her. Everything was a danger, and it didn't help that within her clan arguments leading to physical tooth and claw fights were commonplace. She was treated with disgust, and was often made fun of for being hairless and small. Her self-confidence and drive were at an all time low, and then she became an apprentice. It was during her apprenticeship when she met Willowwisp [played by Rudo <3] and her confidence began to grow. Steadily, she became more outgoing and actually went out of her way to initiate conversation... And then her mother died. In a fit of rage for [unknown] reasons her father, the medicine cat, murdered her mother. This was hard enough to cope with, and a day or so later in guilt her father threw himself off the cliff and ended his own life. This left Tinypaw alone as an orphan with her two siblings Mottlepaw and Vixenpaw. The three siblings were distant after that, none of them spoke a word to each other until Tinypaw decided to approach Vixen. Visibly upset, Vixen poured her anger out on Tiny and accused her of being the reason their father hated their mother so much. If Tiny wasn't born, none of this would have happened... Distraught, every ounce of confidence Tinypaw had was demolished, she even AGREED with her sibling, so she turn and ran. Far away. ;; This marked the end of any conversation between Tiny and her family, and a moon later she was murdered in cold blood by an outsider. The last thing Tiny heard was that it was her fault, and her siblings hated her. *sob sob*

Of course, I adore all of my OC's, but there are always those particular ones who you'll always look back at with fond memories! These are those for me. :) I've got more, maybe I'll update this later but its uh... 3:30 AM and I need sleep. xD

Update: Pictures of a bunch of my past and present OC's <3 Image heavy!

Michu the Fox:

Lines [c]


Lines [c] BoogaMouse


Lines [c] TaintedRemorse

Rosalii Vanrose:

Lines [c] I actually don't know ;; lmk if you do!


Lines [c]


Lines [c]


Lines [c] unknown ;;


Lines [c] wintaria


Lines [c] unknown ;;



Character Name:

No deadline, I'm in no hurry to get a preset for this big fluffy fella. <3 But your presets are pretty neato so here I am ;;

I'll do my best to provide an in-depth description and pics of my big fluffy. xD
So here he is with default FH + Legendary Markings -- I adore his design as is, so sticking to his core design would be ideal for me.

However there are a few markings and scars I can obtain via preset that I wouldn't be able to get by using default FH. ;; Lemmie explain further:

Basically, I'm hoping to stick to the core design but to add the markings featured in the non-screenshot images. ;; I hope that makes sense.

Contact Information:

aslynaderp [OnionKnight] on Skype, OnionKnight in game, or a PM here works great! c:

Media / Re: Ref Creator
« on: November 02, 2016, 04:55:10 am »
Not 100% certain if this is what you're looking for but there are a couple FLASH games floating around DA [and other sites] that I've seen people use while creating character references:

Wolf Creator:
Horse Creator:
Cat Creator:

I personally have used the feline and wolf creators for character references before.

Forum Discussion / Re: How has Feralheart changed your life?
« on: November 02, 2016, 04:50:04 am »
I joined FeralHeart wayyyyy back when I was 12 years of age. Back then I was completely and totally immature, my grammar and sentence structure left a LOT to be desired. Honestly even though there's been some severe downs and drama during my time in FH, I don't regret it at all. It's taught me a lot, and I enjoy my time in-game roleplaying. I feel appreciated, listened to, and I've got the ability to start something brand new if I so choose to. I also firmly believe my literacy would be nowhere near the level it is today if I had not joined FeralHeart, in-fact I don't think I'd care about literacy at all.
Three cheers for FeralHeart lol!

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