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Messages - Justice

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i thought it was cheese with whine too 0.0


Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Huge complaints
« on: April 12, 2011, 09:53:58 pm »
You just have to wait, this games only been out about two months and from what i heard, it was overly rushed to get done! If you have groep issues, then you should just stop and wait  till the group issue gets fixed instead of complaining about it. I know its frustrating and sometimes we are impaitent, but they are working as hard and as fast as they can!

And with the whole mod deal, i dont think they rp much, i think they work on the game and site more but im not 100% sure on it and the sexual content, and foul language...thats just a part of life. Its the way some people choose to talk. Just ignore it if you can.

Thanks Sylph! I hope so too =D

Leaving / I'm back to FH! its all good so you can ignore this post ^^
« on: April 11, 2011, 09:57:14 pm »
So as you read the title, my computer got a virus saturday...-_-". And due to the virus, my C-drive got completely wipped and it doesnt work anymore so my dad and I have been working very hard at it to get everything back. Also i have to re-download Itunes, Sony Vegas, GIMP 2, Feral Heart, etc....yeah, it blows.

I will be coming back to FH soon but due to the virus, i lost all my charrs and maps. -_- i had like six maps and two good ones of my own that i was really proud of. I have to re-join groups and re-find all my friends and yaddah, yaddah, yaddah. So i thought i would let you guys know!

Ugh yes! I love you guys! haha, maybe we can teach some people who find FH boring a few good lessons with all this advice! Thanks for all the comments and advice! I hope those whinners will look at this and use it as a refrence so the next time they whine, it will be a critic whine and instead of a "I want this in FH!" or "I want that in FH" whine.

So i was looking around the forums just to get to know it better and i found this little opinion corner but to me...its sounds more like people are whinning cause FH is boring or its not like IT. Now i cant say much about IT cause i've never heard of it but i heard it was pretty cool, but seriously guys you dont have to whine about FH. Its still fun and cool! And so what if theres more wolves than lions that rp? The wolves are the new addition to FH so people are just tryin 'em out! I dont see why people have to whine about it.

Also, dont whine about being bored. If your bored with FH you dont need to whine to us about it, thats your problem, not ours. Also if your bored, find something else to do. -_-

Sorry for the rant but i felt the need.

Finished Maps / Re: Ringo's Maps!
« on: April 06, 2011, 01:37:01 am »
The beach is my favorite =D i really like the first picture of that little waterpool with the big plants x3

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement /
« on: April 04, 2011, 12:03:35 am »
ok so do i need to email you for the map Rhys?

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement /
« on: March 29, 2011, 10:09:28 pm »
Alrighty, i went ahead and changed her underbelly ^^ Yay! I'm glad i could be apart of the rp, so do i need to add SOC (sons of Cernunnos) after Gisal's name?

Member Bio & Journals / Re: The Real "Justice"
« on: March 26, 2011, 01:54:14 pm »
Haha thanks guys ^^ I appreciate it =]

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