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Messages - Minxy

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Game Help / Map Caching Error.
« on: January 30, 2012, 04:14:30 pm »
Minxy(Me. xD) has learnt how to make a map, I got it all done then I go to save it and it goes '-EnternameOfMap- Caching Error.' But it saves in where the names are, then I go onto another FH window, and I load it, but it fails..I'm not sure why.. Any Idea's? Sorry If I make no sense at all, I hardly ever do. xD

Minxy is getting impatient...It's 15:56 where I am..WHEN IS IT BACK FOR MEH?! xD

Minxy is going insane..I slept round a friends, so that kept me I'm home..AND I CAN'T STAND IT! XD! I literally, have nothing to do. xD I do find it unfair that the people who do nothing wrong, have to go without FH, though. I kind of think this might not do anything, it might just make the Trolls more eager to do it, because in doing so, parents will see, parents complain and this happens, or a permanent disapearance of FH. In closing FH down for a week, it's giving those bad players on FH, the joy that they are causing others to HAVE to go without the game.
I, myself am 14. My parents know I play this game and are all for it. I'm a literate or advanced literate player, along with realistic. This game, believe it or not, helps me with school work. My grammar, looking deeper into things, acknowledging things too. I can't wait for FH to be back. ^_^   

Man..I agree this had to happen. The amount of times I've gone on AFK and come back, to having my friends tell me, someone had their charrie 'rape' mine, or actually come back to seeing them right there, doing it. But 7 days without FH?..Man..That sucks. What am I going to do?! What's saving me from school work?! LOL. I'll have to find something..but thanksness for doing this! Kinda..XDD!

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: ~Yellowstone Park Wolf RP!!~
« on: December 21, 2011, 09:56:05 am »
Elissiana the small white Omega watched Wolves from her pack fight over the last bit of meat. She layed her head on her paws, eyes scanning the area. Something moved in the Shadows behind the fighting Wolves. They were to engrossed in their fight to even notice a Small Omega watching. She stood up on her thin legs, shaking her pelt free of anything that gathered in her rest. She trotted around the fighting Males, not before she got a bit to the leg, she yelped and turned her petite body around to see the culprit. One of the Males had bitten her by accident and didn't even notice. She shook her head, her leg throbbing. She decided she'd find out what that was later, instead she goes to sit by a tree, hoping another Wolf would try and talk to her. She layed her head on her paws once again, tail curled around her small body.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: ~Yellowstone Park Wolf RP!!~
« on: December 20, 2011, 09:44:06 am »
Hey..I'm new to forum RP, so please forgive me.

Form:(Don't have a clue what this is.)
Pack you want to join: Early Breeze Pack (But if i have to join another, i don't mind)
Player name: Elissiana
Wolfs Age:1 Years
Pack member rank: Omega.
Discription/picture: (I have no clue how to get a picture on here, forgive me.) Elissiana is a small, very small pure white Wolf with bright blue eyes. Her blue eyes have a darker blue ring, around the lighter blue. Elissiana is shy around everyone untill she get's used to having the company of others again. She loves the night time, the moon the stars. Most of all, she loves the Moons reflection on water. Lissy cannot hunt, she was never taught. The only thing she can do is run, run very fast. Due to Lissy's small frame and not a lot of fat on her bones, she is agile and smooth. Her body is not long, but her legs are.

History:Elissiana was the runt of her litter, but even then she was smaller than what was considered a runt. Everyone knew what rank she would be and that was Omega. Her mother was ashamed to call her, her daughter. Her father on the other hand, loved her even with her size. Through the months leading up to her 1st year as a Wolf, she was beaten, scarred both emotionally and physically. Her pure white fur made it very difficult to see her scars, which she was thankful for. She was told she was ugly enough, to have to scars was just an even more displeasing look. This White Wolf has trust issues, but once she lays her trust in you, it's  hard to get rid of it. She wishes that the Pack she is wanting to be apart of is not like her first one..she couldn't go through all of that again.
Personality: Shy, timid, scared, gentle, caring, sweet, passionate but with a fiery temper.
Gender: Female.
Mate?: None.
RP sample: Elissiana walked through the high Forest tree's above her. Her white fur was very obvious to spot different shades of Green and browns. Her vibrant Blue eyes scanned the lake she came upon on her walk, when she saw there was no other creature lurking near it other then butterflies and ants, she padded forward. She stared into the clear water, at her reflection. She bent down and dipped her muzzle in the water to lap it up. She had her fill and took her head away from the liquid. She sat down next to the water front and looked around her, finally taking in her surroundings. The tree's were very tall, their leaves were a lush colour of green, the bark on the tree's looked old but nice. The long patches of grass dotted around the open area made her smile. The sun rays shinning through the branches of the lush tree's made the surroundings beautiful.

(And sorry, i'm a very literate RP'er.)

Game Help / Bad Tokens.
« on: October 30, 2011, 07:18:22 pm »
Nearly every single time i go through a portal or try to log into a character i get BAD TOKEN. I NEVER used to get it. But now? Ever single day. Is it because FH is growing? Or..what?

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