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Messages - alexterri

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Forum Games / Re: Typing With Your Eyes Shut
« on: September 20, 2012, 05:26:16 pm »
da derp mafloor gerod frmeo,eowoz54 5az nu4 3oic beabzeu beabxux vwep derpxerp  da floos meep da meep


Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: BonFire needs more?
« on: September 06, 2012, 12:52:03 am »
ok well i might as well bump up this topic a tadd

i think these ideas should be added

well i mean its called BONFIRE island after all shouldint it look more like a BONFIRE island? that means like it has been posted before there could he hotsprings with out any truble. how ever this could ldead to the mate centers taking over the hot springs becuase it resides in the center of bonny right now  so that means if you guyas add other stuff then the mate center would reside some where else

maby more dens? i am sure more dens would not hurt

possuble maby some other little islands around it?

maby we could have a water fall and a sorce of water? that was it wont bug me about how we all dont have asnythingt o drink and it would teach ALL the newbies and olde players and in between charrie that its SALT water not freash water

 all i can think of right now

not sure abotu aeon prasi but arokia is still being worked on there just taking a break

they are the same in one way thoguh they are all about being a animal and playing as a animal

Game Discussion / Re: Lets talk about antimate beggers!
« on: May 26, 2012, 12:48:16 am »
indeed wolves and lions do that in the wild
i was doing this oine time in flou
me  howls for a mate
random 1 blablabla
random 2blablabla
random 3 blablablabla
random 1 blablablabla
random 2 blabla
random  3 blablabla
me howls for a mate
random 1 mate beggeer
random 2 stupid mate begger
random 3 stop mate beegging!
me ..............
i used to say one some one did that a wild mate beggger has hapered but i dont any more
in the wild wolves howl for mates just like my charrie did
also ones this happend
me howls
12 chats
me howls really loud
random gives mate begger alex a mate
i was not mate begging just howling for fun
and howling for a mate or roering for a mate is not    mate begging or even asking for a mate is not mate begging i mean any animal in th wild asks for mates right? 
i belive that antimate beggers should calm donw  anyone agree?

Species / Re: My Little Ponies of Feral Heart
« on: May 09, 2012, 10:30:44 pm »
pinkie pie(even thoughe she creeps me out)
rp sample   pinkie pie bounced up to rainbow dash and tighlight sparkle hi how are you  doing she said happlely i am making a pie do you want to help me she asked her eyes filled with  happness
etd        oh waitim sorry  i cant downloed maps lol

Forum Games / Re: Wolves or Lions :3
« on: May 09, 2012, 10:25:34 pm »

Forum Games / Re: Wolves or Lions :3
« on: May 08, 2012, 08:28:37 pm »

Forum Games / Re: Wolves or Lions :3
« on: May 08, 2012, 06:54:11 pm »
4- lions ftw

Forum Games / you know you play fh when (game
« on: May 08, 2012, 02:03:20 am »
ok this is beased of somethign some one made and some one said you should make a game so i did
ok her is how you play
   (lion)you know youplay fh when  you hate sparkle dogs/glamur cats/twinkle hyenas
9wolf) youknow you play fh when you love red ( the mod)
( hyeena0 you know you play fh when you  use  the f3 mode to does TOTALLY RANDOM THINGS!

ok i will start
you know you play fh when you bug den claimers be refusing to leave the dens ontill the ecsept your preseeces (but if  they are really nice about then you leave

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