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Messages - Death_The_Kid

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Other Games / Re: Game in creation (werewolf based!)
« on: March 29, 2011, 02:09:11 am »
I actually have a few other game making programs on my computer, but game maker is the only one I understand how to use... The others just confused me too much, so I deleted them.

ah i know what you mean it took me maybe 2 entire years just to get every component in 3d studio blender...god i plainsuck at

Other Games / Re: Game in creation (werewolf based!)
« on: March 28, 2011, 03:05:01 am »
I feel bad for ya having to use game maker but its better then nothing i usually use flash, 3d studio max or blender. But i like it its cool i hope to play it some time. keep us up to date of when its finished and such

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Fundraiser for a better bandwith ?
« on: March 28, 2011, 02:47:24 am »
Well according to a thread the reason we cant have custom presets in game is because of the bandwith. Why not make a fundraiser for it? Make things like shirts, maybe make it to wear people can post a pic of there character and get custom pins made or maybe preset commisions. half the money going to a bandwith the other half going to other things for the game yknow? for T-shirt designs have a contest to decide what the shirt will look like. but this is just my opinion i think custom presets in game would be cool.

Characters / Re: ~Characters of mine~
« on: March 28, 2011, 02:41:29 am »
Hullo. This is pretty much just for me to keep track of all my characters xD but you can comment on them if you like :3

{Is the male in picture}
Name: Ice
Nickname: N/A
Age: Young Adult
Breed: ???Ice Lion thing???
Personality: Ice is very protective, sweet, and brave. At times he can be a bit sensitive but he is not weak.
History: Ice was born different then his siblings. His fur was ice cold and where ever he stepped he left icy paw prints on the ground. His parents thought he was a demon sent to destroy them and kicked him out of their pride
Pride/Pack/Clan: None

Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Offspring: None
Mate: Snow? (Played by Ryoko)


Name: Apollo
Nickname: N/A (Apowwo)
Gender: Male
Age: Teen
Breed: Golden retriever
Personality: Apollo is a curious type. He is always getting into mischief and getting in trouble, but honestly, he doesn't care.
History: He won't tell you (Too Lazy To Write One)
Pride/Clan/Pack: A pet of Voodoo pride

Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Offspring: None
Mate: Nope, but likes Poppy

Name: Sienna
Nickname: N/A
Gender: Female
Age: Cub/Kitten, 5 months
Breed: Blynx (Lynx/ Bobcat)
Personality: Is quiet most of the time, because of her scary history. But once you get to know her, she can be very playful. She enjoys swimming and hates lairs.
History: Sienna was born a runt, her mother promised to never hurt her but eventually decided she was getting to weak and tried to kill her. Sienna escaped and found Crossbreeds United.
Pride/Clan/Pack: A child of Crossbreeds United

Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Offspring: None
Mate: Nope

Name: Metella
Nickname: Met
Gender: Female
Age: Teen
Breed: Cheetah
Personality: Metella is a small, skinny, short-furred cheetah. She isn't afraid to speak her mind. She can be very shy at first but once you get to know her she can be very obnoxious, and will get very protective. 
History: Nothing abnormally... Just born into Vennigan Coursers.
Pride/Pack/Clan: Vennigan Coursers

Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Offspring: None
Mate: Nope

Name: Silenzio
Nicknames: Silent, Zio, Sil
Gender: Male
Age: Unborn
Breed: Hyena
Personality: Silenzio got his name from the way he acts. He is silent. He talks to barley anyone except his parents. Even the way he walks is quiet. Silenzio is so quiet because he is constantly thinking. Often he is up late at night because his brain wont let him rest. Trust me, because of all this thinking he is very smart. He disagrees with the ways of the clan but doesn't dare tell anyone. He wants to make his parents proud even though he fears them. Silenzio loves his parents, and even though he fears them, and disagrees with the clans ways he would do anything to defend and protect them. Obviously, Silenzio will most likely rebel against COTRS.
History: Not born yet... XD
Pride/Pack/Clan: Children of The Raith Sidhe

Parents: SirGiggles (Played by Kittens/Kitteh) Jendai (Played by frog0987)
Siblings: Doesn't know yet
Offspring: Nope
Mate: Nope

-Picture is coming soon-
Name: Presley
Nickname: Pres
Gender: Female
Age: Young Adult
Breed: Part lion/part ? ? ? ?
Personality: Presley is very cautious, but when it comes to pups or cubs, all caution is gone from her. In other words, she loves children. She had a litter of cubs, but they died, and ever since she has been ready to care for any pup/cub/kitten.
History: Presley's history is scary, she therefor, tells no one about it, unless she trust them a lot.
Pride/Pack/Clan: None

Parents: Dead
Siblings: Unknown
Offspring: Dead
Mate: None

-Picture is coming soon-
Name: Saige
Nickname: Autumn
Gender: Female
Age: Teenager
Species: Camoleon
Personality: WIP
History: WIP
Other: My fursona <3
Pride/Pack/Clan: None

Parents: Dead
Siblings: Unknown
Offspring: None
Mate: None

Very beautiful characters ^^

Characters / Re: Wudiin's main characters (constant W.I.P)
« on: March 28, 2011, 02:40:25 am »
Niiduw   <--- REFF HERE

~Basic Bio and some persona info~

Born during the 'Dark' period* Nii was breed to pull heavy loaded sleds and carts through the ice and snow covered mountains
during the harsh and dark winters. Trained by a pleasent old man by the name 'Joe'she worked light shifts during the winters
and a warm box to sleep in during the night no matter what, her food was warm and fresh and always in a clean food dish.
However at the ripe old age of 76 her master found it hard to keep up with over 34 Mountain cats* and as his condition worsend
so did the standerds at the facility. After a while Joe was forced to sell his beloved cats to pay for medication, and Nii'
true training took place.

 Dragged off from place to place, she worked for many masters till her weakend body finally gave out on a medical run and
 she was deemed unfit for work and was carted off into the heart of africa she currently resides in a market, the owners
Let the cats run free during the summer to breed and stretch thir legs before demand becomes high again.

Overall she has a timid persoality, scared of anything male after a very stupid mistake on the part of a prievous
 master, her socail skill lacking badly in the art of working as a team. Her submissive disposition will quickly
vanish and turn into full fledged aggression if she's backed into a corrnor or sorrounded. Often when in heavily
pouplaited areas a muzzle is required to keep her from lashing out at others from fear. For a female to gain
her trust would take little more than a few kind words, for a male it would take much more, most often she has
experianced compleate and utter dominace, and often forms a stockholoem syndrom type relanship.

Current status: Break

-Important info-

Nii has had a few litters (over 4), all were taken at birth and sold. She has a very motherly attitude
to all pre adolesent cubs.

She is never without her collar.

Storms and loud sound will make her bolt if they are bad enough.

Her vision is better at night than in day.

Should she join a pride/clan her fist duty is to her master THEN to her clan.

She is a great climber but a poor fighter, despite her great strength.

She is a ok-ish swimmer, but avoids it because her fur takes so long to dry.

Her hunting skills are POOR.

She sheads badly during the spring.

Highly aggressive towards canines.

Human firendly.

She can thrive in heat and chilly climates, but she would choose cold over warm anyday.

Unlike most felines she needs a decent meal every 3-4 days and a great deal of water.

She is prone to eye and ear infections.

The very thought of having a mate and breeding is a terrifying thought to her.

She does not keep a territory but rather wanders the area.

While her stomach does not like it, she enjoys fruits and veggies of all kinds.

Key personality traits

Shy, skittish, motherly, timid, submissive, fearful aggressive, frarful, friendly at times, slightly paranoid,
Calm, curious.

Haritage/bloodlines info

40% North swamp mountain cat 20%cougar 30% Lion 5%leopard 5%tiger

Past experiance

Servituide is her nitch, she lacks the confidance to lead or really hold any rank of power.

If anything has an * next to it, it's something you'll have to find out via rp cuse' I'm a troll like that hurr hurr.

No Ami

Born in a wildlife reserve island spifically for black/grey lions (humans wanting to study genes controlling coloration) her pride consisted of 4 males and 9 females. With tight family bonds she grew up with a strict but loving family, but after traces of inbreeding began to occur with new generations 5 females and all the males were removed and relocated in Africa, Ami being one of them. Diorinated and confused she wondered the territories of sorrounding prides, chased off every time due to a sevear drought (no pride willing to take the risk of supporting another life,let alone a loner). So now she wonders about looking for a pride and or mate to call her own.

Important Info

- She is downright hyper, always moving or trying to do something productive.

-LOVES cubs.

- She hates lone males and females, outsiders are a thing to be hated for her.

- Has a secret love of water.

-Has no beef against hyenas.

- Fears humans.

-Has a tracking collar.

Key personality traits

Bubbly, happy-go-lucky, a bit snobbish, loving,kind, she is a follower and can be a leader, hates lazyness, depending on the male she can be a flirt, total suck up.

Blood lines/haratige

100% lion

Past experiance

She was an avrage lioness,noting exceptinal or bad.

Amazing i couldnt stop reading once i started seems lke youve got a good charicterization going on.

Characters / Re: Jaylea's Babies (WIP) ~ Jaylea (F) & Lucas (M)
« on: March 28, 2011, 02:38:59 am »
Ok so this is how this will work. Each of my little darlings will get a post and all of they're info will be located on it. I'll slowly edit them to keep up with the times and they're development such as mates, offspring, wounds and/or strengths. I'm an experienced role-player so I keep my character's very detailed. If you find one to your fancy we can talk about a possible meeting if they wish to seek a mate out of one of them. To become a pup however; that will be a bit different as none of my darlings have a mate. Some do have they're eye on a certain someone.

Jaylea BlackFur


Nickname(s): Lea
Age: Two Years
Gender: Female
Mate: None
Puppies: None

Coat:(Length) 2-3 Inches; just long enough to keep warm but lets her stay cool in the warmer months.
Fur Color: A mixture of blackish blue, cream, white and brown.
Eye Color: Amber
Markings/Scars: None~
Build: General build but slightly smaller as she's built for speed.

Personality: Lea is calm and passionate, she's not hot headed or aggressive. Tends to think to much before she acts so she's slow to anger but is not without rage. As a pack member she's very giving and would die for any of her friends but that could be said about just any other member. While she's very giving and polite, Lea is often shy or nervous and that tends to make her stand off-ish.

History: Your basic puppy-hood, Lea came from a common background; her parents loyal hunters who followed they're alpha with respect and love. Born to a small litter, Lea was one of only four surviving pups; however all four were healthy. Born in a slight famine, the lack of food because of her parent's lower rank soon lead to Lea's smaller size but it never got in her way. Quickly growing up in to a fine hunter who could easily sniff out the prey rather then take them down, Lea was a prized "tracker" of sorts in her parent's pack. After leaving her home pack, Lea quickly meet up with fellow she-wolves: Amethyst and Fell. Later on after her pack had been established; Lea as its Alphess a lone male by the name of Lucas was found at the pack's territory. Taken by Amethyst's charms the male was accepted into the pack with Lea's consent. 

Weaknesses: She's quick, so her body is slightly smaller then most wolves her age. Brute strength can easily over whelm her so Lea must resort to wits rather then strength. Trust isn't an issue with this girl, if she likes you she trusts you. One of her worst faults considering that she's a "thinker"..

Strengths: Slightly faster and cunning; she can worm her way out of a tight spot.
Talents: A skilled tactician, she thinks about problems before acting to quickly.
Habits: She loves to eat, even as she gorges on a kill Lea doesn't gain the weight to make her bigger; instead preferring to work it off as she runs. Lea has a habit of being unable to sit still, she's always got to move. Hunting is one of her most favorite things to do and as such she stays in shape and quiet thin.

Extras: To her pack is family, blood means nothing for its is as if water; bonds are what tie one to another and that is what she decides upon. While Lea is very patient she does have a limit but it is reached very rarely and as such makes her a good pack mate to leave with the pups. While she loves little ones she's scared silly of having her own. Lea hates violence, as it resembles hate in her mind so she'll go to the ends of the earth to avoid such an encounter.
Reference: (Taken by Woxy of Deviant Art: an amazing photographer! I wanted to link directly to they're page so that all credit can go to them. It also explains the "blue" of her coat.)

This is very cool i dont see why no one has commented yet i think this is very cool ^^

Characters / Re: ||Zeke The Terrible||
« on: March 28, 2011, 02:38:02 am »
Very interesting i really like it

Videos / Have you ever...
« on: March 28, 2011, 02:35:35 am »
Watched a Feral heart or imprssive title video on youtube and saw your character XD. I noticed i was dancing in the background of a video one time and i found myself in a screenshot or 2 on deviantart.

Leaving / Re: This Blows..
« on: March 28, 2011, 02:29:24 am »
Thinking about Retiring..

Due to so much drama inside Feral Heart.. of people being a**holes to me.. Just because I have more then one character.. and That might have a mate.. I am thinking about retiring.. two users by the name of

Bellawolf789 and Wolfgirl122  an insane girl that thought i was her mate, told me off saying i was a cheater..

How the hell is it cheating when Brickstin doesn't even hate a mate yet Blizz does?

Blizz isn't off cheating going around screwing other she wolves..

But then Bellawolf789 said i was still the same controller (person) .. if she wants to get that technical .. then maybe it's best if I just quit Feral heart.. I really wanted to just have a few of my characters have a mate and start a pack or something.. do some nice role playing.. I have Multible Sclerosis its when the immune system attacks the brain, nerve system and brain stem. So I'm having to deal with a lot of physical pain and mental pain. Your body just kills it self: It's almost like having AIDS.. but it's not AIDS.

Now I know I am not the only one with problems; but when you come and log into the internet to a game like FH.. to spend time with friends and close.. Friends.. (Because you trust them) .. How can you enjoy it when pricks like that start giving you dramatic Farses!?

Ive met some nice people on FH But it's very VERY rare that I do: Most of it is filled with rude, obnoxious people; acting like they know it all.

It's soo hard to find GOOD role play; I don't mean one liners I mean Paragraph Liners!

I also hate it when people become your friend or interact with you and then dont show up for a week!

They dont even bother to even PM you on the forums and try and tell you what has become of them and why they are gone.

.. I have a lot of other crap going on right now.. and this kind of un needed stress from inside the game is just.. insane.. Fighting over such Trivial stupid reasons that are completely illogical.  When it comes to your characters inside Feral Heart.. it's a game! You can role play your characters how ever you like and just because you play a game a certain way shouldn't mean your Discriminated; cursed at, told to be a whore and talked bad about. That is just completely immature!

So my dear friends those wishing to have your character's have a shot at any of my characters to be have your character be mates with: I am going to ask you this question: Should I quit? or should I stay? and if I do stay? I tell you one thing.. you better not be a close minded person and take a video game soo serious to the point they feel it's a real life thing to live.. because. you seriously have no grasp in reality then if you do.

I will not associate with people who are immature pricks to me.. And this isn't the first time that this has happened to me here's another example: when I adopted a pop onto Brickstin.. This person's ID name was NIOMI.. I was afk.. for a momet. doing some things IRL because well.. I have a life.. then  I come back. and my game chat is scrolling inside FH... And NIOMI was screaming at me and i was trying to reply back to him: he accused me of ignoring him and he made his character jump off into the water to drop himself inside The Temple.. I couldn't believe the idiotic Drama that was coming from this player but he basically Blew up and called me 7 different names and capped off at me.. I was completely shocked at his behavior..

How many more morons and crazies are inside FH? I thought FH was a clean area.. for the most part!

Please.. Give me some answers. I want to find out if there is some sanity out there!

Convince me to stay: because I have given FH so many chances and up to this point my desire to play has been mostly killed.

I already have 17 morons on ignore and block.

Please.. if I am in the wrong area or in a place at the wrong time.. HELP me..

Show me a good spot in FH or a place to find Good Role play or something with people who aren't major D***s!

If nothing good comes out of this.. then I am going to take a long needed break off FH and come back: Maybe then I might have better luck v_v

I know what you mean my friend there are a  lot of jerks out there..but all we can do is shake off our shoulders and keep on moving. I know we dont know eachother well but id be willing to be a good freind to you. Im always online on the forums im on the game 2 hours a day so we could always keep in contact and do paragraph rps or just chat about life. im sorry to hear about whats going on and i really want to help but i dont know how i can if theres anything i can do please say so. Also making another account and deleting your old one,starting a new character may also be a good idea my friend

Game Discussion / How do you handle your RP fights?
« on: March 28, 2011, 02:00:10 am »
I usually set standards for my pack and make sure there is no goddmodding we also do whats called the Sparring system which is set up so everyone fights fairly if you want to know how it works just ask. it works for my 18 member pack all the time and everyone seems to like it and think its fair. So how do you RP fight? Are you tired of Goddmodding?

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