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Messages - Nemena

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I've not really had great experiences myself with pups (the only one I've ever cared for became an adult within hours and tried to mate with its adopted father- my character!), but it looks an interesting branch of roleplay. I've tentatively made a pup myself to poke around for parents. :D

Otherwise, the only other occassion I can recall is when a close friend and I were roleplaying on a public map out of boredom, and a fetus tried to interact with us. It was odd. And a little frightening.

Game Discussion / Re: A guide to wolfspeak and why you shouldn't use it
« on: January 28, 2013, 08:08:56 pm »
How could you forget banners, tassels and flags? They're all apparently synonymous with 'tail'. Apparently. There's also orbs, spheres and optics- which are frequently used to describe eyes.

Even so, the thread's a good giggle (+floof'd)! Wolfspeak's one of the few things I completely loathe in-game; I can understand it after a spot of scrutinizing, but I'd genuinely rather roleplay with a chat-speaker. It's just too much purple prose for my personal tastes. Good for you if that's your preferred method of roleplay, I'm just staying well away from you; the pretentious lanuage leaves me so confused and flustered. I've left so many groups because of it! :D

It reminds me of the roleplay I had the misfortune of reading a week or two ago in Ficho. Whilst I completely respect other's styles, this one person seemingly flung open a thesaurus, picked the longest word listed there and crushed it into their roleplay, irrespective of its meaning. It was genuinely several paragraphs of something along the lines of:

"Her obsidian cinctures umbrageously scintillated as the fae's terrene vacillated towards the conterminous brute."

I believe I was blocked after politely attempting to correct them, initially pointing out that cinctures are these, not eyelids. I'd honestly rather see people go for the more simplistic terms! I've an extensive biological vocabulary from the four years of my degree, yet I'll still refer to pieces of anatomy as their common names; it allows a wider variety of roleplayers to interact with you, as opposed to a select few who can scarcely understand what you're babbling on about. :P

Edit: WAIT I ZOOMED INTO THAT PICTURE. I CAN'T-... DEAD. AFHG-. Also screenshotted the roleplay I was talking about!

Forum Discussion / Re: Rant: Requests & Ungrateful People
« on: January 28, 2013, 06:24:37 pm »
I completely understand your pain; I've had similar issues with presets! It's very difficult to get things exact, and one often has to take minor artistic liberties to make the design work. If people are desperately after a preset and have a perfect vision of exactly what they want, they should perhaps consider learning how to create it themselves- as opposed to making someone work needlessly on a piece that'll inevitably be thrown aside. Appreciation and usage of artwork/presets is often all the artist asks for in thanks; it's beyond the boundaries of rude to even decline that gesture and haggle someone else to redo it! If they're a paying commissioner, it's a different story entirely, but freebies?

I've started to only accept complex requests from friends- people I know who will appreciate the preset and use it for many, many months; there's no point in putting 5+ hours of work into something that'd be brushed off in an instant by a randomer who, knowingly or unknowingly, stomps all over an artist's feelings with their blatant dismissal of other's work. It's selfish- and extremely rude; presets often take just as long- or longer- than a painting. :(

I can understand wanting a change after many, many months- but declining a piece entirely because of a minor flaw-...? I sincerely hope they don't say it flat-out to the artist's face.


I'm fine with whatever others make- providing it's not too sore on the eyes. Sometimes, that luminious green and pink monstrosity isn't such a great idea; they're occasionally physically painful to look at- which makes roleplaying with such characters a difficult feat (unless you're equipped with sunglasses...)!

In terms of character design, I tend to keep my own realistic- though I've two with unrealistic (though very muted) colouration. Even then, I've no preference as to whether the roleplay's an unrealistic fantasy or a realistic pack- I just prefer natural colours on my own characters. :D

Nearly all of my characters are realistic, or try to be as near to it as possible on FeralHeart. I've downloaded mods for realistic fur textures, mask, and even realistic roars and howls. XD Love me realism, I do.
It's mainly the serious RP characters that are really realistic; the ones that I just sometimes derp about on are more semi-realistic. I have to look up the species of my character on google or something when I'm in the process of making it, just so it looks as realistic as it can.
I can't think of a good reason why I don't like unrealistic characters...I just don't. I think it's may because it sends out the message (to me at least) that the person didn't really put much thought or effort into making their character and just threw some bright colours together. But I'm not totally sure; must just be one of those things that gets to me.

My unrealistic characters (one's in a serious, long-term roleplay!) often take longer to make than my realistic characters- mainly since I attempt to make them look like a plausible creature, as opposed to a spontaneously throwing together a mishmash of neon purples and blacks. Not all of them are lazy; even realistic characters can easily be made with a haphazard mixture of muted brows and greys with ease! :P

I do understand your point though; everyone has their own personal tastes! Just had to ramble a little, apologies!

Art Gallery / Re: Nemena's Entry
« on: January 18, 2013, 07:13:15 pm »
Thank'ee so much! Only the wonders of Pingu can eloquently summarise my response! *wriggle* :D

And thanks for 'zee watch, too- it's an honour! I've such a soft-spot for skull-faced characters; I'll need to keep a sneaky eye out for yours!

Game Discussion / Re: Character biographies
« on: January 16, 2013, 09:27:39 pm »
I've been curious about this, too!

My profiles are generally a few paragraphs describing their appearance and mannerisms; I tend not to include histories after people began taking that OOC information into the realm of IC. Either that or a brief history, but I'd rather people found out that information through interaction as opposed to simply scrolling through a biography. I-... Just aim to describe anything that's not on the model presented to other players whilst giving them a brief glimpse into the character's personality. :D

The characters I'm not intending to roleplay seriously or long-term generally have short biographies, or none at all.

Art Gallery / Re: Nemena's Entry
« on: January 16, 2013, 03:59:32 am »

Thanks a million for all the kind words; I'm floored by how friendly everyone is! I just hope they're not too creepy, eeep- they can be absolute doofuses in-game, I swear! :D

And-... *jumps in wriggle pile* I wish I had the time to doodle for everyone too- there's so many amazing entries (all of them, in fact)! I don't envy whoever judges the contest; it'll be an insanely difficult decision to make! :P

Art Gallery / Re: Lady Alizarin's Entry
« on: January 15, 2013, 05:48:45 pm »
Upload it to an image hosting sight such as imageshack, photobucket or imgur (imgur's my personal favourite!), then yoink the "Direct Link" url and slap it between two img brackets!

Otherwise, amazing entry! I adore the colours you've used- and the designs of the characters. :D Good luck!

Art Gallery / Re: Nemena's Entry
« on: January 15, 2013, 03:48:15 pm »

Art Gallery / Re: Nemena's Entry
« on: January 15, 2013, 01:04:59 am »
Ahfhsjfhst, thanks a million! I'm honoured! :D

And I tried (key word: tried!) to belay a different atmosphere in each image, though I think my woeful inexperience with acrylics does show. And it's a relief that it's not too late; had to rush a lot after oil-paint-disaster #4! Even so, the contest was a wonderful excuse to doodle some of my friend's characters! ;3;

But thank you, thank yooooouuuuuuu! Not worthyyyy! *flops*

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