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Messages - i1vet2b

Pages: 1 ... 17 18 [19]
Member Bio & Journals / Re: Vetty~
« on: April 25, 2012, 04:54:01 pm »
I'll be lounging on the beach in the fall just for you, Cloudly. Caribbean, here I come. :D

Member Bio & Journals / Re: Vetty~
« on: April 25, 2012, 04:35:23 pm »
Psh, Feeshy loves me. C:

Member Bio & Journals / Re: There Are Fish In The Sky.
« on: March 13, 2012, 07:59:29 pm »
You know you love me. And yes! Sock Monkeys! It was fate that guided me to get Marcel. x3

Member Bio & Journals / Vetty~ Update-6/17/12
« on: March 13, 2012, 05:26:39 pm »
User: i1vet2b

Nicknames: Vetty, Vet, Vetteh, you get where this is going.

Reason for the user: I get asked what my user means a lot. It's pretty simple if you sound it out. "I one vet to be."
Age: 22
I'm an up and rising veterinarian student. I attend St. George's University to receive my DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine).
My interests run (like all of us) to animals. If we didn't love 'em, we wouldn't be here. Clinically speaking, I've only worked closely with small animals, but I really want to work with wildlife and may have the chance to do some work this summer at a wildlife center.
I spend most of my time studying for class, sitting in class, attending too many meetings, hanging with friends, and playing FH. I tend to stay away from the forums. I have technology issues, as some of my pals on here are well aware.
Just a normal person with a well-balanced life. I love junk-food and hate veggies, so the balance isn't perfect. Haha!
People on general often annoy me, but hey, lucky for you all, I'm generally too lazy to report. Blocking is easier. And far more effective for me in the long run.

I can have a nasty temper, but it's usually pretty well in check.
I have great respect for those in the occupation of law enforcement. The police do so much for us, and I often see them get paid little for how much they do for us.
They risk their lives walking that thin blue line and we would do well to remember that.
By the colors of this, you might be able to guess my school. Either way, I'll tell you, since I don't make it a secret.
I am a Hokie. Virginia Tech runs in my veins, and I will forever strive to uphold our creed: Brotherhood, Honor, Leadership, Sacrifice, Service, Loyalty, Duty, and Ut Prosim. For those not in the know, Ut Prosim means "That I May Serve."  I uphold that motto in my life through service projects, working through the community to better the lives of those around me. Now a proud alumni, I will do all I can to encourage anyone with a dream to go to college to check out this school. You'll never find a better community than right in Blacksburg, Virginia.

I donate biannually to Relay for Life. Cancer hasn't made as big an impact on my life as it has others. But we all know someone who has had it, or is struggling. But I've been in the room when those feared words were said: You have cancer. It's a horrifying feeling, and I strive to see the end of cancer in my lifetime by donating to those who research it and help us to find a cure.

So I guess what defines me is Ut Prosim and Invent the Future. Both are affiliated with my college, and I know the day will never come that I don't stop fighting to uphold those.

Let's Go Hokies!

UPDATE 5/4/12- I received an email last night through my old high school art teacher. There is a gentleman who would like me to illustrate his children's book over the summer! While I am pressed for time, I'm really excited for the opportunity. I've had good news on top of good news lately! Makes up for all the rough spots. :)
UPDATE 5/12/12- I am official an alumni of the best college in the nation: Virginia Tech! Eyes all around the US were on my school yesterday when Mrs. Obama gave a motivational speech to my class. Today, my closest friends and I walked across the stage to collect our diplomas. I have never been more proud!
UPDATE 6/17/12 - I really just wanted to take the time to talk about breed bans. Certain cities deem that 'pit-bull type' dogs are not allowed to live in city limits. 1) There are a great many breeds that can be associated with the public's view of 'pit-bull type.' 2) It's unfair to responsible owners who have perfectly behaved dogs. Studies in places like Detroit (which have the ban specified) have shown that most dog bites happen to children and by breeds that are most trusted! They include the Golden Retriever and Labrador Retriever! Several cases have been on-going for years to contest these unfair breed-prejudiced bans. I've never been a fan of any kind of prejudiced, but my feelings on this subject have become stronger since my family rescued two 'pit-bull types.' The girl was taken from owners who left her chained in the yard, sores covering her body. The boy was found wandering the streets. Both are super sweet and want only to love on every human being that comes around.
Look at these faces. They want love - and likely to get off those silly costumes, but they put up with them regally. Breed bans are horrible, assuming the worst in a dog because of what others have made them infamous for.

This also serves as a shameless ploy to get you all to adopt some puppies. :)

Member Bio & Journals / Re: There Are Fish In The Sky.
« on: March 13, 2012, 05:01:11 pm »
My feesh.

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