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Messages - ToastGhost

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Ah well...

It just shows that I have a very youthful soul.

And still have my imagination.  Adults tend to lose theirs.  That's why they are boring.

I have Peter-Pan syndrome.  I refuse to grow up.

I think I may just be the oldest on the site.  I turn nineteen in a week.

Changed the info on **palms. Honestly, "Paradise Palms" would be an awesomely deceptive name <3
Deception is fun~

But anyways, the new description made me O.o  In a good way.  I think it's awesome.  Maybe "Skorm's March?"  Or whatever evil deity you believe would fit in place of Skorm.

**Palm. (0%)
It's name is a work in progress. The general idea is a beachy themed location.
The map will be public.
Download: NA
Image: NA
Concept art: NA
Would something like "Paradise Palms," "Sandy Plains," or "Beach Access" be acceptable as name suggestions?

Thank you!

Forest.  I'm more familiar with it.

In-game Username: Toast and Jam

Name: Patchflower
Gender: Female
Age: Fourteen moons
Rank: Warrior (May be queen later on)
Clan: Thunderclan
Species: American Shorthair
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Personality: Patchflower is a fairly new warrior, having just left her apprenticeship. She has a bit of an attitude, but is fairly adept at biting her tongue if there is need.  She will undoubtedly be a queen one day as she love kits.  She has no desire to become leader because the prospect of sharing tongues with Starclan gives her the shivers. She admires all the leaders for their willingness to do so. She likes hunting, but during leafbare her lazy side comes out, as she doesn't like going out into the cold. When she encounters a trespasser, be them clancat, kittypet, or rouge, she doesn't hesitate to chase them off or apprehend them for questioning.

Preset found here.

Introduction / Re: Toast here.
« on: May 21, 2011, 09:42:48 pm »
Thank you, Medic!  I like yours, too!  The Plague Dogs made me cry.  I loved the Todd.

Characters / Re: Toast's Characters
« on: May 21, 2011, 12:03:04 pm »



Characters / Re: Toast's Characters
« on: May 21, 2011, 11:56:23 am »



Gender: Male

Age: One year

Species: Cheetah

Parents: Zevran (father, deceased) and Saviana (mother, deceased)

Siblings: None

S.O.: Bisexual

Mate: None; Open

Offspring: None

Current Tribe: Crescent Miles

Personality: Xion is a very confident individual.  He is always sure of his actions, and is very rarely ashamed.  He sometimes finds it difficult to feel remorse for actions that have led to negative consequences as a result.  Because of this confidence, he tends to be rash in his actions, often running off without thinking of the dangers.  This has led to some pretty close calls, yet he doesn't seem to care.  He is extremely proud of his accomplishments, but this pride often annoys those close to him.  He has a difficult time being humble; in fact, he's failed at being humble so many times that he doesn't even bother to try anymore.  However, despite his pride, he is rather easygoing.  He accepts other opinions, and will fight only if provoked.  Occasionally, he'll lose on purpose, just to keep things interesting.  Despite all that, he is immensely affectionate.  He enjoys physical contact, be it as simple as a nuzzle, or as complex as sharing a den.  He is the type of person who is constantly licking, boxing, or draping himself over his friends.  He is dependable when it comes to promises.  While he rarely makes them, he will never break one.  If told a secret, he will never break that confidence, taking it with him to the grave.



Gender: Female

Age: Twenty-seven years

Species: Johari Mzimu

Parents: Unknown

Siblings: None

S.O.: Hetrosexual

Mate: None; Open

Offspring: None

Current Tribe: None

FormerTribe: Unknown

Personality: Sanura is a rather reserved young feline.  She isn't shy, she just doesn't offer information unless asked directly.  She also has problems discussing personal information, be it for medical reasons, or if someone is simply curious.  However, she is a very insecure individual.  In her eyes, she is worth very little, and she is unable to do things well.  Her self-worth is almost non-existent.  Despite this, she is hard-working, working diligently until the task is complete or she is told to stop.  This can be a bad thing at time, because she doesn't know when she has too much on her plate.  She's fallen ill from lack of sleep and over-working several times, much to her embarrassment.  She's extremely trusting, believing in the best of anyone she meets.  She is often taken advantage of because of this, and she never seems to learn her lesson.  She has a realistic view on life, neither hoping for the best nor fearing for the worst.  She knows that life is what you make of it, and she works to make it what she wants.



Gender: Male

Age: Three years

Species: Lion

Parents: Sari (Mother) and Ayo (Father)

Siblings: None

S.O.: Homosexual

Mate: None; Open

Offspring: None

Current Pride: None

Former Pride: Whispering Sands Pride

Personality: Zahur is rather playful and immature.  He can be quite girly at times, while at others he'll be as masculine as any other male.  He has almost no tact, saying exactly what is on his mind with no sugarcoating it.  At times he'll descend into a sort of depression, but it never lasts more than a few hours.  He loves to be pampered and looked after, but will become hostile if he gets the slightest hint that he's being babied.  He is free with his affection, yet he craves a steady relationship.  He can't stand being bored, so he's always looking for new and exciting tings to do.

History: Zahur was born in the Whispering Sands Pride two weeks before he was supposed to after his mother went into premature labor.  None of his siblings survived, so she was able to focus all of her attention on keeping him healthy.  Because of his birth circumstances, his mother was fiercely overprotective and overbearing.  As he grew older, he bucked under her authority, often getting in trouble just to spite her.  He was smaller than his peers, about the size of a small female, so it made him an east target for bullying.  He quickly learned to use his size and speed to his advantage, letting the bullies tire themselves out trying to hurt him.  When he turned two, Ayo turned him and the rest of the males out of the pride.  He separated from their bachelor pride to go out on his own, and has been since.



Gender: Female

Age: Fourteen moons

Species: American Shorthair

Parents: Aspenwhisker (Mother) and Spiderfang (Father)

Siblings: Barknose (Brother), Poppyfrost (Sister), and Redstripe (Brother)

S.O.: Heterosexual

Mate: None; Open

Offspring: None

Clan: Thunderclan

Personality: Patchflower is a fairly new warrior, having just left her apprenticeship. She has a bit of an attitude, but is fairly adept at biting her tongue if there is need.  She will undoubtedly be a queen one day as she love kits.  She has no desire to become leader because the prospect of sharing tongues with Starclan gives her the shivers. She admires all the leaders for their willingness to do so. She likes hunting, but during leafbare her lazy side comes out, as she doesn't like going out into the cold. When she encounters a trespasser, be them clancat, kittypet, or rouge, she doesn't hesitate to chase them off or apprehend them for questioning.



Gender: Male

Age: Two years

Species: Lion

Parents: Sari (Mother; deceased) and Ayo (Father; deceased)

Mentor: Ari (deceased)

S.O.: Bisexual

Mate: None; Open

Offspring: None

Current Pride: Archon Pack

Personality: Quick-tempered and bitter, Stefan is the type who would gladly sit back and watch someone burn to death without batting an eye.  Somewhat sadistically cruel, he tends to try to sow conflict so he can reap the benefits, be it entertainment or material gain.  Extremely xenophobic, he hates anything new with a passion, and is a stickler for tradition.  As such, he is completely loyal to the leader, as he would not trust another should they replace him.

History: He had a rather uneventful cubhood, but after his parents died from an unknown disease, he was lucky enough to stumble upon the territory of the Archon Pack.  Gratefully joining, he grew to be his cynical and opportunistic self through the guidance of his mentor.  After she was killed during a scuffle with the Celestial Pride, he became much more xenophobic, and grew to loath anything new.

Introduction / Re: Toast here.
« on: May 20, 2011, 10:40:59 pm »
Thank you, Zaroque!  I am enjoying it here!

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