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Messages - catsanddogsandbirds

Pages: 1 ... 186 187 [188] 189
Forum Games / Rate The Font!!!!!
« on: March 31, 2012, 03:23:47 pm »
 Alright, since everyone wants to know what font people use, RATE PPL'S FOOOONTS!!! And btw, say what the font is when you show it -_- :P

              I Like....


  What about you?

Other Mods/Creations / ITEM PACK REQUEST HERE!!!
« on: March 31, 2012, 03:08:57 pm »
   Hey, I sort of have an idea for an item pack called Pets but I have no idea how to make items, so, could someone make these? I will pay you with karmas!!! Here are some screenshots to get an idea of what I would like. I will give you credit!!!

     I would like this to be like a twig sticking our of your tail or mane and a crow on it
     I would like this to be like a fire surrounding the character with a phoenix flapping or just sitting their on top

                MORE IDEAS COMING (right now I gotta go to dance class -_- xD)

Could you make an emote that's like a

    wtf. -_-

  Sort of thing? xD

 (Sorry for double postin' I just need to test somethin' ooouuuutt hhheerrreee....)

(Nice Gryphons and Dragons, Warrior! Accepted :D)
   "Ma!" Shilly looked at her mother. The gryphons were in a meeting about their secret attack at Blood Shore.
 "Yes, Shilenaro?" Shilly's mother looked at her.
 "Don't you think that Wind should be here? He's a great magic slip!" Shilly smiled and peeked down at the handsome gryphon practicing spells. Emerilla smiled.
 "You just have a crush on him!" she giggled.
 "No, I don't!" Shilly snapped.
 "Ok, ok, say what you like. But we all know it's true," Emerilla gently elbowed her sister, Crolly. Shilly blushed and added:
 "Um--ok--uh...we-we don't have to bring him up."
 "Alright, how many troops should we bring?" Shilly's father, Drillian, continued, "I don't think we should take them all, the dragons, as our Grissle Spy Snow told us, are getting more Magic Slips. It will be hard to beat them. We need some Active Spies to go and kill most of them."
 "I bet Wind could beat those Magic Slips!" Emerilla blurted out, looking at Shilly, smiling.
 "Emerilla!" Emerilla's mother snapped.
 "Sorry, Ma."
 "Shilenaro!" Shilly jerked her head up from staring at a baby turtle on the cave floor.
 "Yes?" she replied.
 "Go and get six of our Active Spies, the best ones!"
 "Who-who are those?" A sigh flooded through the general speaking with her.
 "Rike, Rally (Not your friend, Rally), Shore, Blithe, Bell, and Sapphire!"
 "Yes, sir," Shilly nodded her head and flew out of the cave.

 Seeing a big silver blob tumble from up a rock, towards a ledge. As it smacked against it, she saw it slowly uncurl and reveal itself. A silver dragon! Shain thought in horror, Could it-it-it could it b-be???? (Alright, lemme tell you why she is like that lol. There is a legend about silver dragons that say that a newborn silver dragon will not be found until it is ready, and that when it is a bit grown up more, it will bring great goodness to the world.) "She will bring death to all gryphons!!" Shain screeched out. Snatching the dragon, she took her to Shain's hollow.
 "Sleep, now, everything is ok, sleep," she was trying not to sound evil, for saying that sort of thing was usually, to her, only when she caught a gryphon who gave her good info. 
 "Everything is ok now, sleep," she repeated in a whisper, seeing the silver dragon's eyelids slowly fall.

 Shilly looked around at the scene before her. Her friend, Emerilla, had suddenly collapsed on the floor, bursting with laughter. Her other friend, Rally, stared at her and then at Shilly. Rally looked at the wall and then burst out laughing, too. She looked at each and cocked her head. "Guys," she said, "What are you laughing about?" Rall and Emerilla suddenly stood straight and started backing up. Of course, Shilly thought, mother She turned around and her feathers closed in in sudden alarm.
 "Well, who do we have here?" a massive dragon with golden scales chuckled, "The great Shilenaro and her friends!" Shilly looked around. Stupid! she thought, Why did I go to Rally's house! Dang Ground Gryphons! She scolded herself. She was in a cave, she couldn't fly away! Suddenly she had an idea.
 "Sir?" she asked the great dragon.
 "What, kid!"
 "I bet your moma is so fat, warriors fly around her to get exersize!" The dragon fumed. What was this gryphon talking about and why isn't she running away in terror!?
 "You'll regret that!" the dragon snarled.
 "Wait, sir! I have a question," Shilly tried to sound little and defensless.
 "Sir, is your tail golden, too?" The dragon looked at her for a second.
 "Yes, of course it is!" he suddenly snapped.
 "Oh, ok then. Prove it!" she sat and clapped her lion paws together.
 "Oh, you little!" he growled, then turned to show her his tail. "See, it is gol-" Shilly zipped out of the cave and stuck her tongue out at the dragon. Wizzing by, she flew lower and lower until she saw a big black gryphon stick his head out of under a ledge. Then another one!
 "Ma, da!" she called.
 "Shilenaro! Come here, darling!" Shilly's mother shrieked. Shilly zipped down and landed on the ledge her mother and father just climbed on.
 "What happened?" her father asked.
 "A big dragon, that's what happened!"


 "Yes, yes, I know!" Shain snarled at the bleeding gryphon on the ground of the large plains.
 "I-I don't know any more, I swear!" it pleaded, "Let me go!"
 "I never let go any gryphons I catch! Now what Gryphon in Battle are you?!"
 "A Magic Slip, now please don't hurt me!"
 "Then why haven't you already cast a spell on me when I went after you to creech me?" Shain asked, still snarling.
 "I-I, I don't, I guess, I mean-" Shain slashed the gryphon's tail half open.
 "SPEAK CLEARLY!!!" she snarled. A large howl and shriek of pain soared through the evening light.
 "I can't cast magic when surprised!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the gryhon gasped. Shain smiled evily.
 "Good gryphon, gooooood. Now rest, go to sleep. You're ok now, rest..." she slowly slid her claw down the gryphon's neck, letting it die slowly. But she did it so slowly, the gryphon didn't even feel it.
 When she got back to the dragons to tell them the information, she saw a slight glint of silver in the background of the tree hollow they were in. Odd she thought warily.
 "Good job, Grillshain, our most trusted Active Spy," the King said, nodding his head. Shain nodded her head also and flew out of the tree and into her own.
 "What a day..." she sighed, closing her heavy eyelids and loosing sense of time slowly. She finally fell asleep.

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Re: ~BlackCatTrain's signature shop~
« on: March 27, 2012, 12:42:13 am »
Yea, I know it's a lot to ask, but just try ur best lol

Poems / Re: The Evil Little Cry + More!!
« on: March 25, 2012, 03:42:04 pm »
Alright, can't guess it? It's....


Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Re: ~BlackCatTrain's signature shop~
« on: March 25, 2012, 03:33:41 pm »
Your user: catsanddogsandbirds (cats and dogs and birds, just with no space)
Glitter Text?: Yes
Normal Text?: No
Animated Stars?: Yes
Certain picture URL (optional)
What picture do you want in this?: Um, well, I don't really know Anime that well, so let's just say I would like a pretty panther (female panther) walking under a cherry tree. Also, I want it to be sunset and it to say: (Animated Heart) Twizzler (Animated Heart)


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