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Messages - Death_The_Kid

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Game Polls / Re: Paw pads
« on: March 28, 2011, 01:29:00 am »
I think its  a good idea but maybe they could have a download option for that instead of maybe putting it in a new patch they could make it a side download so that way the people who dont want more space taken up on there comp(trust me some people are very hyperbolistic on computer memory).  but thats just my opinion

Game Discussion / Re: Roleplay Fights are FAIL
« on: March 28, 2011, 01:22:43 am »
Lol this is why I only RP with close friends.

I happened to notice your icon and character its very beautiful very unique ^^ i havent seen another like it.  and yes i only rp with my pack and i still lay down strict rules like no god modding

Thankyou =D That's very kind of you to say that. I like your icon too, Soul Eater is one of my favourite series. Too bad the icon isn't symmetrical. D:<

/end offtopicness

I don't really RP that often anymore. I used to be really into it and I always knew how to react to certain circumstances to a fight. I never aimed to kill the person's character, just to dominate and harm as it would happen in the wild xD Unless it was planned.

Except maybe in my noob days lol xD


You can download and make your own emotes, I don't know if the staff intends on adding any new ones. You can also edit the existing emotes.cfg file and edit the emotions. The codes to are at the very top of the file.
Dance moves, I would love to see Moonwalk and Thriller from IT added back eventually. But before dance moves, I want actions. Like, tail twitch, paw raise, ear flick, etc. You're kinda.. like, stone, if you say.. just sitting/standing/laying is nice, but have you noticed the characters really don't make any movements? I liked how in IT the eyes moved, I want moving eyes back actually. xD
But these are good, the only one I'm not sure of is the Combat. But I never really liked PvP, so that's just me.

Exactly things like Tail Wag, ear flick, would be really cool. But not everyone can edit emotes and even if taught people may still have problems so maybe doing a poll taking suggestions on adding the new emotes would be nice.

Like this? (I made this a few year ago for Aeon Phase before it died, tis mine though)

Very Very nice this is the kinda thing im talking about ^^

News Archives / Re: Presets on the Server?
« on: March 27, 2011, 10:48:14 pm »
Interesting proposal,But i can see the admins point about taking bandwidth,And the server crashing would be a bad thing indeed,I wonder if this would be ever possible,Especially considering the bandwidth and server crashing parts.

There actually may be a way(i could be wrong here) But if they took off the preset color option maybe deleted half of the customization options it would be possible but one issue is that not everyone can edit and make custom presets plus about 70% of the votes to to do would be No since everyone wants to keep the customizations and such. but you never know they could do a funding thing to buy enough bandwith im sure maybe if they made like Feral heart shirts or maybe custom pins or other little trinkets they could purchase a big one but this is just my opinion

Ok I think its about time they made a combat system fro this game The RP fights are out of control sometimes with the Godmodding and such.  These are my ideas for combat.

Combat Grid:

Make a Square by Square Combat Grid Zone where players use attacks like claws and biting. maybe even make it to where you can have 5 or more people fighting at once like on a team. My sister whose a computer programmer made a combat system for a game shes working on using this method. it works very nicely.

Or they can do a experience point system where maybe killing a Elk gives you maybe 50 or beating another player gives you 100 and after so many you level up and get to use new abilities. But keep it as realistic as yknow we can since it seems like that was kovus intention.

Emotes: I think we need more emotes or at least have some of the emotes improved like with the crazed grin i think the eyes should be wider and more wild looking. Perhaps making a emotion for feeling ill or sick.

The dance moves do get abused way too much at times i must say. The buttswing move needs more hip into it the current one seems to slow and lazy..not much energy..perhaps make a enhanced version where its faster and more energetic. More dance moves like from IT with the walking and swinging of the head would be nice(i never played IT only saw videoes) maybe they could have like Paw tapping yknow like tapping to the beat of a song.

What do you all think?

Game Discussion / Re: Roleplay Fights are FAIL
« on: March 27, 2011, 10:24:09 pm »
Lol this is why I only RP with close friends.

I happened to notice your icon and character its very beautiful very unique ^^ i havent seen another like it.  and yes i only rp with my pack and i still lay down strict rules like no god modding

Game Discussion / Re: Roleplay Fights are FAIL
« on: March 27, 2011, 10:19:18 pm »
I'm sorry, but every time I get dragged into one of these stupid things, it ends up being a clash of overpowered characters, godmoding, ignored attacks, auto-hits, arguments, drama, OORP anger, and it goes on until someone throws their hands up and says "Fine, I die, whatever, I'm tired and need to go to bed"

We need to work out a combat system, or adapt one already in use.

I am so sick of people with their characters as durable as steel plated armored assault machines. What in the hell?
Oh, never mind your intestines that should be dragging all around in the god damned dirt after being clawed 50 times, you bit me on the throat once, I'm instantly dead as far as you're concerned!

I totally agree with you on this its time they made a system of some kind maybe a combat system or grid

Forum Polls / Re: Karma
« on: March 27, 2011, 10:13:45 pm »
I dont even know what the karma thing is at all  :-\

Member Bio & Journals / Waz up? waz up? wazzzzz upp? Im Nowe
« on: March 23, 2011, 02:45:41 pm »
Name: Nowe(pernounced no way)

Age: 17

Height: 6,2

Heritage: British(dads side),australian(moms side)

Eyes Color: carribean blue

Hair: shoulder length/ black colored

Hobbies: Dance, Singing, MArtial arts, Taijutsu, Sparring MMA, Animation, Art,

Languages i know pretty well: German, Spanish, Sumerian

Accent: medium-deep british accent/southern sounding

instruments: Piano

Other info: I have a very bad case of OCPD in real life over Symmetry(if you look at my user you now know why i chose this character to rp as) Everything has to be perfect. its worse or better depending on my mood.

Anyways nice to meet all of you

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