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Messages - Nemena

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Art Gallery / Nemena's Entry
« on: January 15, 2013, 12:26:42 am »

Full size here!

I hope it's not too late; there was a bit of a disaster with the final image! It was originally in oil paints, but-... They've still not dried! Tried a different medium for each character, going from acrylics to watercolour- then digital! The characters pictured are all from our Skullen group and are: Balrogg, Murk, Esk and Boomerang- with the BGs based on the group's maps! They're a fictional FeralHeart race created by Yecurzo and I; we've had a blast roleplaying them these past few months! :D

Many apologies, and I hope a collage of images is allowed; I wanted to do something a bit different from a group portrait. If not, I'll just edit and submit a single one instead! ^^;

Discussion Board / Re: do you think pewdiepie is funny?
« on: January 13, 2013, 11:52:20 pm »
I do like some of his videos; I'll admit many of his Amnesia ones had me in tears. I don't watch many these days, but I sometimes rewatch a few of his better ones!

Even so, the jokes are-... Well. They're serious topics that should never really be joked about, especially not through such a medium. It's just really odd when you're giggling over his absurd reactions and then suddenly-... An inappropriate  and distasteful joke! It's just so out of place and jarring at times; I'm not entirely sure what to make of him.

Though I can understand why others enjoy his videos, even if I sometimes find some of the commentary a little distasteful; there's no need for rape jokes, even though he's not intending to cause offense.

Game Discussion / Re: Playing to the Godmodders: We're Making it Worse!
« on: January 12, 2013, 12:04:00 am »
I agree with everything, but this part especially...

Oh, and please, please, please stop addressing people you find annoying as 'honey/dear/sweetheart/etc.' It's... yeah, just... please

Fhfhthhf. I've luckily never been addressed as such myself, but it never fails to make me grimace until my face resembles a ball of knitting when it's used in a negative manner.

I'm one of the silly people who occasionally roleplays normally with godmodders, sometimes with polite, non-patronising, advice in whispers if it's a grievous injury- most didn't really know any better and generally do listen (I've been lucky, in that regard)! I just let it slide if it's something very minor- like a claw, bump or nudge. If all else fails and they persist, a quick exit and the block tool's a better option than an incessant argument!

Though the correction part reminds me of a person we politely declined for being extremely arrogant in whispers. They were a decent roleplayer, but whispering with something along the lines of "I'm probably better than your entire group combined, but I'll join 'cos I'm bored" earnt them an unceremonious 'no'. They then sat and watched our roleplay for about an hour until I finally fat-fingered a key and produced a typo- and was consequently called an illiterate roleplayer.   :-\

Oooh. I have one from last week!

I was lurking around on my elderly wolf, Drek'Avanji, where I spotted a 'literate' pup looking to be adopted. I didn't really have anything better to do at the time, so gave them a tentative poke. After a few whispers back and forth, they seemed especially friendly and excited about the notion of being smuggled away by my character.

The roleplay was fantastic, and our characters meshed extremely well! However, soon afterwards, she bantered about showing me something exciting and-... Bam! Her character was suddenly an adult, after consuming an 'ageing potion' she'd conveniently stumbled upon. While this could've been an interesting plot device, she completely veered off the rails and into questionable territory.

In short: her character started flirting with mine (her adopted father) and practically began begging to be his mate. She made some rather physical, explicit flirts towards him and shfdjkf fhdjf fhdfj fhdjfd. I blocked and curled into the fetal position; I was really, really enjoying the roleplay up until that point. ;_;

And now I need to find a replacement pup! *flops*

Screenshots / Re: I'm not sure if this goes here or in the other thread.
« on: January 08, 2013, 10:56:37 pm »
YEC-BABBU. Your screenshots are still amazing fhajfkafjth fhdjs fhj. More, more, more!


Other Games / Re: Istaria Chat
« on: January 08, 2013, 06:24:13 pm »
Istaria! <3333

I play it on and off whenever I can afford a subscription; I've played it since-... 2003? 2004? I've no idea; I originally played on Unity! In terms of characters, I play an enormous, stinky ancient called Sigvard, and a wimpy excuse for a drake called Lello (both on Order).

I'm eyeing up my Christmas money, so tempted to resubscribe! :D

Discussion Board / Re: Do you guys think i'm ok?
« on: January 08, 2013, 03:42:03 pm »
It could possibly be dyslexia, but I think dyscalculia and dyspraxia (essentially maths-dyslexia and movement-dyslexia) both share similar directional/memory issues alongside their usual problems; they're pretty closely related! It's likely best to speak to your doctor to get a proper diagnosis if it's causing you bother. It could just be a minor case, just a case of absent-mindedness- or something else entirely; it's hard to tell without the help of a professional.

I myself have both dyscalculia (even I'm on my final semester of a Bachelors degree in mathematics/biology- wish I was diagnosed before starting!) and dyspraxia- and I'm lucky enough to have the entire suite of short-term memory, direction and left/right issues. :D

Game Discussion / Re: Advertising techniques
« on: January 06, 2013, 07:42:09 pm »
Whilst I don't really advertise myself, the groups I'm attracted to the most are those I actually see roleplaying! I've joined many-a-group where they do nothing but advertise. No roleplay. Nada. And groups whose roleplay turns out considerably different from what they initially advertised.

One of the favourite groups I've been in were fully mapped, but they took members into Flourite to do some roleplay whilst advertising in general; I personally find it more attractive than any of the other options- and it lets you know more about their literacy levels, styles and characters than a simple advertisement! It seemed to be a success, too. :D

Edit: However, I'm not sure about the video option; many people have videos hidden from view simply due to the spammers. I'm guilty of it myself! And alternating between option 1 and 2 could capture people's attention more effectively than a single style-...! Could! Maybe. Possibly.

It's really bizarre how cruel people can be to those they consider illiterate- especially since they're often younger players. Some constructive, polite criticism can be helpful, but being outright abusive is most certainly a no-no. If the 'illterates' enjoy roleplay, good for them! I'll respond in paragraph format to whatever's thrown at me when I'm publicly roleplaying, regardless of whether they're capable of writing a cohesive sentence. I most certainly prefer literate roleplay- but would reply if approached by someone 'illiterate', as much as I struggle to understand chat-speak. We're all humans behind the keyboard; there's simply no need to be overly critical and harsh to anyone. If anything, the one being cruel is the one I add to my block-list, not the apparent illiterate; I often pop to the latter's defence when I catch such shenanigans in the chat.

For my own group, while we do soley accept those who write in paragraphs (regardless of whether they use -'s or *'s: it's the content that matters), we aren't rude to those who we simply can't accept (usually single lines of chat-speak- typos are managable!). Even then, we always leave an invitation open if they wish to improve, and willingly offer advice if they ask for it. It's not really a case of  ridiculing; it's more-so that it just wouldn't work with an ocean of fluent paragraphs being interrupted by a singe "hi im in heat an1 want 2 mate???". There's plenty of other groups that'd accept them and offer the type of roleplay they're seeking!

Edit: Funnily enough, I just left one of my main character's groups moments ago for being harsh about an illiterate's roleplaying ability. ;_;

Discussion Board / Re: Your art from 2012 to 2013?
« on: January 06, 2013, 03:19:21 am »
Eee, there's a lot of improvement from you two! I'm jealous. :D

I've sadly not really improved much; I've not really had time to devote to enormous pieces- I'm on the final year of my degree and there's so many essays to complete!

Even so, here's an A5 commission from January 2012:

And then an A5 piece completed early October, and a speedpaint from december:

The only real difference is the use of colour, really! The latter ones have more layers painted over the line-art than the former. Here's hoping 2013 shows a bit more improvement- and the eventual jump to lineless work!

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