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Messages - ToastGhost

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Species / Re: The Rune Wolves
« on: May 20, 2011, 10:35:48 pm »
Thank you!  That's a map I'm currently making for another of my characters.  It's nowhere near finished yet.  But if you are thinking of making a map, I can do it.  I like to think I'm pretty handy in the map maker.

As for mocking in-game mate beggars... maybe~

Species / Re: The Rune Wolves
« on: May 20, 2011, 09:57:43 am »
Lux Lucius

Name: Lux Lucius; Lux for short

Age: Adult

Element: Light

Personality: Lux is a rather arrogant and over-confidant Rune Wolf.  While he is by no means self-absorbed (quite the opposite, in fact), he is convinced he is right.  He often goes out of his way to attempt to prove it.  That said, he is also attentive to others needs as he tends to neglect his own.  He likes to compliment others, and flirts with everyone, be they old or young, male or female.  He has an open mind when it comes to romance.

History: Lux was born to a Earth Mother and a Nature Father, along with his two sisters, one of which is markless.  His other sister is a Earth Rune Wolf like their mother.  Tragically, his father died when his eyes were still shut, so he has no memories of him other than his scent.  His markless sister went and mated outside the Rune Wolves, saying she had more in common with her mate than with any other male in the pack.  His Earth sister has a mate and is carrying her second litter.  He has an uneventful childhood.  His training went well, and while he isn't the strongest in the pack, he is by no means the weakest.  He still hasn't found a mate, but that doesn't mean he has given up.

RP sample: Honestly, Lux Lucius didn't usually mind it when others asked favors from him.  He was usually delighted to help.  Then again, people usually asked of him small things.  Like if he could bring back an extra rabbit the next time he went hunting.  Or if he could deliver a message to their mate's father.  But this.  This was annoying.  And not in a small way.  It was annoying in a 'Oh Moon, why does this always happen to me' kind of way.

The young female in front of him looked up at him with star-struck eyes, and he sighed.  She looked to be fresh out of training, all starry-eyed and rose-tinted glasses.  She seemed to believe that just because he gave her a compliment, that meant he wanted to be her mate.  And he really didn't feel like making her run away with her tail between her legs.  "So, Luxie," she crooned, and he winced at the horrible pet name, "do you have an answer?"  He held back a growl.  It wouldn't do to bite her head off when all she was was confused.  He'd better explain thoroughly, otherwise she might continue to bug him even after he rejected her.

"Listen, whoever you are," he started.  She probably told him her name, but he was still busy trying to not snap at her to bother trying to remember it.  "I'm sure you are nice and all, and would make someone an excellent mate.  But that someone isn't me.  For one, you are way too young for me.  And another, you need to experience life some before settling down.  It isn't all about finding a mate and popping out pups," he said as gently as he could.  She still looked devastated, ears flat and body low to the ground.  Deciding to make it easy for her, he turned and walked away.  He should probably hunt.  He needed to catch an extra rabbit for his sister.  With that though in mind, he left the female behind to her short-lived misery.  Hopefully she would take his words to heart.  He knew best, after all.

Discussion Board / Re: If you were a dog....
« on: May 20, 2011, 07:12:57 am »
I'd be my dog!

Her papers say she's a Basset Hound, but I think she has some Beagle in her.  
She's too smart and too active to be pure Basset, not to mention she doesn't look like one.

Introduction / Re: Toast here.
« on: May 20, 2011, 12:03:29 am »
Thank you, Owlfeesh!  I like Toast, too.  With raspberry jam.  The map maker is by far my favorite thing.  I've been making worlds from my stories with it.  I've also been fiddling with the premades, though I'm not too good with those.

Discussion Board / Re: Piercing and Tattoo's
« on: May 19, 2011, 06:06:51 am »
I have a tattoo on my upper back between my shoulder blades.  No picture of it, but it's a wolf curled up, sleeping.  Cost maybe 300 dollars, and he did a wonderful job on it.  Well worth it.  My ears are also pierced.  Both have the lobe twice.  First set was when I was really young, maybe five?  The second set was three years ago.  Hurt kinda.  The tattoo was worse going over my spine, since I'm really skinny and my bones stick out a lot.

Introduction / Re: Toast here.
« on: May 17, 2011, 08:00:15 pm »
Thank you, Jazzz!

Game Discussion / Re: Name 1 thing...
« on: May 17, 2011, 06:49:32 am »
As was said before, and will undoubtedly be said again, the mapmaker.  I love that thing to death.

Introduction / Re: Toast here.
« on: May 17, 2011, 12:29:01 am »
Thank you, Eltiana!  I'm sure you will.

Introduction / Re: Toast here.
« on: May 17, 2011, 12:08:43 am »
Thank you, Sheeba!  I hope so too, and I'll let you know when I put my map up for beta testing.

Introduction / Toast here.
« on: May 16, 2011, 09:08:00 pm »
So I've been here for several days, looking around, poking my nose into things, generally testing the waters.  And I've decided that I like it.  There is a friendly community, the people are interesting, and I /really/ like the map-maker.  So I'll definitely be staying.

That said, hi everyone.  I'm Toast, eighteen and currently in college.  I'm a pretty decent roleplayer, though my experience is limited to wolf roleplays.  I have some characters here and I'm working on a pretty large map.  I'll put up a thread in the map section when I get it looking better.

Well, that's pretty much it for an introduction...  I'll eventually put up something in the biography section eventually.  Once I get my thoughts organized.  I'm certain I'll see you around on the forum.

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