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Messages - FoxXIII

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Art Gallery / Re: The FH Prom! (A Command-Based Comic)
« on: October 29, 2011, 03:14:45 pm »
=> Closet Furry: Go Punch The DJ (In the face)

Your CLOSET SENSES are TINGLING! Surely this can mean only one thing- There is a DJ nearby, and that DJ needs to be punched. It could also mean you need to rave, however. So you decide to do both of those things. AT THE SAME TIME.

Just LOOK at those MOVES. You pretty much have the title of Prom Queen in the bag with these moves.
Your date just sort of... Watches. You expect she is used to this sort of behaviour from you by now.

You're not actually drunk at all. Not yet, at least. But that seemed like the appropriate thing to yell while kicking doors open.


Art Gallery / Re: The FH Prom! (A Command-Based Comic)
« on: October 29, 2011, 01:11:58 am »
=> Closet Furry: Introduce your beautiful tolerance-date to the non-exsistant masses.

You do just that.

You offer your hand to Crash and help her out of the vehicle just as any good gentlema.... Lady... uh... You help her out of the limo anyway. Also, you become vaguely aware of some artist somewhere in terrible emotional pain as they try to draw hands and fail miserably.

You are now THIS GOOD LOOKIN' CANINE, who is also wearing a monocle. Your name is CRASH and you are here for prom shenanigans and tea. You will never be out of tea.

What will you two do?

((Derp derp lookit that fail art. This is why I never draw at 2 am. Never.))

Art Gallery / The FH Prom! (A Command-Based Comic)
« on: October 28, 2011, 11:27:25 pm »
((Moderators, please do feel free to move this if there's a board better suited for this sort of thing))

Hey there, and welcome to The FH PROM! In here, we will have many fun times, hardships, heartbreaks and other such shenanigans. What's the point? There is none- Other than to have so giggles with the aid of Closet's silly doodles and story telling style. And of course, the story wouldn't be told without the aid of reader commands~ That's right, you, sitting right there, with the face, have the ability to control this prom! It's up to you if the characters in the story end up crying in a bathroom somewhere in FH HQ, or if they're out on the dance floor with their one true love (Not that Closet will be drawing many soppy love scenes. She has SOME dignity about this whole thing).

You may be wondering, "Hey, this looks like fun! Can I have a character in the story?" The answer is YES! However, be warned, your character may be put through... Awkward situations at the prom. But if you're alright with it, Just go ahead and provide me with the following details!

Character Name
Character Gender
Reference Pictures (VERY Important that I get this one. You can give me screenshots or drawn references, I don't mind)
Personality (You don't need to write an essay, just give me a basic idea of your characters personality)
Why do YOU want to be in the Prom?

And once I've got those, I'll write your character down on a list so that I can add them in whenever.

Alright then! Without further ado, let the prom... Begin!

~Lots of Love/Hate, your Prom Overlord, Closet Furry


=> Begin

Ah, the Feral Heart HeadQuaters! A totally made up place that Closet created for the sake of convenience in the story. Uh. She thinks. There might actually be an FH HQ which she does not know about somewhere. And if there is, Closet apologises if workers in said HQ are offended by Closet's ignorance to their exsistance. She will ship apology cookies immediately.

Anyway, In the HeadQuaters can be found a DANCE HALL, which contains a STAGE, DJ BOOTH and BUFFET TABLE, as well as an OUTDOOR and INDOOR POOL, and probobly some other stuff because the FH HQ is very big.

And what's this? It appears the first group of prom-goers has arrived in that rediculously long limo! And stepping out of the limo first is... The Prom Overlord herself!

Your name is CLOSET FURRY, and you are here to PARTY HARD and CHEW BUBBLGE GUM. And you're all out of bubble gum.

What will you do?

Leaving / Re: Bonannos is leaving for some time T^T
« on: August 16, 2011, 02:09:20 am »
Bon. Bon I made you something.


Leaving / Re: Bonannos is leaving for some time T^T
« on: August 15, 2011, 11:20:28 pm »
*Cling* I'm going to miss you so much! I hope you do well at school, and remember we're all here for you if you need help with ANYTHING.

;_; Bye Bon... I'll... I'll miss you loads *Snifflesob*

I will. When I remember my password <3

Looks: I'll get a picture drawn soon. If I'm being honest, his design is still unfinished |D
Name: He goes by many names, the most common being BeatFreak, Bass or SoundWave
Gender: None, but prefers to use male vocal settings.
Rank: Inferior please? |D
Rank Job: Hard Tunneler
Personality: Bass hapilly follows orders. That's what he was programmed to do- After all. He doesn't fight unless others are hostile towards him and he refrains from causing trouble. He speaks without emotion, and often just makes short comments when talking to others. He cannot stop moving his body- As he powers himself on the friction caused by movement of his limbs. He gets easily confused by things 'real' animals would think of as basic.
Pets: None
RolePlay Sample: The canine-like creature smashed it's paws into the walls of the tunnel. It was not made for digging. Digging did not compute. It stood back and tilted it's head, desperately trying to figure out how the others where doing it so quickly. Did they perhaps have a certain rythm? Negative, there was no rythm he could not follow flawlessly. He gave out a small hum, that could have classed as a sigh, had he been made of flesh.
Ingame/Forum Username: FoxXIII / Lexy

Poor BeatFreak. It's ever so confusing, punching walls.
Maybe he needs a lesson in Minecraft |D
As for how he becomes inferior... IDK |3

Well in that case, Insa is DEFINAITLY dying off soon >3 Then being replaced by a robot. A dancing robot >3> I will have it's bio written out soon~

I was wondering... Just how likely is it that a robot would be accepted?

The robot dances

*Totally doesn't push the thread back to the front page*
I haven't RP'd with y'all in a while |D

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