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Messages - miksara1o1

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Would you happen to be bluefall on impressive world? I think i know/ happen to be good friends with you

Request/Find Meshes / Looking for Mesh Packs
« on: November 09, 2012, 03:38:51 am »
looking for Mesh packs ( around 10 or more meshes in the pack) so could someone give me a few links for some? ( or only one if you only know of one)

Other Mods/Creations / Re: PrideRock! The Link is Up!
« on: November 07, 2012, 03:33:58 am »
Hey it says the link has been removed or deleted D: PLEASE put it up again or send me the link in  a PM i want it SO bad ^^

Game Discussion / Re: The most AMUSING powerplayers in all of FH.
« on: October 05, 2012, 02:20:12 am »
ok here is what happened to me- in warrior cat rp walking around
sliverpaw- jumps on nightwhisp and bites her neck then scraches her mentors underbelly and makes her bleed badly
nightwhisp ( me)- uh....
sliverpaw- what?
nightwhisp why are you powerplaying?
sliverpaw- im not powerplaying
nightwhip- yea you are
sliverpaw- no im not!!!! -bites down hard on mentors neck and rips and tugs it-
nightwhisp- 1st no claws 2nd why you try to kill me ? O^O 3rd do you even know what powerplaying is?!!
sliverpaw- i know what powerlaying is!!!
nightwhisp- what?
sliver- why does it matter
night- just tell me
night- its when you do things without giving the other cat a chance to avoid it
silver- i know and its not what i was doing
     i turn off my internet so it looks like i lost connection

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Suggestions for FH
« on: August 10, 2012, 09:26:00 pm »
there should be a go-to butten next to your online friends so even when there on a downloaded or there own map you can go-to them ( good for role play and family) or you and your friends can invite you to be transported to the map your on even if its downloaded or there own ( i like this one the best)

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