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Messages - Thebaltofan123

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5
Game Discussion / Re: When I first joined I.....
« on: January 09, 2013, 02:43:14 am »
I was surprisingly literate and made well-devolved non-sparkletard characters when I first joined. However it took me more than a month to figure out the controls.

1. Thought there was a north pole along with the south pole and spent hours looking for it
2. After I found out there was no North Pole, I thought there was only 4 maps, not including lonely cave (south pole, bonfire, ficho, and flourite)
3. Got lost in the south pole and had to add wings to my character cause I didn't know how to climb the hills
4. Didn't use WSAD (Still don't...I just prefer the mouse)
5. Didn't know how to sprint
6. Didn't know how to use mini-map, always got lost cause of it
7. (Probably the biggest fail.) Thought there was hunting like WolfQuest and keep looking around for prey...

Same with the last one,i saw a pic on the forums and i thought they made a pridelands map along with prey x3

Game Discussion / Re: The most AMUSING powerplayers in all of FH.
« on: January 06, 2013, 03:37:45 am »
Here's my story.

I was just rping in South Pole then this husky pops up and this happens.

Husky: Le shaggy dawg


Husky: Yo dawg leave this portal it belongs to my pack yo.

Me: umm,what...also this doesn't belong to anyone,it's free

Husky: Yo you're jagging my swag.

Me: ...

Husky: -Swipes neck off no miss-

Me: -Walks away-

Husky: Yo yo yo son come back here you're ded so i can eat ya dawg.

Me: -Blocks-

Game Discussion / Re: When I first joined I.....
« on: January 06, 2013, 03:25:00 am »
1. I made my fursona

2. Couldn't figure out why my character wasn't controlling right,so i used mouse click.

3. Took me awhile how to control my wings

4. Roleplayed lion king in Bonfire

5. Character got stuck in a platform

6. Getting lost alot in Plains and South Pole.

7. Rarely spoke.

Game Help / Re: Cannot access Cape of Distant Worlds...
« on: January 03, 2013, 07:59:03 pm »
Reinstalled it,didn't work.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Ideas yo
« on: January 03, 2013, 07:13:27 pm »
I do like these idea, but I must say... I don't like the idea of a Health Bar. I know they had one in IT, but I never really liked it. ._. I guess it would be okay if you were able to toggle it on/off...
The moving eyes: YES. PLEASE. I miss this, it really gave the game a nicer sort of play. Having the eyes just stay still... It kinda scares me. ._.
I have a feeling this all will be added in a future patch.

(yes i know this is old)

I could never figure out how to heal myself ;_;

That's been happening ever since i disconnected in Cape.

More maps in-game of course..... yeah I know we've lost contact with KovuLKD, but this is definitely something we should request when he does emerge from his slumber.
Maybe more maps will make the fuddled up server in Flourite decrease a bit.
This is all I can think of right now.... pleaze don't judge this harshly FeralHeartlings 8)

Yep,Maybe a forest map? Or maybe a pridelands map so those lion king roleplayers in Bonfire can stop >_>

Now it keeps saying "Cant connect to front server"

Game Help / Re: Cannot access Cape of Distant Worlds...
« on: January 03, 2013, 06:40:02 pm »
Cape of Distant worlds is crashing for everyone, even me. But use character reset to get your characters back. Character reset is on your login box. Click it, login on there, and click go home on your characters. :) You'll get them back.

I did that,but it wont let me log in.

Same is happening to me.

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