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Messages - kithawthorne

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I would have been on last night.. but I still haven't fixed teh map!

Game Help / Re: Help with making items and meshes
« on: July 07, 2012, 01:50:12 am »
Okay, Thanks!

How'd you fix it?

Game Help / Help with making items and meshes
« on: July 06, 2012, 09:06:55 pm »
First off, for my item making, I need the models that I can make items around.

Second, I need a tutorial that can show me how to use Blender 2.62. Hammy's is too old of a version to be of any help.

And I need something to convert things to .mesh files with. Any help you can give will make me love you forever!

I still can't see any objects in the map!

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: The War
« on: July 06, 2012, 07:32:55 pm »
Bump <3

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / The War
« on: July 05, 2012, 06:39:33 pm »
If you join, you enter a world of The War, an ongoing war between The White Moonbeam Pride, and the Starry Night Pack. We accept full literate semi-realistic lions and wolves. Wings are not allowed. There is also no flying, so if you wear wings, you will be unable to fly in the map.

The territories:

this is a compilation of a few screenshots of the territory on the lion's side of the river.

This is a compilation of a few screenshots from the wolf's side of the river.

You may join the lion Pride, these ranks are open:

Head Huntress/Hunter
Head Warrior
Trainees(if trying out for this rank, state which rank you are training to be)

If you join the wolfpack, these ranks are open:

Alpha Male
High Betas(in charge of hunting parties and war parties. Wolves of this rank also have a shot at being an alpha)
Betas(They serve as messengers, assassins, and anything else the Alphas need)
Epsilons(The Hunters)
Gammas(The Healers)
Deltas(The Hunters)
Upsilons(Those training to be any of the above-mentioned ranks. When trying out for Upsilon, you must include what you will be training to be)
Zetas(The mothers of the pups)
Taus(The retired wolves)
Omegas(The untrained wolves, former loners that joined the pack. They eat last and sleep away from the pack)

The names we accept are names of realistic things, like River, Sea, Coral, Star, and Ice. We also accept names like Kuro, Nova, Aura, Sol and Luna. We do not accept names like Sally, Emma, and Sam. If you try out, and are accepted, I will pm you the link to the map and the tag you should add to your name. Since my FH user is different than my Forum user, I will note you that as well, along with the user of the lion pride King so you can friend us both.

We do not accept any chatspeak during roleplay. It is fine to use minimal chatspeak in ooc chat. Any overuse of chatspeak will give you a ban.

We will have a website up eventually, but hold tight for now. In the map, the normal FH rules will be enforced more than normal. If you are a loner, no land claiming. Also, if you join with a loner character, you will need to know that the Pride/Pack both persecute loners. If a loner is caught by a Pride/Pack War party or Hunting party, the loner will be given the choice to join the pack/pride. If the loner rejects, he/she will either be driven off the island or killed, unless there is strategic value to having the loner stay.

To join the pride, post using this form:

FH username:
Forum username:
Lion Name:
Prefferred rank:
Second choice rank:
picture: (you must have a picture of your character!)
A rp sample: (This must be 3+ full sentences!)

To join the pack, use this one:

FH username:
Forum Username:
Character name:
Desired rank:
Second choice rank:
picture: (required!)
Roleplay sample: (must be 3+ sentences)

To join as a loner:

FH username:
Forum Username:
Character name:
picture: (required!)
Roleplay sample: (must be 3+ sentences)

I still don't see any objects in Grassland Valley.

Oh shiz.  D: I'll edit right now!

Oh oops, I am adding more Salami to my post! I love Salami!

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