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Messages - IlLupoItaliano

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Forum Games / Re: Get through the Alphabet before an admin/mod posts!
« on: February 11, 2013, 02:01:19 am »

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: The Last of Us||Open, you may post||
« on: February 11, 2013, 01:37:56 am »
{@Auriakuri: Indeed it was(yesterday)! And sorry for the late reply! My internet was horrid due to the snow storm here.}

The click of a trigger made Four freeze in place, listening to the soft sound of footsteps come up behind him. From what he heard, the steps sounded feminine according to the weight that was being forced upon each step and the sound that was produced at each step. "What are you doing here? Are you with the military?" Four turned his body to face his questioner, only to face a girl who seemed to be around the age of eighteen sporting jet black hair. All he managed to answer with was a slight chuckle, advancing on the girl and now well aware of her finger gently resting on the trigger. His dogs who both sat behind him began to growl, dark eyes trailing the female who held the gun to Four. With a brisk gesture with his hand the dogs silenced but still glared at the new comer, chests filled with uncertainty. "What do you think?" He continued to press forward until he walked straight into the tip of the gun, the barrel resting on his chest. "You were the one that approached me." His eyes drifted down to the gun and sucked his teeth while shaking his head. "Ah, c'mon now girly. I don't think you'd do it." Four spread both of his arms out while looking at all the people who were situated in the park. "You wouldn't shoot me. Not with all these people here," he said brining his tone down to a whisper. "To them, I seem innocent, and by shooting me, they will only see you a guilty." Shaking his head again he broke out into laughter, slicking his hand through his hair. Finally recollecting himself, he stared into her honey-brown eyes. "But seriously, why did you have to threaten me with a gun? What if I was just digging for worms or something? I'm guessing you had a thought of a reason, so what do you think I'm doing here?"

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: The Last of Us||Open, you may post||
« on: February 09, 2013, 07:35:20 pm »

The last of Manhattan's city lights began to sink away into the folds of morning light, awakening what life inhabited the barren area of the city. The gentle breeze tousled the male's mouse brown hair as he poked his head through a bashed in window, the glass on the floor glistening with his reflection. The room the window belonged to was empty, baring a run-down living room to a family that no longer occupied the residence. Seeming to be clear he pulled himself into the room dusting his pants off as he made it in. It was practically pitch black, but soon his eyes readjusted to the darkness of the room. A crunching of glass behind him made him flinch, instantly brining his hand back to the G36c that was in a sling over his back. Though he was too late when he felt to cool end of a gun barrel pressed against his head. "Four?" A gruff confused voice called out behind him. "Finn, let him go." The gun was removed from the back of his head as Four turned to look at the voice who had recognized him. "Viper," He muttered fingering the cool spot the gun had left on the back of his neck. "I should have suspected you'd be here." The two men standing in front of him began to chuckle and walk further into the apartment. "Yeah, well practically everybody's here. This place's got nothin' though. We only managed to grab medical supplies here and there." Viper came to a stop and began to search a cupbard, leaving Four in the middle of the room. "Right. I'll see what I can manage to grab." Viper nodded, even though he faced the direction of the cabinet and not Four.

What seemed like hours, but turned out to only being twenty minuets, Four managed to scoop up several items of gold jewelry. They weren't big time expensive looking, but enough to make some money off of. "Four! Listen, Red needs you to pick up a package down at central park." Finn called over to him from the other end of the room as he had just finished shoving the last piece of jewelry into the small bag that was strapped to his back. He frowned looking back down at the huge pile of miscellaneous items that would need to be sorted through. "Don't worry about that. We're pulling out of here at in 35 anyways." Four collected his things and quickly bounded out of the same window he came in the apartment. "This package better be valuable." He ran down the fire escape on the side of the building, untied Aero & Argo from a lamp post, and headed for central park.

His pace slowed into a jog, now that he was in an open area.The infected could be anywhere, which always reminded him to look behind him every so often. He pulled the bandana around his neck up to his face, covering everything bellow his eyes. He had seen many of his fellow raiders become infected by airborne viruses, and definitely didn't want to catch the infection. Four scanned the park, yet only a couple of survivors camped out on the not-so-green grass, but know person who was suposed to deliver the package. "Alright boys. Search!" He commanded his dogs letting them off leash, if he wanted to find that package, the only way to make it possible was through his dogs.

Five minutes later, Argo had a lead, barking his head off at the edge of the park. "I'm comin'. I'm comin'." If their was one thing that that dog couldn't do, it certainly wouldn't be barking. Upon reaching Argo, he desperately searched the area where the dog had been standing. "Argo...Where is it...Ah-ha!" The gutter at the edge of the park had a awfully damaged package warped in newspaper jutting out of the gutter's grates. Four gently stuck his hand through in attempt to grab it, but only made it worse when he accidentally pushed it farther. "Damn!" Of course only he would make things more complicated than they needed to by. Now What!? He stood up from the ground, placing his hands on his hips and in a manor of defeat. He really needed to get the package, or else his blood would probably be painting the raider headquarters' wall. Sighing he patted his dogs' heads for praise, thinking about the pros and cons of his situation.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: In the Name of the Thane! (Fantasy RP)
« on: February 06, 2013, 11:21:05 pm »
((I am truly sorry for my inactivitey, but my life has been rather busy lately. I am very limited on my free time, so I have to leave this RP. It was an amazing idea, so I hope other members do continue to keep it up and running. Best of luck!   -Lupo))

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: The Last of Us|open, you may post|
« on: February 06, 2013, 08:10:34 pm »
{Why thank you ^_^, can't wait to start!}

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: The Last of Us|open, you may post|
« on: February 06, 2013, 03:46:49 am »

Name: Matthew J. Taylor (Alias: Four)
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Role: Raider
Personality: Matthew, who is known as 'Four' is a slick guy who often weaves his way in and out of trouble. His emotions are usually well hidden unless its humor or he's being sarcastic. Years of living without parents or family has shaped him into a merciless thief who has no limits. Never in Matt's life has he ever had a friend, or someone even close enough to talk to about personal things. His personality makes him edgy, an easy person to be judged making even worse to even get to know someone. His fears have become minor because there is no one in his life that he feels that he needs to worry about, except his dogs, and he believes he has enough protection against the infected, though he can't be positive. The military has 'Four' written all over their wanted files and telling their officials to keep a look out for him, but yet that never phases him and he continues to steal, even kill if its necessary.
History: Matt lost his parents at the age of four to the infections that had been spreading around the year he was born, causing him to have to live in a run down isolated all boys orphanage at the edge of the city. As a child he could never put up with the staff of the orphanage who seemed to only want to run it because the building was sealed letting in no disease. Three years later, Matt could no longer take being neglected so he took what little resources he could find and headed for a warehouse called Sector 7 that was miles east into the center of the city. He had heard of other boys leaving the orphanage to that location searching for work and shelter. Upon arrival, which took almost a week, he was greeted by men who were not so eager to let a child into their so called 'business'. He begged them, like any other seven year old would until they accepted. He soon learned that under the warehouse there was a huge tunneling system that stored several riches and provided protection, which was what he was sent to work on. It wasn't until Matthew was 12 when he was let in on the actual business. The men who had taken him were not the people he ever thought they were, but they had provided so many years of protection and food that he was quick to join their ranks. They gave him a whole initiation process which included almost a year of training. He had adopted the name 'Four', mainly because he received a perfect score in his training on 4 different weapons that he still uses to this day. Now, Matt is a well trusted member of the group and continues to provide his service to the raiders.

(Weapons specialized in.)
Family: The son of Patrick and Evelyn Taylor.
Location: New York, New York

Aero & Argo
Age: 5 and 7 years
Gender: Males
About: Both of these dogs were found when they were just a year and three years by Matt in the train station, possibly seeking cover from the diseases that circulated in the air. Taking them in as his own, he trained them to hunt down goods and resources, as well as to guard his belongings. They have been by his side and respect him as their master, only listening to his commands. Matt is always rewarding them for their work as well as making sure they are in a healthy condition.

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: In the Name of the Thane! (Fantasy RP)
« on: January 28, 2013, 10:08:18 pm »

Thorek BlackBlood

Thorek sat atop yet another roof of some poor stout's house, kneeling on one knee with his dagger laying across the flat surface of his thy and a wooden bucket filled with musty water sitting to his left with a small cloth hanging over its side. He had just finished polishing his favored blade, fingers franticly pushing the excess water off of the blade's tip. It was still quite dark outside, though the faint sight of morning light was beginning to peak over the great gates of Gehana, as he swiped the small formation of sweat under his hairline with the back of his hand. Today was going to be a busy day in the city's center, and what a perfect chance to find his next victim when everyone's attention would be focussed on the festival. Sheathing his blade into it's pouch on his bandolier, he kicked the bucket off the roof sending it tumbling down the side with a clang, seeming to only disturb a child who sat upon the house's door step. All that was heard was a tiny shout of alarm but the assassin was long gone, sliding down the side of the house and blending in with the sea of people that walked the streets.

His pace began to pick up as the crowd began to thin as a forked road appeared up ahead, half of them departing into a side street leading to the main street of the festival and the others taking the road the led to where the vendors set up their 'family made' goods trying to persuade the growing crowds to by some as the adjourned to the festival. Keeping his head low, he slipped away into a tight narrow alley that was now dimly lit by the rising sun. Thorek adjusted the bow and quiver on his back by hooking the bow's string to the bandolier and pulling the quiver closer to his body. climbing buildings was not easy in Gehana, but what had to be done must be done. He lifted his right foot to the face of the stone wall infront of him, while the other was positioned at the crevice of the wall by his left foot. Carefully he pushed off with his right foot, then with his left, following the same pattern until his finger tips reached the edge of the building's roof. A sigh of relief escaped the assassin as he shaded his eyes from the shimmering sun. Thorek began to crouch on the roof carefully sneaking across its surface to reach the other side.

Once reaching it, the assassin stared below at the crowd that had formed in the city's center a building away. The woman who had given him the contract said his target would be here, and if not on his way. Bellow a royal blue cloak caught his eye as the gold tassels shimmered in the sun that seemed to hide a short plump beastman, otherwise his target. His quick fingers drew his bow and a single arrow laced with poison, carefully aimed at the target. Jutting his chest, he lift his arms ready shoot just when the jarl took his place amongst the ledge above the the crowd below. Silence filled the air as every single head averted their attention to the goatman. Thorek sighed in frustration, putting his bow back along with the arrow. Now was not the time anyways, as that would have been severely noticeable. Lifting his hand to readjust the mask infront of his face, he leaped off the side of the roof landing in a well practiced roll joining in with the crowd. He would have to find his target later.

He pushed his way past the hostile bodys standing in the center, approaching a vendor stand that was off to the side of the growing crowd. Flicking a coin into the vendors hand who seemed to thank him with a slight nod, he reached down into the stand picking out an apple from the wooden crates. He would wait, for now at least. His target would apear at sometime, but as soon as the crowd began to break up and head into different ends of the city's center, then perhaps then he would find him. He leaned on the pillar that held up the tent over the vending stand, tossing the apple up and letting it fall into the palm of his hand repetitively as his eyes scanned the crowd again, hopping to find that blue cloak once again.

Forum Games / Re: Get through the Alphabet before an admin/mod posts!
« on: January 28, 2013, 05:12:33 pm »

Forum Games / Re: Get through the Alphabet before an admin/mod posts!
« on: January 26, 2013, 01:10:17 pm »

Finished Maps / Re: //Genesis9's Map Bundle\\
« on: January 25, 2013, 02:15:24 am »
The amount of detail and effort produced here is flawless. These are some of the most beautiful maps I've ever come across. These are definitely going to downloaded by me, and when I have the free time I will explore to my hearts content.

Spectacular job!

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