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Messages - lillyluv

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Other Games / Re: Antigua
« on: November 12, 2012, 07:12:06 pm »
Thanks Bloo <3 :3 I'll look at that new site.

Ask Me / Re: Ask Lilly :3
« on: November 12, 2012, 07:03:41 pm »
~Have you ever played on any other online animal game other than FH?~

Oh yes, but I play FH the most!

How long has you been playing FH? :3

Oh almost a year now :)

Ask Me / Re: Ask Lilly :3
« on: November 12, 2012, 03:57:58 pm »
o3o Mkay. If you did something bad to an evil wizard and he turned you into an animal,which animal would he turn you into? c:

Only one huh? Well.... I think I'd be a leopard :3 I love the way they look. TT^T I almost want to change it cause I love so many animals, but I'll go with leopard :)

Characters / Re: Kunabee's Characters
« on: November 12, 2012, 03:53:45 pm »
Yes I've seen the message :) And I'm sure it won't take weeks xD

Characters / Re: Kunabee's Characters
« on: November 12, 2012, 03:43:55 pm »
not exactly, but I do know that every once in a while the server takes a dump and has trouble letting us in. Give it time it'll be fixed soon. Our mods are great :) So I say it'll only take a short amount of time,no guaranties.

Characters / Re: Kunabee's Characters
« on: November 12, 2012, 03:29:58 pm »
Welcome to the forums! :) I like the sound of your devilish felidae :3 Can't wait to see pics! As for FH being a turd, as is mine >3>

Other Games / Re: Antigua
« on: November 12, 2012, 03:16:44 pm »
I know, I should have updated this post to tell you all I am no longer a part of the Antigua staff. I didn't do anything wrong but Vallez said right now the only staff she wants at the moment is ones who can help MAKE the game, and since I am no good at making meshes or anything she had to let me go. I'm not sure what their new website is, and I have no updates on the game anymore. Sorry for the news :(

Ask Me / Ask Lilly :3
« on: November 12, 2012, 03:13:13 pm »
Hi dere fellow floofs and floofets (dun ask... about what i just said.. xD) ANYHOW I figured that it'd be fun to answer your questions while my FH takes a dump ^-^ ._.. I'll answer when I wanna, lol I'm a lazy yes. Maybe I'll draw a piccy to go with your question, no promises .-. .... Let us start no?! :D

Thank you :) I love seeing the art people post to, lol.

Art Gallery / Lilly's new art thread! updated 6/17/13
« on: November 11, 2012, 06:58:08 pm »
I dunnu who rembers but I had an art thread that I'm to lazy to find, SO! I'll post my art on here. I've gotten a bamboo tablet now so :3 If you want to make a request my DA is here ----->

Bleh first pic to go up! I love this one so, so much ;~;

Upd8s yo!

oki so art upd8 time yay hurr<3

this was actually rlly recent hurr ovo

another recent one i made for vallez asdjkf ovo

uhm anthros yay anyay qt or whatever bluh

oh pretttyyyy rlly proud of asdkjf

asdjf sparkle cats tho<3

i homestucked eeee nep tho i luv her

hurr shading

ok those r my favs tht ive don recently? pls dpnt steal them tho omfg :c

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