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Messages - Frozenflame

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Game Help / Re: Derpy Map Downloading Question
« on: January 27, 2013, 04:38:45 pm »
Really? Pfft, I thought they were smaller but my sister claimed they were bigger. xD

My computer is notoriously slow due to low memory, therefore why I'm downloading on a flashdrive. Thank you again for your help! :3

Game Help / Re: Derpy Map Downloading Question
« on: January 27, 2013, 04:12:17 am »
7zip? Haven't heard of it, I'll go look it up, thank you! :3

Alright, I think I can manage that. x'D  I'd love to simply download it onto my computer, but I'm afraid it'd take up too much memory; 127 MB, to be exact. e-e 
And I have FeralHeart downloaded on my actual computer, no worries. ^^"

Alright, thank you again! :D

Species / Re: Vampire Hybrids || Members Needed! || ALL Ranks open!
« on: January 27, 2013, 04:07:55 am »
@Kharaleya: But hey, different is good, right? x3  Alright... So, I'm usually on Feralheart, on the weekdays around 3 PM central time, and stay on until 4:30 or 5. Weekends are very erractic due to my wierd schedule. Perhaps we could meet on a weekday sometime?
@Grace: Oh my god. x'D  Congrats~ :3

Game Help / Derpy Map Downloading Question
« on: January 27, 2013, 03:57:52 am »
Title explains all, really.  I am planning on downloading my first map, the 'Animal Testing Facility' map, and I read the entire 'Downloading/Uploading a Map' thread. And thus have a really, honestly rather stupid, question.

You need WinRar to download a .rar, correct? Correct. My derpy question: Do you need it to download a .zip? ^^"   /Pfft, I know I'm so lame./

The tutorials and such never said anything about it, so I'm assuming no programs are needed. Still, though, don't want to screw anything up...

EDIT: Also, while I've got this thread up, one more quick question. Will it affect anything if I download the map onto a flashdrive rather than my actual computer??

Finished Maps / Re: Animal Testing Facility (Complete [TRAILER!]
« on: January 27, 2013, 03:18:25 am »
I plan on downloading this map as soon possible, I've heard nothing but great things about it. :3

I had a question, though; Are we allowed to hold private roleplays in here, without submitting them via the form on the front page?

EDIT: Eh, whatever. I'll fill out the form anyways, after reading a few pages back I realized that'd be wiser.

Name: Wolf!Stuck
Members: Myself (Frozenflame), Draceonica, Streamsplash. /May change later/
Roleplay: (Literate, semi-literate, non literate, other?) Literate. Also probably will end up graphic, you've all been warned.
Realism: (Unrealistic, semi-realistic, realistic, other?) Non-realistic. Definately non-realistic. >>
Theme of Roleplay: //Homestuck characters, as wolves. Canon or fan characters, doesn't really matter.// You and your pack are all trapped in this place, with no way to escape. You're all stuck in cages, awaiting near-certain doom. So, what do you do?  ((Pfffft, yeah. I'm so original.))
Website: Coming soon, hopefully.
Requirements: You must be Homestuck-related. Preferrabley literate, and able to stay in-character during a serious roleplay. You must be a wolf. Preferrably with your associated color ((Blood color, eye color, etc)) somewhere in your markings, depending on your sub-species. Trolls must have amber eyes.
Creatures allowed: Wolves. ((Sub-species: Trolls, humans, sprites, cherubs, Prospitians, Dersites, anything Homestuck really.))
How To Apply: Send a PM to me, Jennifer, via the FH forums. Or whisper 'Frozenflame' on the game itself.

Species / Re: Vampire Hybrids || Members Needed! || ALL Ranks open!
« on: January 17, 2013, 09:42:27 pm »
Oh my derp, my sincere apologies to everyone I've kept waiting on this thread! ><

@Auriakuri: Since we haven't been able to get on at the same time since October, maybe you can just message me? ^^"
@Mistywarrior: That's fine, and congrats on FH working again! :D  /Accepted/
@Grace: Draceonica, I haven't seen you in a while! xD  It's alright, we'll just hope for the best. I'd suggest contacting Kharaleya, they seem to have an idea of what's wrong? ^^
@Kharaleya: Draike looks and sounds... Interesting, for lack of a better word. xD  You're accepted, I'll try to contact you on the game server so you can join. :3

Again, my apologies for neglecting to come on for so long!

Species / Re: Vampire Hybrids || Members Needed! || ALL Ranks open!
« on: October 07, 2012, 10:14:28 pm »
CST time, so we're fairly close. :3   I'm usually on.. Hmm. On weekdays, from about 3-4:30 my time. Weekends are totally random and unpredictable. x3

Species / Re: Vampire Hybrids || Members Needed! || ALL Ranks open!
« on: October 02, 2012, 02:21:39 am »
Oh, really? I do the same thing... We must have different time zones? :?   Eh, now I know to keep an eye out for you. :3

Yes, 16 years is the minimum. (There isn't a maximum, though, as most Alphas are Alphas until they die. xD)

Species / Re: Vampire Hybrids || Members Needed! || ALL Ranks open!
« on: September 30, 2012, 07:32:02 pm »
It's fine with me, Miki. :3  As long as you can get on -rather- often, it's a deal. =3 ((Not every second of your life, obviously, but a few times a week?))

Species / Re: Vampire Hybrids || Members Needed! || ALL Ranks open!
« on: September 23, 2012, 09:13:22 pm »
Alright, just post it when you can get on and take the Screenshot.

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