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Messages - LionWolf089

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Game Help / Re: Mesh Files? Converting files?
« on: April 01, 2013, 12:19:45 pm »
That's great, Aniuk! I may have to call upon you to convert some of my files later on, since I'm still working on sculpting my models, but that would be really helpful of you. Thanks for offering! ^^

Game Help / Re: Mesh Files? Converting files?
« on: March 30, 2013, 10:06:06 pm »
Thank you all for the help, its much appreciated. ^^
+Floof for you all.

Game Help / Re: Converting Meshes?
« on: March 30, 2013, 12:11:15 pm »
It has come to my knowlege that converting meshes is just a way to change the file type. There's no tutorials for it, because I believe that you must downlaod an extra program to convert certain files. I'm not exactly sure of what that program is, but I do think you may able to save Blender creations into the correct file format for Fh.

When you go into Blender, Open your project and save it in the .MESH  file type.

You may also google the OGRE command tools, i believe that will do it for you if you can't save in Blender.

I haven't had much experience in Blender, so I hope my information is accurate.


Game Help / Mesh Files? Converting files?
« on: March 30, 2013, 12:44:27 am »
I've been recently creating meshes for Feral Heart, and I've been using the program "Sculptris" to do so. I have realized that after I have sculpted my object, and textured it, when I go to hit the export button, it exports as a .OBJ file. I was wondering if these files are compatible with Feral Heart, and if not, is there a way to convert them to .MESH files using Sculptris, or possibly is there a program I can use to convert them with? I'm also very precautious of what I download, so if there is a program that I need to convert them with, please let me know if its a trusted or safe download, as far as you know.

Thank you very much guys! ^^


Other Games / Re: Impressive World
« on: March 26, 2013, 10:22:33 pm »
Hey, I just downloaded the game, and I have a question, cause I'm pretty freaked out now with all the "Hacking" and "False E-mails" going out.

So, would you say making an in-game account is safe? I'm afraid to give them my e-mail and all, due to the previous posts here. Also, when making an account in-game, the account isn't true to the forums, are they? I believe I heard somewhere that the forum and game accounts are different, are they?

Game Discussion / Re: RP samples?
« on: March 14, 2013, 11:23:31 pm »
Ah, RP samples. I personally don't think they're rude, its just a matter of preference.

For an example, a RP sample is used to see if a person is literate or not. Literate meaning they RP a certain way. Its not used to criticize someone's spelling or RPing, its just a way to see if the person Role-plays the way you prefer. Everyone prefers role-playing a different way. Literate is just a way of saying that you like to use proper grammar while role-playing, and you want to role-play like a story format. Literate RPs usually consist of long paragraphs, almost as if it was a book. But what people refer to as illiterate RPs are just role-play replies in a different format. They usually contain un-proper grammar, text talk, and one line replies. In illiterate RPs, they don't use RP samples, because they do not simply care how you RP. The member joining the illiterate RP has to realize what format of RP the group will be using, which is illiterate or what some people call "semi-literate." Most illiterate RPs are never "Strictly illiterate", however, Literate Rps are often found to be "Strictly literate," because the creator only likes to RP in a literate format, and they don't want illiterate RP replies to be mixed in. So, I really don't think RP samples are such a bad thing, its only used to see in which way your RP in. :) That's just my opinion  though.

Ex: Literate - The wolf padded through the forest with great awe. She was amazed at the trees and the buzzing of flies. "What a great day," she remarked, and continued down the path, with light footsteps.

Ex: Illiterate - *pads through forest* What a great day 2 b outside *says*

Thanks for bringing this to attention, I think its important for people to know that when they are asked for a RP sample, it shouldn't offend them. ^-^

Stories / Re: The Origin of Asacrecy (Apocalypse Legend) [Ages 14+]
« on: March 04, 2013, 11:24:19 pm »
What a lovely story! I can't wait for more chapters to come out! Keep up the great work!

Thank you so much. :3
And if the mane and the bandages become a problem, don't worry about them. ^^

That's just a collar, you don't have to include it though. I could always just add that on with an item, it would look more realistic then, and save you work. :D

-Removed Request-

Finished Maps / Re: Ringo's Maps! |Thread Revamped|
« on: February 17, 2013, 08:14:58 pm »
Beautiful maps you've created, Ringo! Very nice. I'll have to download each one of them xD
+Floof ^u^

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