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Messages - Beasty

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Art Gallery / Re: ~Splatterz Art Shop~
« on: May 28, 2013, 02:54:23 am »

Username/Forum Username: Beasty
Type of drawing: Any, I just need a signature
Brief Description of your character(s): A lynx, green eyes, everything else is like the pic.
Gender of your character(s): Male
Background(?): Black ang shadowy
Derpy or realistic: Realistic
Other: I'd like him in a pose, kind of hunting with a paw raised.
If you can't do it then it's alright.


 He sat down, his brown gaze returned to the female, "I've been in the city for about a month. But I've been a stray for 2 days." He replied, he left out the part that he left, and no one abandoned him. He studied his cracked paws, the concrete made them sting with every paw step. He awaited the female's response.


"Nice to meet you, Akiyza." He slowly replied, trying to pronounce the name right. He wagged his tail, glad that the pit bill seemed friendly. She seemed to be a 'city dog' . As some dog called them in the south, but she could do as a friend. "How long have you been out here?" He asked as he peered around, he wasn't sure that any dog could survive for long in the cramped city.


   Junior slowly calmed down, hearing the females kind tone. He padde closer to the female, his tired gaze locked on hers. "Thanks for caring. I'm sorta new here, as you can see." He joked, feeling embarrassed. "I'm Junior." He decided to give her his name, she seemed nice enough to know.


    The males body stopped heaving as he camed down. He say up, and the scent of a female dog wiffed by him. He started to growl, but he was to weak. "Hello there!" he called out, not yet seeing the female.


     The male pointer slowly padded the trail. He soon felt his pads hit concrete, a instinct  in him told him to run back deeper into the forest, but he pushed on. The fumes of the cars nearly choked him as he padded down the side walk. The bright colors of the signs  made him close his eyes, as they burned his optics. But he'd have to get use to it. He tried to stay away from the humans, but the ones with carts that reeked of hotdogs attracted him. He padded up to one and sat down next to it. He looked up at the human with his brown eyes and lifted a paw, placing it on the humans knee, but he forgot that his paw was muddy. The human shrieked and kicked Juniors in his throat. He pelted across the street, he howled as he tried to clasp for breath. He ran down an alley and plopped on his side, his lung inhaling heavily.


     After a few minutes of thinking, Junior padded out from under the undergrowth. Instantly, a female slowly walked towards him, her hand out and open. Junior smelt he hand, although it was raining, he hand smelt sweet, different than the ones back in the country. The female knelt down, the plastic shelter still hung in the air, she whispered something in his ear, and although he couldn't understand it, he knew that it was friendly and comforting. But the female suddenly stood up and jogged off. Junior sat on his rear end, water droplets fell from his drooping ears. He sighed and padded down the trail, not knowing wheeee it would take him.


     Jr's  back-half of his body was sheltered in the can, but his head was beginning to get soaked. He whimpered like a pup, he hadn't never been out in the rain this long. As the minutes passed, more and more rain dripped through the undergrowth. He growled, hating his coat getting messed up. Now he wondered if it was a good idea to stay in the woods, the city had more shelter, but the dog catcher patrolled there more than the trails. He closed his eyes, his light brown optics dedicating as he did. He tried to sleep through the rain, but the.constant pattering of the drops hitting the can kept him awake.


     Juniors ears perked as he heard a howl. He couldn't quite judge how far off it was. At the same moment, a rain drop speckled across his brown face. He huffed as he hurried over to the trash can that he'd stem out of. He tipped the rest of the trash out and drug it into a thick undergrowth not far from the  trail. He found a nice spot where only a limited amount of rain would seek through. He scurried into the can, although it only covered half of his slim body, it was better than nothing. The first few days of being a stray was disappointing, but it was better than the apartment that he use to live in with his owner. He peered through the undergrowth and watched the humans run by, many had a type of mobile shelter that they carried around with one hand, it stay above their heads, blocking the rain.


    Junior slowly passed towards the forest. He hated concrete, the hard surface cracked his pads. He'd been breed to hunt in the forest, and he'd like to set up a den there. He smiled as his pads hit the leaves in the beginning of a trail. He continued, his nose close to the ground to scent out the area. His long ears brushed against the sand ground, leaving a long trail of parted dust on the trail. He continued until he found a lopsided trash can, a large male must have already scurried through it. Jr hardly found any scraps, but it satisfied his stomache. He sat down by the trail, his long pink tongue lolled out of his panting moth.

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