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Messages - Player927

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Sew.... when do we start?

That's fine with me Kas. I'll try to get my other characters tossed on here today, at least the basic info since I haven't been able to work on backgrounds and such.

Celestial Pride or Archon Pack?: Celestial Pride
Name: Kasake (Sake)
Ingame/Forum Username: Player927
Gender: Male
Species: Lion
Age: Senior
Personality: Battle scarred cranky old fart full of ever changing stories.
History: Most know his history already but he frequently retells the important bits, generally exaggerated. He has seen 3 leaders... or was it 4? He can't recall. He has been in numerous battles and lost many comrades and family members. He may be the last of his line, provided one of his grandchildren didn't have a mystery litter.
Mentor: None
Former Mentors/Apprentices:Rasha(Mentor), Axel, Cobalt, Dagger, Petallas, Hans, Asha, Katrina, and "Scoot"
Parents: Maddie & Gartol (Both deceased)
Mate: Alasta then Kisha (Both deceased)
Offspring: Crispin, Ulanger, Berrian, Talissa, Bazil, Joline, Jas, Krow (All deceased or deserted the clan)
Prisoner: None
Status: Elder
Health Status: 75%, Old Age/Blind in Left Eye/Limps on Right Hind Leg
Other: hates the desert and all the foliage there... especially cacti

Celestial Pride or Archon Pack?: Archon Pack
Name: Mink
Ingame/Forum Username: Player927
Gender: Female
Species: Wolf
Age: Older Cub
Personality: Happy little pup. Gentle and kind, she doesn't fully understand why the two groups can't "be friends"
History: Born premature and only one from litter to survive.
Mentor: None
Former Mentors/Apprentices: None
Parents: Rosaline & Shade (Both Deceased)
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Prisoner: None
Status: Cub
Health Status: 100% Healthy
Other: Still shaken up by the battle and the loss of her parents.

My parents left despite the rain. I'll reply to rp's when I can as I seem to be having family issues now -_- I swear, I just want this crap to end so everything can go back to normal. Oh, it may not be clear, but both Sake and Mink were born within their group. Also, I think my pics are 200x200. Do you want me to resize them Kas or leave them as is?

One more edit: Tor's pic... also 200x200 -shot-
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Family got snowed in here :) the power was out for almost all of Christmas afternoon and most of the next day. It's back on now but not sure how long it will stay that way. I may be out longer than I was expecting. We are suppose to get freezing rain Friday, and I imagine the power will die then too, so who knows how long it will be before I can get back on.

I'll update this tomorrow with my characters. I've been trying to get them all done at once so I can do it all in one post but I'm lagging lol. I won't be on much a few days on either side of Christmas as my folks should be coming down to visit. Otherwise I'll be able to rp them whenever I don't have "help" :)

Celestial Pride or Archon Pack?: Archon Pack
Name: Torrinos
Ingame/Forum Username: Player927
Gender: Male
Species: Amur Leopard
Age: Cub
Personality: Generally quite and skittish, he would follow his brother Panos wherever he went, whispering his doubts about their newest adventure along the way. Tor was always the first to turn tail or hide. He's regressed farther since his capture and is nearly mute now.
History: During the last big fight, his siblings went out and Tor tagged along, trying to convince them to return. The trio witnessed several deaths, including their mother's. Pan was separated from their group as they tried to escape, and their sister left Tor hiding near a tree to go find him. He was quickly captured by Ream and roughly taken to Celestial Pride.
Mentor: None
Apprentice: None
Former Mentors/Apprentices: None
Parents: Armand -x- Magali
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Prisoner: None
Status: Cub
Health Status: 95% Minor scraps and scratches, otherwise healthy.
Other: Suffering from mild depression and held prisoner in Celestial Pride lands. Cacti

((Does the history sound about right Kas? My photobucket account locked itself down and I can't get in. I'll add a pic later. Still have like 3 more to do yet....))

I'm generally able to get on whenever though I usually don't have a lot of in-game time. I probably won't be on much right around Christmas as I have family coming down for a bit.

Oops! Sorry Kas, I moved my pics around on photobucket and it killed the links.

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And I'll apply those other characters tomorrow I think.

The angels made me think of the Weeping Angels from Dr. Who. Loving it!

LOL I felt the need to put the sample up. It's gives me a chance to sort of rp the character for the first time in a controlled environment. Hokarty's was more backstory where Wyck's was just a testament to his good nature :)

And that's amazing! I'm sure there's been a flood of Firefly names since the show came out lol. I really wish Whedon could find someone to pick it up and do a few seasons as filler between the first season and Serenity so we could still have Wash and Book on the crew.



Fraction: High-Rocks
Rank: Medic
Species: Cheetah
Gender: Male
Name: Wyck
Family Lineage: Wyck's family line was always something of a letdown. The older members, all now deceased for various reasons, were usually the slowest of the group, oddly colored, and the last to agree to do anything willingly. His mother tried to fit in where she could be most useful but still never elevated her family's status. She bore one cub in her lifetime. His father, a large cheetah who fought fiercely in battle and actually had a decent reputation, didn't know Wyck was his own but neither did the cub. When the young cheetah took an interest in the medical field, his mother pushed him towards it. Slowly, Wyck brings honor to himself and his family line with each life he saves.
Personality: Generally a fun guy, Wyck loves to be in the middle of things. He takes his job seriously but tries to keep a the mood light even in dire circumstances. He will take time out of his day to play with the young and treats them with sweet berries along with their medicine when he can. He feels the need to take some blame for every death, regardless of the severity of the wound or the creature's fraction. Wyck often creates his own "tools", although they tend to be fairly rudimentary and generally lopsided. He is frequently caught muttering about the advantages of "retractable claws".

Rp Sample:
"Thank you Wyck!" Wyck watched a young leopard swat a ball of dried red dirt back towards an older jaguar cub. It had taken him three whole days to get the mixture right. It was fairly round, roughly as wide as his paw, and had finally dried out enough for use. The ball wobbled slightly on it's trip, "It's no problem kids. I'm just glad it rolls!" He sat and watched them for a moment, grinning as another pair of cubs decided to join in. He considered teaching the young ones how to make the balls themselves, then looked at his paws. They were stained a red-brown color. He smiled to himself; their parents wouldn't appreciate them making clay balls in their dens and staining their paws. As the ball sailed high towards the jaguar, a little leopard leaped and batted it out of the air. It hit the ground with a thud, small pieces chipping off as it was pummeled by the cubs again. It wouldn't survive long on these rocks... He'd have to make more.

He finally padded back to his den as the growing group, now almost double in size, started making up rules for a team game. Once inside his den, he began taking stock of his supplies. He was running low on a few items, nothing that wasn't too hard to come by this time of year. He trotted and hopped his way out of the rocky camp and to the more fertile growing areas of the garden. He had begun to nip off a few leaves and stems when something rustled in the brush ahead. As a medic, he preferred to heal rather than hurt, plus, he lacked any decent battle moves. As the first hyena stepped out, he gathered the few herbs he'd collected in his maw and gave it a questioning glance. "Are you the new Dim Sands medic trainee?" he mumbled around his load. When a second, and then third hyena began to slink out of hiding near the first, he took a tentative step back "I guess not.... I, uh... I think I have enough for now." Wyck turned tail and bolted as the hyena trio advanced. After a short burst, he slowed and looked back. The offending party snuffled around where he had been standing but didn't appear interested in pursuit. Just as well, he guessed. He had to get back to camp and start working on another ball for the cubs. The one they had must be demolished by now. The thought made him grin around his bundle as he padded back home.

((-sings- The Hero of Canton, the man they call Jayne! :) I'm also a fan. I named my daughter Kaylee River.))



Fraction: Dim Sands
Rank: Unranked
Species: Wolf
Gender: Male
Name: Hokarty
Family Lineage: A distant relative of the former Dim World leader, Hokarty's great grandfather (or was it great great grandfather? He can't recall...) was the half brother of the "rightful" heir. He had 3 siblings, two were male who snuck out one night to explore outside camp and were lost in a sandstorm at a very young age. His female littermate was ill and did not survive the trip to the hyena campsite. His mother, a swift wolf named Asha, carried the royal blood. She bore only the one litter and was lost when trying to recover her missing pups in the sandstorm. His father, a large foul tempered brute named Moriro, opted to leave the fraction after his mate's passing. He was last seen skirting the edges of the Wastelands in poor health (this was some time ago, he is considered dead)
Personality: Hokarty has been hardened by his trials and is generally a grump. He has a softer side but rarely shows it. He prefers solitude but will be seen speaking to others when it suits him or is required of him. He is fiercely loyal to his fraction, less-so to the hyenas. He has some very basic medical knowledge that he picked up from lurking around the medic's den as a teen. He is a mid-aged adult with no mate or pups.

Rp Sample:
A young Hokarty sat patiently waiting for the medic to finish evaluating his sister. She had become short of breath during the trip. Her pawpads were hot and her nose was dry from fever. He watched the older wolf force feed his sibling some sort of seed to help her sleep. "I'm afraid there's nothing I can do for her now. Let her rest." Hokarty's jaw tightened and his hackles rose, "Nothing you can do?" he spat, "Give her more herbs! They were helping earlier! She said so!" He didn't realize he had rose to his paws and had taken several steps in anger towards the healer. If it fazed the old medic, he didn't show it, flatly stating "She lied to you. She is far worse than she was yesterday and is getting worse even now." As if on cue, his sister began a coughing fit. Once it passed, she started gasping between bursts of heavy panting. Her brother stared at her in dismay. She was all he had left... "I'll come around in the morning. I may have something to ease the passing..." Before Hokarty could ask what he meant, the medic had left.

Hokarty lay with his sister on the outskirts of the group. As the seeds kicked in, her breathing slowed and she slept somewhat uninterrupted. The occasional coughing fit or gasping breath would stir her slightly. He, however, slept horribly. Every delayed breath or gasp of air jolted him awake. He passed out from exhaustion not long before the sun began to lighten the sky. His dreams were haunted by his snappish father, a disappointed scowl on his face, and his sleek-furred mother who looked full of sorrow and shame. He felt a paw prod his side and he grumbled to himself before forcing his eyes open slightly. The medic stood over him and mumbled something about being gone before loping away. It took Hokarty a moment to get his eyes to focus, but he quickly understood. His sister lay motionless next to him. Her body only warm where he had been pressed against her. He pushed his nose into her neck fur "Forgive me, my sister, for I have failed you. When you fell, I pulled you up and forced you on. I ignored the signs of weakness and illness in you and drove you forward when I should have made you rest. I always pushed you harder than I should, and for that, I am sorry. I hope you find peace..."

I have another character to add here but it will have to wait until tomorrow.

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