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Messages - Dreamingsoul

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Discussion Board / Re: Meme~
« on: February 08, 2015, 11:53:52 pm »

Art Gallery / Re: Bawfle is doing REQUESTS [4 Slots] & a GOLD SLOT
« on: February 08, 2015, 01:15:02 am »
Ingame Username- Dreamingsoul
Character name - Vizi

Full body please!
Would like her to have two silver earcuffs on both ears.
Leaving how you pose her up to you! ovo

Praise / Re: To The FeralHeart Staff Team
« on: February 05, 2015, 09:52:19 pm »
Hhhh. /Didn't think people would respond to it. ;;

I really am sorry, i'm not really what else to say besides sorry and thank you for reading it.
And thank you all for the warm welcomes. ; v ;


Forum Games / Re: Cute or Creepy?
« on: February 05, 2015, 04:43:50 am »
for the reason she just /feels/ you are the one to be the next star and decides you to be her rival in contests.

Creepy or cute?

Praise / To The FeralHeart Staff Team
« on: February 05, 2015, 04:14:18 am »
Posted this on DeviantArt but realized it wouldn't reach the staff, so I decided to post it here.

This is for the FeralHeart Staff;

Over the years I have been on Feralheart, I wasn't really one to go on the Forums, so I didn't know anything that happened their, never really checked for events either. So I never saw the staff post on there, be active, etc. I rarely saw them on the games, and those few times I did, they never talked, and so I assumed they were on a different tab and not even watching, "They aren't doing their dang job."

We all talked about them behind their backs. Saying they don't care about Feralheart, how they aren't active enough and that's why FH is hell. I have, i'll admit it, I thought they didn't give two craps about Feralheart anymore. I thought they were rude people who abused their power and banned for no reason. Didn't really care much for members and the chaos that happens.  However, would they hold events if they truly didn't care?

One day, I finally went on the forums, and checked out the recent staff. I saw one name, a Mod-In-Training, that I often saw at Bonfire, just sitting there. I never thought she would be a staff member. Then, everything hit me.

How much crap they must take from the members, but they cannot even talk back or be rude, or it'll spread like wild fire. How hard it must to maintain a community with so many members, in which all do not speak the same language. A community in which demand so much, but they cannot give everything. Can't even update the game, since they cannot get the coding. Having to explain that, over, and over, and over. How they have to repeat the same answer to the same question day after day. How they must have so many messages they have to answer about needy members, or reports about someone cheating on them on FH. They have to deal with so much crap, and they never express it to the members. Sure, to their friends perhaps, but they never to the members. Even all that crap, they still treat us well. Because they are staff members.

I never really thought about that till' a while ago. For talking bad, saying terrible things about the Feralheart Staff Team, i'm sorry. I'm truly sorry, and thank you. Thank you for taking your time, in which you have jobs and people in real life in which you need to attend to before the virtual community. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for dealing that bad side of the community, and always showing a nice side.

Thank you.


I posted in here instead of messaging the staff is for in case another player who rarely goes on the forum can see this, and understand that I felt like that and hope maybe they can understand a bit better.

Forum Games / Re: True Or False
« on: February 02, 2015, 04:03:05 am »
False; i'm not clever enough to come up with something that no one has yet.

Next person has witnessed the chaos that happened at Bonfire on 2/1/15 because of the Superbowl. [basically today a few hours ago]

Forum Games / Re: True Or False
« on: January 31, 2015, 07:59:35 pm »
False, never heard of it. [Thoughnowinterested]

Next person once stalked their crush.

Forum Games / Re: True Or False
« on: January 30, 2015, 03:05:35 am »
True, Team Aqua make a bit more sense for the story, honestly.

Next person's guilty pleasure is listening to Wrecking Ball.

Game Help / Castle mesh?
« on: January 20, 2015, 02:53:03 am »
Me and a friend were talking about an awesome RP idea, you can ask if you wish to know, but we just need a little help.

Is there a castle mesh where you can actually walk into the castle? Roam around, rooms, etc, etc. In order for this RP to work, we need some sort of castle structure, however when I googled I did not find a castle in which you can roam around in.

Is there one? If not, would anyone recommend a different way to get something like a castle?

Honestly, I would love that. But there is the issue, could we switch characters? I would hate to be stuck as 'Mate Center' or as a 'Recruiter' for my whole life! I would slowly cry if I got stuck as my 'joke' characters such as SPARKLEGURLBLUE, even though she is deleted, still. I would also think many of the younger people would cry and immediately dump their current mate or some would even attempt to dominate everyone by saying they were given special powers and try to be King/Queen. While those who have made many online friends would hug each other for perhaps the first time, and shed tears of actually being able to have a somewhat face-to-face conversation and hunt together and eat. Not to mention those who have a true online relationship and didn't just matebeg or found at Mate Center would perhaps share their first kiss.

Personally, I would be overjoyed that I am no longer connected in the real world, by terrified about dying since I have no idea about hunting, or acting as a canine or a feline. Feel we would all have trouble, so if we had the choice of switching characters, I would maybe stay on a character that is in a group, so we could all hunt together to survive. If not, I would attempt to go to Bonfire or FP to find a group who would perhaps like to work together for a while, while everyone learns how to hunt. In order to get one rabbit, ten people would have to help, and then eventually be able to hunt alone.

I feel all the world of FeralHeart would also be too small for everyone. People who claim territory, and threaten to kill if you don't leave, some would probably make real packs. Many would perish during this.

Though I also would question if the block button works, that would be very useful, if you were in a life and death situation, block the person so you don't get injured!

And to Sammi, oh dear god I would be terrified to see what a canine/feline version of me would look like! Many would probably scream they dislike their character and want a do-over.

Though this is a very interesting topic to think about!

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