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Messages - Blue_Apples

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5
Game Help / All grassy textures?
« on: October 01, 2013, 11:21:36 pm »
All the textures on my map are grass to anyone who downloads it. Anyone know whats happening? And how to fix it?

Game Help / Screenshots turn black?
« on: June 26, 2013, 04:01:24 am »
Whenever I take a screenshot then go to look at it the whole picture is black. Why?

Request/Find Meshes / Request forest related meshes
« on: February 19, 2013, 10:03:31 pm »
I'll try and keep this short since I do tend to ramble a bit if given the opprotunity. I need a couple, maybe a lot, of meshes for a map(s) I and going to make. For that I'll need..

Many trees:

Basically any kind of common tree you'd find in a forest. :|

I'll alse need plenty of foliage, bushes and the like to keep the characters hidden. Things like..

-Thorn bushes

I'm modeling my map somewhat after Yellowstone, actually from the game WolfQuest. So meshes like the things you'd find there would be helpful. Really I'd take anything from trees to rocks and be happy with it. I'm a noob with object maker and unfortunately anything I make doesn't turn out quite right. :/
So yeah, if someone would be kind enough to send like links to download the meshes, or however that works, I'd be grateful. Thanks.

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Tribe of the Red Sun
« on: December 14, 2012, 01:50:36 am »
Do not reply to this thread, I have moved this post to the Open Roleplays section. If you wish to join reply there.

Tribe of the Red Sun

The Begining
In the depths of a lush green forest a young ginger fox pounced on a mouse, trapping the tiny creature between its paws. In no less than a moment loud footsteps echoed through the forest. Definately not fox. The young fox stood up, the mouse slipping out of his graps. His ears pricked and his amber eyes flicked around looking for the source of the sound. The footsteps lumbered closer, then stopped suddenly leaving the forest in dead silence. Without a moment to react the young fox felt a prick in his side, his vision became blurry, the trees spun, and finally he fainted.
When he awoke, the smell of other foxes greeted him. And not just any fox scent, the smell of fear. It stained the air in and around his container. He barked out a greeting hoping to hear the other foxes, but only silence replied. He sniffed again, checking whether or not the scents were fresh. Just as he put his nose to the ground the container shifted and he was tossed out. As soon as he gathered his senses the young male glanced behind him, coming face to face with a large pink creature. Startled he sped off in a random direction, following the scent of one of the other foxes. When he was far enough away the male stopped and stared at the barron white landascape in front of him. "Where am I?"

Tribe of the Red Suns is a realistic, mapless, semi-literite to literite roleplay for foxes. We make our home in the South Pole, in case you couldn't tell from the intro. We accept all types of foxes, from classic red foxes, to arctic foxes. Interested in joining? Good! Just follow the steps below to join. ;D

1) Choose a rank from below
Alpha Fox F (Must be aproved by me)
Beta Fox M (Must be earned)
Beta Fox F (Must be earned)

2) Fill out the application form
Application Form
Type of fox:
Rp sample: (Optional)

Here's an example  :)
Username: Blue Apples
Name: Stigg (Nickname: Stiggy)
Gender: Male
Age: 2 years
Rank: Alpha Male
Typle of fox: Red Fox
Mate: None
Pups: None
Bio: Just look in the intro for Stigg's bio  :)
Description: Bright ginger pelt with dirty white underfur, black paws, ears and tail tip; amber eyes.

Rp Sample: Stigg crouched low on the snowy terrain, his amber eyes flitting back and forth nervously. He was far enough away from the humans now not to be harmed, but he was all alone. "Hello?" he called out his moist breath billowing out in front of him. When he got no answer he pressed onward. Night would be falling soon and he would need some cover from the snow.

3) Once/If you are accepted send me a friend request in FH, Blue Apples, and wait for the group invite!

Note: Just keep in mind that these are foxes, so an adult fox should not be bigger than the size of a teenage wolf.

Game Help / Game server offline?
« on: November 04, 2012, 12:13:35 am »
I know that probably everyone will be asking this but why does the game server keep going offline? Is something wrong with the game or does this happen every so often to help the game?

Game Help / How do you export maps?
« on: August 29, 2012, 06:35:39 pm »
I know you press the export button after your done with the map and it sends it to the exports folder. But what do I do after that? How do I get it up onto

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: Hidden Wolves of the Wood
« on: August 23, 2012, 10:34:27 pm »
I created an account for your website but it got deactivated. D:

In-Game Roleplay & Group Advertisement / Re: ~The Great Wolf Packs~
« on: August 22, 2012, 03:48:19 pm »
This roleplay sound cool too bad I can't join

Game Help / Re: Mask layers keep merging?
« on: August 20, 2012, 08:24:53 pm »
Thanks for your help, if this doesn't work then I'll have to deal with the fact that I won't be making maps anymore.

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