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Messages - BijouLa

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lol 80 members all with SPLIT PERSONALITIES!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! i'm sorta quitting archery now, we qualified for nationals but we can't afford to send mom n me to kentucky, she said she wasn't gonna put our vacation money on just me. *sad face* but i'll get ova it. i just need to slap someone. -looks for unsuspecting victim-

lol "have you seen this missing cheetah? i'll give you special candy if you come in my van to tell me all ya know! even if ya don't know u can keep the candy...."

missing. it sounds more mysterious. next you'll see Razek putting pictures of you on milk cartons, then asking little children if they have seen you to lure them into his van.

JAYTO! *sobs* why must they kill the wittle cheetah with his wittle tail, they are evil!!! i wish there was a way we could make him come back to life. without making it unrealistic. maybe jayto comesback with a burned fur preset? lol
EDIT: nice pride! i'm thinking about advertising lol

SLAYT! i remember trying to re-kidnap you. fail...... *sobs in a corner* lol

omg! cheetah wuv! this makes me think of the song Upende, or however u spell it. rafeeki sings it in lion king 2. and i so love twist plot thingies. i hate predictable things. which is why holly has an ever changing personality.

saturday my mom has to clean the church, and i have to go with her. she is like the nominated woman-that-is-always-prepared-and-will-do-all-the-dirty-work-that-no-one-else-wants-to-do. she's also the nominated babysitter, which is why we have 4 or 5 other kids over sometimes. and they are all obsessed with my computer. why, i don't know.

hello! rawr. rawr means i love you in dinosaur. i wuv coursers! i'm gonna be playing sims 3 (just got it, mom went to a ton of trouble and i wasn't playing it as much as she wanted and said she was gonna kill it off my comp unless i acted interested in it!) and today theres this stupid cook party. i'm going to help save my cousin from dying of old lady perfume inhalation. (is that a word <<) i'll prob be on coursers saturday tho. i plan on it. sigh. spring is coming and we're all so  busy! DX

i did read the note that said READ ME about 20 times in one day.

the folders that say stuff in here goes in my objects, it doesnt mean the folder. it means the stuff in it. open the folder and click the top object, then hold shift and click the bottom one. copy and paste them into my_objects

lol love natalies rp, i can't get on this today. unless i dowload it and all the maps, which will take too long. it took me a few seconds to download it on my other comp, my gran's is slow. well, hope you guys kicked children butt! ahem, and tail. and faces. karate kick!

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