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Messages - CrazyCatLady

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Game Help / Re: Old music? Help?
« on: June 18, 2016, 05:38:45 pm »
Here's the contents of the old .cfg:


1) The only thing the Preset Sync .exe will do is be able to read the two new folders added that hold the presets pretty much. Just make a copy of your current .exe and put it somewhere else just in case you ever dont want to use Preset Sync.

2) This .exe was modified and because of that your computer might think it is a risk to have it installed. I have been using it for a while now and it's not going to hurt anything. If you have an anti-virus make sure to add the .exe to the Excluded List (or whatever feature makes it so the anti-virus doesn't scan it anymore). Just so it won't remove it.

Game Help / Re: Game update 2016 issue
« on: June 18, 2016, 04:24:02 pm »
Firewalls won't cause the game from opening like this, nor will restarting a router. Any networking issues won't cause a crash on startup.

Let's try two options here:

Try installing FeralHeart into a new folder on your computer so that no old FeralHeart files will cause an conflicts with this new version. To do this:

Download that, run it and when it comes to this: PICTURE LINK

Type a 1 in the box so it looks like this: PICTURE LINK

If that doesn't work:

If you have an anti-virus installed try disabling it, deleting the FeralHeart folder then reinstall and try to get it run. Your anti-virus could be eating some files that the game needs to run properly. So even though you uninstalled and reinstalled, it won't make a difference since it will continue to remove those files. If doing that fixes your issue then you're going to have to set up your anti-virus to not scan the FeralHeart folder anymore.

Sorry that was vague but every anti-virus is different in how they're set up so I can't go into detail.

Game Discussion / Re: Future updates?
« on: June 18, 2016, 07:16:11 am »
It would be cool if the maps were updated to reflect whatever season it is in the FH world. like every four months it changes: spring, summer and winter or something. Then seasonal items like maybe ten per season could be officially added? So it would be a slow progression of updates.

Forum Discussion / Re: Reminiscing
« on: June 18, 2016, 01:57:30 am »
I refused to look back at anything I posted in 2011 or even on the Original Impressive Title forum for that matter. It's actually nice to see that everyone has went through that phase so we are all in the same boat for the most part. It's just that some of us have more baggage on the boat than others it looks like haha I remember I would never use proper grammar for the most part, and I thought that was the cool thing to do was not really care about how your posts looked. I think I would just pop in the middle of discussions and not have anything to add but just a "XD!!". It was a mess.

Forum Games / Re: How well known are you on FeralHeart? ---
« on: June 17, 2016, 11:38:36 pm »
1/10 i dont know any of you anymore with this username change. you're all just strangers closing in on me...

kidding, 7/10 I've seen you around but not as often as I do other people :]

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Possibly implementing the Preset Sync?
« on: June 17, 2016, 11:35:25 pm »
If the Preset Sync was reworked then I would support adding it. But right now in it's current form since third party software is required to set it up I think it would be more of a hassle for everyone involved, especially since the .exe has a greater risk of being flagged as a trojan and removed by antivirus software. If it was included as an optional download then that would be the same as it is now essentially. I really would like to see an automated preset system added in somehow later on though. please

Site/Forum Help / Re: Forum Name
« on: June 17, 2016, 11:07:49 pm »
I like this better too. As much as I miss my newer name, it's nicer to see the name that people use ingame and eliminates the "find me ingame as: ___" we stick on our profiles. I'd like to see the actual ingame username and a nickname integrated into the miniprofile with this update.

Presets & Markings / Re: - Molasses Covered Presets - (1 Slot Open )
« on: June 17, 2016, 10:10:20 pm »
@FluffyPuff Did you draw that reference? If not then I can't make that. The design doesn't belong to you dude.

@JumpScares. I'll send you the preset in just a little bit, I'm not home right now. I'm glad you like it!

Game Discussion / Re: Crude, Rude, Or just mean? Or a angel
« on: June 17, 2016, 05:05:44 pm »
I'm sorry that happened to you. Attention seeking individuals like them should just be blocked and forgotten. To give them any sort of a reaction will just fuel them to keep acting like that. Hopefully you screenshotted the conversation and reported it to a staff member so it could be taken care of.

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