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Messages - xSamii

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.  P U R G E D   S O C I E T Y  .

    Welcome, new recruits and all you wanna-be watchers. Did we lead you here, or did your curiosity simply wind you up in the wrong place? Nevertheless, feel free to stick around and see what you've gotten yourself into. You're in for a ride.
      Now, I bet you're wondering what a Purge is? Well fear not, for now. We'll gladly open your eyes to who we are, and what we do.

PURGE, Noun. An abrupt or violent removal of a group of people from an organization or place.
SYNONYMS: Purify, Removal, Expulsion, Eradication, Eviction
                                                               There. Now you know.

  A B O U T   U S

We are a Literate, Mapless, Realistic, Highly Active, Long-term association. Rather than usual Fluorite Plains, we live among the caves in Ficho Tunnel. Please abide by this and you're welcome to stay as long as you like.
     Ari, is a wonder known by few. Her full acknowledgement is Ari Vinetta Eliseus. If you're familiar, you may recognize the last name? If not, you'll learn. Born into a family line of pride, she has quite the name to live up to. While you may look at us and say, "Oh yay, just another Clan-killer group, woo hoo," You're greatly mistaken. While we do rebel against the clans, we are much different from that of the usual rebellion. Similar, but different. You have much to learn young ones, oh so much to learn.

      Let's get down to it shall we? You've stuck around this long, we must have caught your interest somewhere along the lines, hmm? Like all orders, we must have some organization within, am I right? Few rules, few ranks, something to keep us orderly. If you've had no problem with us so far, then you should no have a problem with our positions and procedures. On with it then.

 R A N K S

   These are the Tiers in which the Society is ordered. There is the High Tier, of leaders and associates. The Battle Tier, where there are positions in battling ranks. The Medical Tier, where our experts in all things medicine and healing reside. The Beginners Tier, where newly recruited members choose their ranks. The Others Tier, for ranks that did not fit in with other Tiers. And Finally, The Enforced Tier, where ranks are forced upon or given to as demoted ranks for rule breaking. Please respect these positions, as they were all chosen very carefully.

 H I G H   T I E R

. Commanders- These are the leaders of the Society. They authorize battles and watch over those on the inside. Usually they are mates or closely knit friends/family. TAG- SI  1/2

. Council- The Council assists the Commanders in decision making, and help advise the Society on important news. TAG- SII   0/5

. Heir- The Heir is a chosen young of one or both of the Commanders, chosen to lead the Society and be their Successor. This is agreed upon by votes between Commanders and the Council. TAG- Si   0/1

 B A T T L E  T I E R

. Purgers- The deadliest killers in the Society. So much so, it is advised to be careful around these ranks. TAG- Sp   0/4

. Assassins- Also skilled killers, however mainly used inside the group for executions and eliminations. TAG- SA   0/3

. Champions- The most Noble of warriors within the Society. They have showed great dedication and respect to their rank. TAG- Sc   0/5

. Amateurs- The young of the Society in battle training. TAG- Sa   0/~

. Experts- Those with exquisite knowledge of the enemies. Often used to scout for groups to plan attacks upon. TAG- Se   0/7

 M E D I C A L  T I E R

. Healers- Those with much knowledge of herbs and remedies, to treat the wounds of fellow members. TAG- SX   0/~

. Medics- Those under the Healers, learning the teachings of healing. Sx   0/~

. Practitioners- The youth of the group with little knowledge of herbs, though in training under Medics and Healers. TAG- Sxi   0/~

 B E G I N N E R S   T I E R

. Soldiers- The groups battle forces. TAG- Ss   0/~

. Defenders- Those who protect the Society and keeps others out. TAG- Sd   0/~

. Supervisors- Shes that stay behind during battles or after a others death to watch over the young. TAG- sS   0/~

. Youth- The Society's young of the group. TAG- Sy   0/~

. Resigned- The elders or incapable of the group that can no longer act their duties. Treat with Respect. TAG- Sr   0/~

 E N F O R C E D

. Captured- Those we have managed to steal from other groups, and are keeping until such time as we don't need them. TAG- Sc   0/~

. Undesirables- For those who have wronged our Society by breaking rules or other circumstances. They may be kept prisoner, used as bait, beaten or killed.Treat with no respect. TAG- Su   0/~

  R U L E S  &  P R O C E D U R E S

. Respect those higher than you. They are up there for a reason. Respect your other fellows as well, unless they are in the Enforced Tier. If it is found out you've been treating the Enforced tier well, you can join them. They are there with reason.

. There is no ban on harming young. Unless given order not too, the young of other groups may be executed.

. Unofficial raids are not accepted. They are only allowed if there is a member of the council or a Commander there to say so. Otherwise, it may result in punishment.

. Killing other members, unless given word by High Tier, is not allowed, and may result in one's own death. Unless, it is proven that there was good reason behind it.

. Spies caught inside or outside of the Society may be demoted, kicked or Executed. No exceptions for such an act.

. All new members begin with ranks in the Beginners or Medical Tier, unless told otherwise.

. Auto hitting, god modding and power-play are strictly prohibited. You will be given a warning, and if such continues, you may be kicked.

. Please act your age and do not act out of your position in the group. Respect yours, and other positions. You will be warned, and if it is continued, you will be kicked.

. Activity is required. You chose to join, we expect you to hold to that. Also, use some literacy. And realistic colors as well. We don't need a neon pink cat leaping into battle.

Thank you.

   There you have it. All you need to know about us before you consider to join.

    Still here? Well that's just perfect. If we caught your attention enough to intrigue you to join, feel free to message me as BrokenShadow, and find me in-game as such as well. You may find me as Ari, or other characters as well. I will be checking back regularly, and I hope to hear from you soon.

8.23.14 BrokenShadow

I apologize for the recent "Black Out" I didn't realize it wasn't going to show. Thank you!

~ 8.18.14 BrokenShadow ~

Welcome to Aarasi Pride!

 We are a brand new, Extremely Realistic, Highly Literate, Active, Long-term and Mapless Pride. ** RP Samples Are Required ** We do not currently have a site, but I am working on it currently. For now, you may message me any questions or concerns, or even ideas for the Pride.

 Our group is very socially active, I expect myself to be online every day, or every other day at the very least. If I am not, I will message a trusted friend to pass on news of why. Our pride is located in the upper left of Fluorite Plains, along a river plain. Our goal is to have over 150 active members by November. By the year of 2015, I hope to have somewhere near 200 or above! I do not plan on us being an Umafisi, but I would love to have that many members.

 However, not unlike the Umafisi, we are extremely real based. Meaning, we act as real lions do, except for vocal communication ( Talking ). We act as real lions, and we are territorial as real lions. Though we are territorial, we cannot force people off of our land as we are using a public map. I also expect of the group to have real color shades as well, such as African colors, Asian colors or pale of either shade. We do not accept colors such as pure whites or pure blacks. Darker or lighter variants may be accepted.

 Currently, all ranks remain open. However, Dominants and Secondaries are decided on later. Also, as realistic lions, we will only allow so many males into the pride at one time. Say we reach 200 members, there will be between 50 - 75 males presently. If somehow we reach over 500, there will be between 150 - 190 males. The pride will always be made up more so of females.

     Some Rules

 ~ Any highly earned ranks, such as Dominants or Secondaries may be replaced after two - three weeks of inactivity in the group. This is only to keep productive, nothing personal!  ;)

  ~ The Dominant male, whoever he may be, may accept any challenges from opposite males for both reasons of pride or breeding rights.
  ~ Females may advance likability, or flirt with other males, but the males must accept for a relationship to work, whatever stage they were in. The same is for males towards females.

  ~ Seasons will usually range in the area between two - three weeks. Seasons such as Summer, Fall, Winter or Spring. There is no Mating Season. If there are any questions on this matter, please message me.

  ~ Again we are realistic. I hope not to see any of the following in our characters:
Neons; Pure Whites; Pure Blacks; Wings; Unrealistic Size ( Exa. - An adult  male is the size of a kitten ); Unrealistic Marks ( Unless very faint ) We are also literate. I will be looking over the Samples I receive, and will not accept the slightest of handy work in our roleplays. Please meet our standards as we struggle to meet yours.

  ~ In all conditions, there will only be a certain amount of males allowed in any condition, as we are a very realistic organization.

  ~ Territorial rights do not belong to us. If others are found in "our territorial range" we can politely ask them to leave, but we cannot force them. It is their land as it is ours, so please just ignore them.

     Thank You.

To Finish, I will just put in some useful information to know.

 ~ If you are interested in joining us, feel free to message me as BrokenShadow or whisper me in game as BrokenShadow as well. If you have any questions, you can contact me this was as well. I can also be found in game on either characters Aarasi Pride Recruiter or Aris. Once we have a website set up, a link will be posted in the Group Bio, Recruiter's Bio and in this forum. For now, refer to messaging me or seeing our Recruiter. Currently, Aris is the Dominant Male, but this may change in the future. If you want to drop in and say hi, feel free to do so!

~ 8/18/14 BrokenShadow ~

Forum Games / Re: You're Banned! (Game)
« on: March 27, 2014, 10:05:19 pm »
And I now ban myself for posting in this topic. Bad..

Forum Games / Re: You're Banned! (Game)
« on: March 27, 2014, 10:04:16 pm »
I ban you for banning her because she likes coconuts and posted spotted character sigy... :3 ~Master of Bands~

Forum Games / Re: How well known are you on FeralHeart? ---
« on: March 27, 2014, 10:02:21 pm »
1/10 I so sowwy, I've neva seen chu around here before. Fluffiness~ I'm usually a player, not a poster. See you my floofs~ .3. I will also most likely receive a 1, because this is my first post, unless anyone knows me from the game.

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