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Messages - Star12

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Member Bio & Journals /
« on: September 17, 2013, 01:18:08 pm »
Well, as some of you may know, I created a bio of myself on FeralHeart quite a while ago. In fact, I think it was almost a year ago now... Omg I'm so oooold!!
Anyhoo, back to the point, I made a Bio of myself a while ago and some of you read it... Others didn't xD So I decided to make another one, but without pictures because I hate myself in pictures...

Darky's Booootiful Bio!


Name: My name is Joanna, pretty weird, right? I was given the name Joanna by my mum, she was going to call me Ellie but then found the name Joanna in a book she was reading at the time. She looked up the meaning of it and it turns out that the name means 'Warrior Princess'. I don't think I have ever met someone with the same name as me... I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing xD

Age&Birthday: Well, I sorta messed up my birthday on the 'Profile' section in FH, but I'm too lazy to fix it xD I'm actually 14 years old, my birthday is on the 8th of February and I am the youngest in my year at school. I will be 15 next year, which is quite scary...

Location: Don't judge me, but I'm from sunny Scotland! And no, I do not have ginger hair and I hate haggis. Personally, I don't think I sound that Scottish but when I'm around people from another country I sound so... Strange! I live in a reasonably big detached house in a small town called Livingston just below Edinburgh. Its funny when I'm on FeralHeart because quite a few of the floofs I roleplay with are from the USA, so they use words like 'sneakers' and 'mom'. One time, when I went down to England with a few of my friends, we found out that English people don't understand words like:

'Mon then- Come on then, or 'Bring it'.

Jaggy Nettles- I dunno what you guys call it, but here's a picture:

Personality: At home, my family say that I'm annoying, funny, random, loud, sweet, kind and generous. At school, my friends say that I'm random, funny, sweet, quiet, gentle and verrrrry crazy. Teachers think I'm quiet, polite, popular,hard-working (lol), and intelligent.

- I am in love with swimming, I train 4 times a week for two hours each time. I train on a Monday night from 5:30 'till 7:30, on a Tuesday I coach from 6:30 'till 7:30 and then I swim from 7:30 to 9:30. On a Thursday morning (yes, morning!") I swim from 5am until 7am. Finally, on a Friday I swim from 5:30 until 7:30. When I tell people how much I actually train, they ask me if I'm gonna be in the Olympics and all I say is "I wish!".
- I adore little children (Omg... That sounds so creepy xD)! So I usually babysit on a Saturday for my next-door neighbours.
- I guess I'm addicted to FeralHeart! I can't stop talking about it in school and everybody's like "Whaaa...?"


Name: Flow

Breed: Timber Wolf.

Age: 3 1/2 years old.

Gender: Female.

Pack: Peace River Valley.

Rank: Beta Female (If that's okay)

Description: Got a purty picture.

Personality: Flow is very stubborn and determined, she will do what she is commanded, but she isn't afraid to speak out. She is sweet and gentle towards pups, but rarely has time for fun due to her duties as Beta. She is very serious when it comes to fighting and hunting, she will not let anything get in her way. She is willing to die for he pack, but sometimes steps out of line for a good enough reason.

History: Flow was born into the pack, her mother and father were both the pack's Betas before her. She had a sister, but she died in a battle when she was the age Flow is now, Flow was only a pup at the time but tried to protect her older sister. Resulting in her left ear being torn at the top, it doesn't effect her hearing but can annoy her at the worst of times.

Mate: None, at the moment.

Extra: Nothing important.


Cameron Cleary

Cameron skidded to a halt in the student parking lot, switching off the engine of her yellow Porshe she had got as a present from her loaded father. She was officially 30 minutes late. She got out of the car, locked the doors behind her and half-walked half-ran to the front entrance. She pushed open the double doors, rolling her eyes at the glares from the teachers passing by. 'Yeah, yeah. I know I'm late." She muttered, rounding the last corner to her Science class. She was wearing a black and white dress that expressed her figure nicely, along with a pair of leather flats and a leather bag.

The 17-year-old knocked on the door twice, chewing on her strawberry gum, before entering the classroom, "Sorry I'm late." She muttered to the teacher, slipping over to a seat next to Amelia. She exhaled slowly, running her hand through her reasonably straight hair. "What did I miss?" She hissed, rummaging through her bag for a pen. She finally found one, pulling it out and testing it on her hand. She drew a small love heart on her wrist, not paying attention to what Mrs. Choal was saying.

Sorry again for being so inactive. I'm dealing with some serious personal issues at the moment. I'll code it later, I'm too lazy at the moment xD)

Mariah's gaze turned to the kitten that was now sniffing around her legs at the new scents surrounding him, she smiled weakly' "His name is Hunter." She said quietly, running a hand through his silky fur. "What's your name?" The guy that had answered the door added, "I'm Mariah. What's yours?" She looked up to meet his gaze, her eyes a little brighter than before. She bit her lower lip anxiously, hugging her knees against her chest, which was only mildly throbbing.


Name: "It's a girl's name too..." Cameron Cleary.

Age: "What age do I look?" 17 years old.

Gender: "You know, some people could take that offensively." Female.

Appearance: "Are you blind? No? Good." Cameron has long, silky blonde hair that is frizzy at the worst of times. She spends half an hour every morning either straightening it or curling it, she rarely wears it up apart from when she is ice-skating. She has a slender, agile figure that curves in all of the right places. Her eyes are light blue with a slight hint of green in them. Her complexion is luckily flawless, and quite pale.

Crush: "Pfft, as if you would ever know." Dean Adams. (If that's okay.)

Any Electives?: "I guess I can sing..." Choir, as Cameron is told that her voice is beautiful and P.E, she competes in national figure-skating competitions.

Other: "Thats enough thank you very much." Cameron is what some people may call 'popular', but she wouldn't admit it. She is very funny although she is quite shy, she does well in most of her subjects. She can be sarcastic and withdrawn when questioned on uncomfortable subjects, like her personal life. Her mother and father have split up, so she lives with her laid-back mother. And I think that's it, really.

Fereda hesitated before answering Simon's question, "It was made by my great-grandmother and was passed down to me. My mother died when I was only three, and I never knew my father." Her voice was clear with a hint of sadness as she cradled her most precious possession. "That's why I'm so close to Derizon and Marian. They were the only family I had. " She added quietly, seemingly in a world of her own. She lifted her honey-coloured eyes to meet Simon's once more, she smiled sadly, a lock of hair falling over her eyes. She blew at it impatatiently, resulting in it only to fall over her eyes again.

Aww! This was so sweet of you! *wipes tear* Thank you so much! I love the art, its so bootiful! I'm literally speechless that you made this work of art! +floof

Ohh good luck with it! Make sure to keep us updated on how you're doing!

Fereda winced slightly as a gentle hand was placed on her shoulder, she ran her hand over the wood once more before standing up. "It couldn't of been any of you." She took a deep breath and a faint smile turned up the corners of her lips. "It must if been an accident." She breathed, running her free hand through her hair. There was no way she could fix it without damaging it further, so she decided to the leave it how it was. She tore her eyes away from the weapon to meet the anxious gaze of Simon, who was just standing a few feet away from her. She then realised she must be looking like a total fool, making a big fuss over a price of wood. Well, it wasn't just any old bow, she had inherited the weapon from her mother and her mother's mother and so on. But they didn't know that. Derizon probably didn't know it, and she wasn't open to tell the whole world either.

Animal & Non Human Roleplays /
« on: September 15, 2013, 09:13:41 pm »
I do apologise very much for my dreadful inactive-ness. I just had so much going on in my life right now, if anyone interacted with Kai and is waiting, could they possibly re-post their post? I'm really sorry for the delay.

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