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Messages - Shades of Blue

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Forum Discussion / Re: A new word?
« on: October 18, 2012, 05:55:08 pm »
Yes ^^ floofs is what I use as well. It suits us nicely. <3

Game Help / Re: Can't get onto Bonfire Island.
« on: October 18, 2012, 05:20:36 pm »
Did you try to Re-enter the map again? Sometimes it works the second or third time.
The sever is known for its rejection of floofs, it may be because bonfire was over crowded or just some bad luck. ~<3

Introduction / Re: Hello :D
« on: October 18, 2012, 04:40:16 am »
My goodness It's seems another floofy face has come to join us
Well then ^_^ Welcome to the FeralHeart Forum, do please enjoy yourself and if something is causing you grief feel free to PM me about it and perhaps a friendly chat could possibly solve or better the situation.

Forum Discussion / Re: Repeating Post Raid?
« on: October 18, 2012, 04:29:45 am »
^^ Please allow me to explain how I feel about this Topic.
There is a time and place for such an act like for example what  Ramine said about her thank yous and all, or when you really have nothing else to say, but when repeating posts is used just because someone is lazy or wants to jump the post number it's kind should I put this..Rude and insensitive...Mild harshness there.

Member Bio & Journals / Re: Swifty aka Axraiel's Journal (Update!)
« on: October 09, 2012, 06:13:49 am »

Where did you ever learn how to play like that?!.Amazing oh my goodness <3 I'm in love with this song now -plays it 5 more times-
Do you have more songs? If so I would love to hear them <333

Introduction / Re: Hello from: Devar Rain
« on: October 06, 2012, 12:57:13 am »
Greetings DevarRain and welcome to the forum
Your introduction was indeed delightful to read
Before you begin make sure to take a peek at the rules so you know was is expected here and in-game.
I hope you have a good time +Floofs
If you ever need floofs to hang out with you can find me and some others at the N/Z tree in flourite.
Thank you Axraiel.
I'll make sure to stop by in-game and say hello ^^

Introduction / Hello from: Devar Rain
« on: October 05, 2012, 11:16:35 pm »
It's certainly a pleasure to meet you all.
My name is Devar Rain.
I've come to give a proper forum introduction before I begin posting so you all know a little bit about me.
I hope this is as delightful of an introduction as I imagined.

I've been debating with myself on whether to join the forum or not for awhile, I didn't think I'd be able to contribute to all the Topics and Contest that arise and the dedication it takes to post a a well thought out comment consisting of one or two sentences instead of one word or two.
But once I combed through and saw all the outstanding stories and talents people had to share I decided to give the forum a shot and here I am.

If I could describe myself I would say I'm quiet voiced, shy, creative, art and music loving, accepting and different.
Things I adore:
Lazy days
Watching the seasons change
Commenting on the talents of others
Peaceful mornings
Feral Heart fun
Word art
Posting In-Game Pics on DA
Having a good time
Most action movies
Disney Movies (Original)
I would rather not be in the presence of:
Screamo music
Heart Break

I Excel in:
Being as good of a friend as I can be.

I hope to:
Become a friend to many in Feral Heart
Push people to be greater then they already are
Have a good time with all of you.
Contribute to the Forum
Share my talents with everyone

I hope you enjoyed Reading <3



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