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Messages - hailtehwolf

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Introduction / Re: I never introduced myself sooooo...
« on: June 12, 2016, 06:07:26 pm »
Welcome to the forums! I recognize Whitefang31 from my old FH days. I hope I'll meet you in-game sometime!

Forum Discussion / Re: New forum username
« on: June 12, 2016, 06:00:57 pm »
Really? o: I only put it here as I thought we'd be discussing my forum usernames. Sorry!

Forum Discussion / Re: New forum username
« on: June 12, 2016, 05:21:38 pm »
It's okay! I've left it up to you floofs. I like all of them equally so it doesn't matter which is chosen. c:

Introduction / Re: Guess who's back....
« on: June 12, 2016, 05:12:04 pm »
Welcome back!

I recently returned too and I know you're definitely going to love the new update. c:

Forum Discussion / New forum username (NAME HAS BEEN CHOSEN)
« on: June 12, 2016, 05:01:20 pm »
Hi floofs~

So my current username is "Chara.Dreemurr", and I realised today that I should change it. Chara Dreemurr is the name of an Undertale character, and I'd like to change it to something more unique. I thought of the first three myself, so sorry if they sound terrible. :c I found the other three while browsing on the internet.
I couldn't decide which to use, though, so I'm holding this poll!

So your options are:

1) Haiiro - basically means 'grey/gray' in Japanese.
2) Ookuri - Combination of 'ookami' (wolf) and 'kuro' (black).
3) Olsage - Combination of two of my OC's names, 'Ollie' and 'Sage'.
4) Andromeda - So I ran out of ideas at this point, so I resorted to things I like, in this case outer space and greek mythology.
5) Alcyone - Related to greek mythology, but I found this name on a name website (because of the reason stated above).
6) Moira - I'm part Irish, and since it's an Irish name it appeals to me. It means 'bitter', although I'm not a bitter person. xP

I'm looking forward to my new forum username. c:

Game Discussion / Re: Where's Everything Going To Be?
« on: June 11, 2016, 08:20:18 pm »
The Grounds is Bonfire.
The Grounds is DEFINITELY Bonfire in my opinion. A lot of people go there, and I even caught glimpses of mate and adoption centers. I'm surprised they're still going after all this time. :P

I'm also assuming Warrior Cat roleplays will be where there's a lot of vegetation and such, and TLK roleplays will be where there are interesting rock formations.

I haven't been to all of the places yet, so I can't really offer a big opinion on this topic. :c

Game Discussion / Re: How easy is it to make new friends nowadays?
« on: June 11, 2016, 08:13:50 pm »
Thank you all for sharing your different opinions. It helps seeing things from another person's perspective sometimes. c:

I'll see if I can join in with whatever is going on in any place, although since I still don't know where I'm going, I'll probably stick to The Grounds.

Sometimes I just sit and watch mostly.
I did the exact same yesterday. It was really awkward, though. x)

I hope I'll make some friends tonight. If not, then there's always tomorrow!

Game Discussion / Re: How easy is it to make new friends nowadays?
« on: June 11, 2016, 02:40:39 pm »
Ah, okay.
I personally haven't done any roleplaying in years, so I may leave that for some time. I'm assuming finding an active RP group is difficult x)
I think I'll try going to a more popular area in the game and join in with whatever is going on if I can. (whilst avoiding mate centers and adoption centers...)
Hehe. I don't really have much to talk about at the moment but I'm sure I'll find something one day!

Thanks. You helped a lot c:

Game Discussion / How easy is it to make new friends nowadays?
« on: June 11, 2016, 02:12:14 pm »
I'm going to start this off by saying that I'm not sure if this is in the right place, and if it isn't then I apologize. :c

Okay, so I was wondering how easy it is to talk to and make friends with people nowadays? I remember when I used to play all the time, there were loads of roleplays being advertised and other means of meeting new people. I heard from somewhere that is it much more difficult now, which is a problem for me as I struggle to talk to people.

What do you floofs do to make friends? Do you join in with roleplays, sit around and chat, etc.?

Any of you are free to PM me anytime if you want to play the game together. I'm so hyped to play FH again, but I have no friends to play it with. Everything is changing and it's taking me some time to get used to it. xD

Again, sorry if this is in the wrong place. I didn't think it really belonged in the 'Help' category as I don't have any problems with how my game is running and other things.

Introduction / Re: Hello folks!
« on: June 11, 2016, 12:46:11 pm »
Welcome to FeralHeart!

I hope you enjoy your stay. c:

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