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Messages - ~Wolfexerz~

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Game Help / Re: Profile Picture
« on: May 19, 2013, 03:05:28 am »
I've been editing it for about 3 hours now.... It's not working, I keep making it smaller but it just won't work DX. Help :(

Game Help / Re: Profile Picture
« on: May 19, 2013, 12:24:32 am »
I'm glad you like it! ^^ But do you know what size it should be? Cause I can try resizing it with tinypic any of these? Avatar: 100x75, Thumbnail 160x120. The others just get bigger, but maybe it's Avatar? Since it does say that after all. DX I feel like a derp, I'm going to give it a try though :3

Game Help / Re: Crashing problems?
« on: May 19, 2013, 12:17:38 am »
Ok, well it's kind of hard to understand this.... If you can be a bit more descriptive that'll help. :) But I'll still manage. If it was working fine before you exported the map then that may be the problem. I usually just avoid map making entirely since it usually messes up my game... o.o' Luckily you got over the crashing problem. :) But by invalid does it actually say "Invalid" when you put in username or password? Be a bit more descriptive on that part, please... But honestly it might be because of the map. If it started working badly after you uploaded the map the best thing to do is delete EVERY Feral Heart file. ALL OF IT, maps, MM, item pack, whatever you have and redownload. Or you can try finding the map file and deleting what ever you exported, but if you can't just delete it all.

Game Help / Re: Game isn't working at all. :c
« on: May 19, 2013, 12:03:16 am »
Hey... well... umm... when ever I try to get on FeralHeart, right after the intro like the programs used, my game crashes... it's strange and I really want to Role-Play right now. :c Help? D:
Well I had a problem like that before and it was because my character was in a place filled with lots of other players, and when I'd load that character it would crash, but my other characters worked fine, I came back and it started working again... So maybe it's because you are in places that are filled with lots of characters? You can change the graphics but you say that didn't help... So you can try deleting every Feral Heart folder, like EVERYTHING, and reloading. Or maybe it's your computer? If this happens with other games it may just be your computer. Hope this helped.

Game Help / Re: Profile Picture
« on: May 18, 2013, 11:55:51 pm »
As you can see I GOT THE SIGNATURE RIGHT :D!! It only took an hour :3....' But the other picture isn't working, It only says forever a wolf.... Do I just have to remove the text and add the picture instead of having both? o:

Game Help / Re: How do I do mass markings?
« on: May 18, 2013, 08:55:42 pm »
Okay it's pretty simple..... You just search Mass Markings... Or use a link that someone posted on this thread and go to mass markings, you save and/or run the file then a folder pops up with all these files. If you scroll all the way down there is a Text Document which is probably named "README" if you open it, it explains to you what to do from that point forward. Although this is basically what I did: I opened library and went to the Feral Heart folder, there you should see all these other files in the Feral Heart folder, like exports, media, my_presets, etc. You then click "media" and then click "textures."(This is getting long but bare with me XD BTW sorry if my spelling is awful ATM.) Now in the same file that had the README document, the Mass Markings document that you downloaded you want to copy ALL the PNG files ONLY THE PNG FILES, and then paste them into the Textures folder. If it asks to replace some you click "Yes." Now you want to go back to the Feral Heart main folder(the one that has media and exports, etc) And you want to copy the markings.cfg file and paste that in the main Feral Heart folder. If it asks to replace, say yes. After that you should have them, this is as detailed as I can get and I had to base it on memory, and the video I followed. Hope this helped! c:

Game Help / Re: The Entire Item Pack
« on: May 18, 2013, 08:24:56 pm »
I actually downloaded the Items Pack but I sadly don't know which, I just plainly clicked Save then Run, although the one I downloaded nothing popped up either yet it still worked. You can try to save it then run it, maybe it will work? It worked for me... And the items pack worked perfectly fine. o.o

Game Help / ~SOLVED!~ Profile Picture
« on: May 18, 2013, 08:11:08 pm »
Ok so I want to make a profile picture, like the pictures under posts that people have. I do have a screenshot in my Feral Heart folder that I'd like to use but I have no idea how to make it into my profile picture.

Game Help / Re: Feralheart is not responding
« on: April 20, 2013, 02:26:07 am »
Hey Moon it's me Violet, anyway you probably should try removing the map files. Or probably just not mess with the map maker? I'm not filled with knowledge about map making that much, but you probably messed up the map and it did something to the game

Game Help / Re: Invalid User and Pass??
« on: February 28, 2013, 12:42:51 am »
Hey guys it's me Bella I made an account and it worked! Thanks SO much for the help :)

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