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Messages - daiseydd

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He shakes his head. "No. My squaw. You have what you wanted. Now go." he nods curtly at Jake, walking away.

He nods, getting Charlie and Bella, handing them over. Elizabeth is pushed back into the crowd of women. He nods at Elizabeth. "Mine now. You have yours, now go." He pushes Bella forward into Jake, with her whimpering.

Elizabeth peeps her head out, eyes huge and obviously scared. Her eyes widen as she sees Jake.

Lol. We need the others right now))
Elizabeth is the one to wake up Charlie the next day. She's dressed as a squaw, a bruise covering her cheek. "Stay still, you really got beat." She dabs gently at Charlies face with some water.

Elizabeth nods, following her quietly. Elizabeth lets out a squeal as she's pulled into the underbrush by dark hands, disappearing.

Elizabeth looks around. "We're not too far from camp..." She points to smoke curling in the sky.

Elizabeth sniffles. "I don't know. I just want my baby," She sniffles.

Elizabeth walks back to her, sobbing. "I want my baby and I want her now." She cries into her hands.

Elizabeth listens, stiffening up. "Charlie. Charlie I hear Bella. I do!" She hurries off into the dark.

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