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Messages - Horzie

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Praise / Hopefully this belongs here!
« on: May 20, 2013, 06:16:02 am »
I know it seems weird, but I want to praise myself for doing something!

I know this isn't about Feral  Heart, but I can't resist telling my floofy friends! Last week, I went Horse Riding like I naturally do, and I rode on  Sonic, a beautiful white horse dappled with  grey spots. Little did I know he was the fastest horse! Naturally, we walked and trotted by ourselves, but then our instructor said we must canter! I was gobsmacked, and I thought we were cantering when he first started! He was incredibly fast, but then I could feel when he actually started to canter. I'm proud of me for doing that, and I came home all on a hype... Many horses are there, but I felt that Sonic was a good experience for me as he was the fastest one there.

My beautiful Sonic!

Praise / Re: For My Thrillex
« on: May 20, 2013, 06:09:11 am »
Yeh, Thrilleh you deserve it! You've worked really hard on these forums, or is it just the natural Thrilly way? Heh, you deserve all the praise you can get.

Art Gallery / Re: Art~ [UPDATE 8th May - 2013]
« on: May 20, 2013, 06:06:01 am »
OhmerGod! They are fabulous ~Leh Floofs~, I just adore Chicco, she is adorable, I  love her so much! And Fickle, you know Fickle means Silly and something? Eh, but Fickle is adorable... I love your plushies! I love your EVERYTHING! :3 I  am so  proud of a random, awesome floof! Lol!

Human & Humanoid Roleplays / Re: The Last of Us|Remake|Open|
« on: May 19, 2013, 03:46:45 pm »

Name: Leah Rogers.

Age: 18 Years.

Gender: Female.

Role: Survivor.

Personality: Leah is a rather chilled out person, but when it comes to situations like this she can be extremely serious. She is easily upset, and cries at the slightest thing that creeps her out. She can be very dramatic at times, but that's only when something rubbish happens to her. She finds it hard to keep quiet when something that scares her is about..

History: Gonna work on that...

Family: Her mother had long, red hair with the most beautiful icy blue eyes, her name was Katy. Sadly, she was becoming one of those creatures, and her father had to shoot her... Richard, a sparky male with blonde hair was her father, who is now deceased trying to save Leah.

Location: Central Park, New York, but is travelling around.

Extra: Credit to the rightful owners :D

Pet(s): She has a beautiful, loyal dog with the name 'Oreo.'

Age: 5 Years.

Gender: Male.

About: Oreo is a loyal male, and he has spent all of his life *except for 8 weeks* with his owner, but waited outside school when she was in school! He can be a noisy one, but his owner has commands for everything! He is so easy to train!

Species: Dog

Breed: American Akita.


Name: Bosco

Age: 3 Years.

Gender: Male.

Breed: Husky

Sub-breed: None.

Appearance: Bosco is a beautiful husky, with a black head which leads down to his light brown face, and his black, brown and white muzzle, that ends in a wet, leathery nose! His icy blue eyes brings out the wisdom and excitement in his life. He has a white chest, mixed with a light brown colour and black. He has a thick, black and brown tail, which is creamy white underneath. He is more skinnier than in the picture, and he has a scar on his belly when he fought against a feisty German Shepherd, but he won.

Personality: Bosco is a shy dog, and prefers to walk alone rather than in a group. From his past he absolutely hates  Pit Bulls ((Making it more Interesting!)) and Dobermans, he can't stand them. Sometimes, he can be a great friend, but he is extremely protective. He would rather live life on the streets rather than go to the pound! He has a lovely howl, and howls instead of barks like most Huskies do.

Past life/history: He doesn't like to tell..

Pound/shelter?: STRAY!

Siblings: He is not quite sure, but he is sure one of them is called Lotty.

Extra/Other: We  Will Survive.. Hopefully anyway! xD


Dewey listened carefully as the dog said, "Hi Dewey!" Dewey wanted to ask Jasmine something, but he felt like a gossip saying it. "Do you know whats going on with Dexter and Dakota, they seem pretty sad?" He asked, his brown and blue eyes clouded with suspicion. He turned his head to the white German Shepherd, who was talking to the black German Shepherd. Although Dakota's mouth was moving, obviously saying something,  he couldn't figure out what they were saying. But Dakota seemed to have perked up, and it looked like she was about to have a game of tag with the Alpha.

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Re: Please Look!
« on: May 13, 2013, 05:13:17 pm »
That's fine Twiz, thanks! :)


Calmly, Dewey watched other dogs enter the park, leads hooked to their collars. "Hey Dewey," dogs barked as they walked past the Red Husky. He replied with a short smile. After a couple of minutes, he got bored of sitting in the cool shade of the tree, and wanted to go to the Agility Course. He saw other Agility Dogs going to the course, so he kind of trotted there. He finally reached the course, and saw Jasmine arrive. "Hi Jasmine!" He barked, his long, bushy tail swishing. His blue and brown eyes sparkled, as he felt the Agility course near, and he might just have a quick chat with Jasmine before he went on it.

-Super Duper Ultra short :P -

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Please Look!
« on: May 09, 2013, 05:19:08 pm »

I would like someone to draw my fursona! Anyway, might as well get on with it but here's the rules!

1. Please Follow The Reference!

2. Even though if someone has already drawn one, you could still make me another one :3 because every single one will be put in my picture at least once!

3. I can't give you anything, but I failed drawing that I will do on paint or paper.. Both rubbish things xD.

Heres my app!

Name: Kiki
Gender: Female
Age: 2 Years.
Pose: She is sitting down, and looking like she just fell over her ears drooped a bit.
Emotion: A confused and dazed  look.

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