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Messages - anotherstatistic

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Introduction / Anon is anon.
« on: October 25, 2013, 09:34:00 pm »
Just another stat who has a ferret, which is pretty much the only interesting thing about me.
My hobbies that are very limited, trust me: I'm a gamer. Not really. I only play some RPGs, simulations, and Batman: Arkham City (I can't play it right now since I need to get the application for Mac OS X).
I write "beautiful poetry." I don't read very often. I draw. I drew a mushroom (two actually), which is probably the only thing I can draw.
I also act, much better than before in fifth grade. Don't really want to get into that.
I'll probably update this later.
I'm glad to join you guys.

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